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Jill Stein Challenges Hillary Clinton to Debate After 'Russian Asset' Smear

"It's past time to give the American people the real debate they deserved in 2016."


Clinton comes out of her closet to strike again. Jill Stein takes the bait.

I had a series of these hit my feeds over the past couple of days, this CD post puts them all together for us.

Foresight. Media has been pushing for the past week or so of Warren and Clinton having lately been in tight communications. I would suggest this is related to Biden's falling numbers and the backup plan as to if Biden falls from the grace of the DNC and DCCC. Shit is getting deep under Biden. Only those so engulfed in cognitive dissonance and or party tribalism could possibly still hold a sense of security in Biden for those entrapped in the establishment arena. After all I've exposed of the Warren and Clinton relationship here, particularly the bailout bill back stabbing, then hold out in the 2016 primary to oddly support Clinton over a candidates platform much like her lip service and her 2020 campaign lip service, she now is in bed with Clinton for advice and her donors. It doesn't get any louder than this people! The old Clinton flock will indeed gather to Warren and Warren will gather to the donors to win. But you will not hear who her donors are until after the election just the same as it happened with Obama.

Shit getting deep under Biden?

I hate to have to say this. But if you think what Trump did is worse than what Biden did in Ukraine, you're either not properly informed of all that went down under the Obama administration in Ukraine, or you're simply a beat Trump at any cost type of person who's willing to comply further into the amount of misery we deal out to the world for the benefit of the ruling class and our further existence in a delusional reality.

Weigh this very carefully.

Trump's extortion of Ukraine was to rebuild an investigation that was halted under Biden's control and the Obama administration. Whether political benefit was his intent or not, none the less no one is being killed over it. I'm not suggesting it's right! Morally and politically it's disgusting. But compared to the...............

Biden's extortion of Ukraine was to end an investigation into an energy company his son had no reason to be on other than to be working with outside cronies. Basically a spy to keep pressure on and deliver reports to those running the operation. To get to this point an overthrow of a democratically elected government was conducted in which sparked protest. Eventually ending with a mass riot being engineered involving protesters and police being shot by snippers. During that period the protesters and police banding together to help each other in a scene of chaotic madness to help wounded and take cover over a long period of time that last day. Several months back I posted a video of a last days clash that was made with investigative narratives in it that exposed how it was scientifically proven the snipers were shooting both protesters and police. I asked in that post, what if this was your city, paraphrasing, along those lines. I can't find it now but heres another on the time period.

You can find a lot more violent videos than this one, there are several on this issue. Most of course will be of a narrative towards benefiting the present government at that time installed by western powers speaking against the protesters.

More distraction! Bring the Russians to the forefront again. And disappointingly Stein took the bait to ask for something that will never come about. She really only brings more harm towards Gabbards claim with all those who are already stuck in that conditioned illusion.

William_Mary 8 Oct 19
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Talk about 'fake news'! The deflection tactic of blaming Biden seems to be working.If Biden acted illegally, why was this not mentioned at the time by republicans,since they controlled the house and Senate at the time?

One good reason would be that a republican senator, John McCain, was a major player in this also. Another reason would be that both parties are pushing the false narrative to fear Russia as being our enemy and involved in a conspiracy to interfere in our elections. Then there's the relationship of at least 2 or 3 of the top American weapons manufacturing companies that have highly initiated the war in Ukraine, lobbying politicians to sell arms to the government they overthrew worth billions to each of them.

Deflection tactic?

That's Biden bragging about his extortion in Ukraine to get a prosecutor fired. Like I said in the initial post, or leaning towards. I don't know about illegal, yet, but morally and politically wrong. Compared to Trump's actions, not so much unless it can be proven it's merely a political asset. If you want to go that route though, then you're telling me that a sitting president, the top law official in the country, is by law exempt from being able to request an investigation into wrong doing by the politicians and intelligence agencies around him who he's suppose to be able to rely on to run the country?

I'm heavily leaning to what Biden did as being illegal though. If he didn't break any political ethnic rules or our laws though, he dam sure played a role in creating a humanitarian crisis, manufacturing of an unnecessary war by the overthrow of a democratically elected government. Which created a civil war leading to ethnic cleansing, the downing of a jet liner with innocent civilians on it which was falsely blamed on Russia. Raising tensions with another world power unnecessarily, again under false narratives in a number of regards involving Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. The entire Obama administration and European SOS Victoria Nuland's department should be investigated in this travesty of humanitarian and war crimes.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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