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The entire American steel industry just got downgraded

The steady decline of America's steel industry is continuing, despite President Donald Trump's efforts to protect it through tariffs on imports.


Chalk up another issue that's basically being ignored by our law makers. Catch 22? How do your own steel makers sell steel in their own country when a vast amount of companies that use steel to make a product have moved to another country to make their product? So why would that other country want to import to you at a higher price as they can sell to your company that now operates in their country? You now have so little of your own companies that use steel that you can't keep people employed in your own country to produce your products.

And by the way. Here in my area we have been going through major highway widening and bridgework in the Akron area, finally! The one area is on my way to the yard that's been in progress for 3 years now. I 77 and I 76 through downtown Akron also. While it's been a major mess throughout this time it looks like it will be rather nice when finished. BUT! It comes with a cost. Being jobs in our area pay so little to collect taxes and the feds have cut us down in help so much, we now enjoy a new gas tax to get the work done. Because throwing several trillion $'s into falsely manufactured wars, creating and funding opposition groups to challenge democratically elected governments and kill their citizens, support and funding terrorist groups, funding the military complex and its companies to make this all happen, is more important than a better society.

To exasperated the jobs issue you refuse to create work with infrastructure projects, which you know you need to address. And you refuse to move forward into the future with a more technological advanced system of energy within solar and wind which could have been creating jobs for the past 5 decades. While forcing your population to be reliant on what are essentially obsolete planet killing resources, destroying land that creates scars all over once beautiful areas, flooding your rivers, oceans, fields, and residential areas with black poison. At times taking out neighborhoods with explosions.

But lets create another fake issue to distract the people with a matter we created ourselves. You know, that one we got away with when Obama was president.

William_Mary 8 Oct 5
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