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AOC renews public feud with Pelosi


Like clock work. The barbed wire fencing being replaced to bring the sheep back in, or keep those who were seeing freedom in the field of the other side from leaving. If anyone who follows MSM religiously happened to begin questioning a critical vote and would get a hold of the factual manor that vote went down, we must reengage. So this is what the MSM gives us instead.

Barely a week after a crucial vote in which these 4 representatives put on a mascaraed of dissent towards 4.6 billion in border security masked to help the immigrants, immigrants no one wants in the country, (let that settle in for a moment) they caved in in reminiscent fashion found in representatives of the likes of the Paul's. Without getting any guarantees, amendments, or structured details in the passage of any aspect that this money would go towards actually getting conditions for these people moving towards humane, and cases for judgment expedited reasonably, they relinquished their power of blocking that voting process. Later that day it passed within incognito.

This article I read yesterday might add to my concerns. It should to yours also.

These Nonprofits and Businesses Are Making Millions From Detaining Immigrant Children

Dozens of nonprofit shelter groups and several for-profit companies have made enormous amounts of money from detaining and transporting migrant kids.


Without any detailed structure in the passage of that bill, how much trust do you have in our government that it is based on making these conditions any better? And not more so to feed corporations of their interest? I'll patiently wait for when Sludge ties which representatives have stock in these companies. But wait, we must then also ask, as I posted last week, [] also from Sludge, some very recognizable names we know they are tied to. If not in stock, I'm fairly sure they do though, but campaign donations surely.

Yesterday I read that these cases are going to start being done over video with judges from around the nation. !?! In some cases this will leave children who don't speak English, don't have a lawyer present, at the mercy of only government officials on site? In some cases, if they have a lawyer, that lawyer will have to travel to where that particular judge is at. Which could be hundreds to over a thousand miles away. I guess if you're an electronics and tech company that could be a good thing for you. But this opens a well of misrepresentation and massive flawish conditions as bad as that of tearing kids from their parents and not keeping track of where everyone went or were sent off to. With 4.6 billion in our tax dollars we get more insanity!?! Fucking Seriously!

William_Mary 8 July 7
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Well, preaching to the choir. How many actually take time to read, look into or question? I again felt hope slipping away that anything resembling expedition of these detained people would occur, let alone their desperate conditions be alleviated. The is no oversight.
It really is sad to watch this all happening in real time. One engineered crisis occurring every time a natural crisis happens.

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