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How Far Will We Let Them Take It? Reading Suzie Dawson’s ‘Understanding World War III’




{Similarly, World War III will not be determined by the history books to have officially begun until a country or a coalition of countries formally stand to oppose and/or declare war against the now long campaign of invasion, subversion and international destabilisation perpetrated by the United States and their allies.

But nonetheless – even in the absence of such proclamations, World War III is well underway. That fact is only now filtering through to the awareness of the global public.}

Can I get a --------- No shit?

{Time and time again over the last 15 years The Empire has declared that it is at war. They proclaimed that there would be multiple theatres of operation. That their “enemies” were numerous and would be hunted wherever they resided or roamed. Yet somehow we didn’t take it seriously enough.}

Can I get a -------- Wesley Clark? I'm sure most of us have seen the short clip of him going through the countries we would invade. Most on that list we have, a couple, well, there's been road bumps. But we are in Africa now and working on it. Road bumps? China and Russia. BUT, before you might want to give Clark the good guy label, he wanted to go to Iran first. Which would be on false narratives also. See the entire interview.

He made the claim that Iran couldn't handle Iraq. Then they lost a million people in that war in the 80's. History obviously leaving Clark, Iran was kicking Iraq ass in that war. What helped cause the lost of a million people of Iran was the encouragement and eventual interference of the US that provided Iraq with support and chemical weapons. We essentially were playing both sides in the end. []

As you read the charts in UNDERSTANDING WORLD WAR III, notice how long it took for a response. Now look towards your own country. Whether you're in the US or not. Here in the US it is obvious the Nazi's and white nationalist are "making trouble". And amongst us, our own politicians are silent to this movement! Our entire political system, local, state, and national will have you turn your attention to only one man, Trump, while they and their MSM will pretend not to notice what is sweeping across the globe. Over a period of several months I have related this movement to the Ukraine as our government helped to install a Nazi entity within their government, providing them funding and monetary support, as those in our country have traveled there for training and receive encouragement and manipulative ideology towards attacks here at home. The republicans after a facade of disdain for Trump during his campaign have since taken his side and rarely voice a useless sense of rhetoric against him. While the democrats have participated in endless distraction politics behind a facade of Russiagate for 3 years, and now revive it with a facade using Ukraine. All while this goes under the radar of the population the MSM refuses to piece together using tribal politics to keep us divided and fighting each other. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a target on our backs! Never has the quote "then they came after me" ever been so relevant.

{Of course, for the propaganda of the state to thrive, there must be a wholesale subjugation of the press. This can be achieved economically, through mergers and acquisitions of the corporations that own them; it can be accomplished through smear campaigns and career disadvantages for those who refuse to tow the line.

If none of that works, then there is the outright criminalisation of the truth and the persecution of those who tell it.}

Can I get a Assange? How about social media censorship that is mainly directed towards left leaning alternative independent journalist speaking out against the westernized imperial agenda?

William_Mary 8 Oct 27
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We are so far down the rabbit hole I wonder if there is any way out. GOOD read, too bad most will pay no attention or even think about this. I am NOT enjoying the popcorn during the show. While I really want trump gone from the WH the circus is there for one reason and one reason only, to distract while freedom dies.

I was reading an article today on how Germany and Hitler were funded by the Fed, US, and UK banks. It's like a comparison to today's events. I'll post it soon. Scarily mindful of how we work with terrorist and authoritarian rulers. What are they planning for us now? This plan was worked out over about 2 decades. Have I mentioned how these people are always several years ahead of us? Playing chess while they have us playing checkers. People tell me I'm crazy when I speak of a world cabal!?!

@William_Mary Words, actions and results are not in sync but when there are as many distractions as we have it's easy to miss things. The people pulling the strings have been planning for a long time and I do not think it crazy think there is a world cabal of some sort.

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