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the empire files_
From inside history's biggest empire:
Files logged by Abby Martin recording a world shaped by war & inequality.

Is back up! A ton of great work here by Abby Martin.


Ralph Nader & Abby Martin on Rigged Corporate Elections, Clinton Criminals

Abby Martin interviews American political figure Ralph Nader about the 2016 presidential race—from the “Brown Shirt” Trump movement to “corporate criminal” Hillary Clinton—and the reality of who has power in America.

While this was 2015, have no doubt those running today are as deep into corporations, rigging the 2020 election and crimes also within their compliance to its history in DC with their silence. Speaking out as Sanders and Warren do with lips service rhetoric without actually exposing the degree and details of the harm these actions bring is just as silent as the other actors.

Pay attention to remarks on Sanders. You can apply the same to Warren. Who is already in regular communications with Clinton! Biden is the mirror image of Clinton on all aspects! Ask Ukraine how that works. Unfortunately, Nader missed the point on Trump, he became as tough as Teflon. And Mayors, Governor's, Judicial appointments, and state seats are reaping the rewards across the country. DON'T BE A TACTICAL VOTER! We've been losing for 5 decades within tactical voting!

Hillary Clinton's Business of Corporate Shilling & War Making

Digging deep into Hillary's connections to Wall Street, Abby Martin reveals how the Clinton's multi-million-dollar political machine operates.

This episode chronicles the Clinton's rise to power in the 90s on a right-wing agenda, the Clinton Foundation's revolving door with Gulf state monarchies, corporations and the world's biggest financial institutions, and the establishment of the hyper-aggressive "Hillary Doctrine" while Secretary of State.

Abby Martin interviews American political figure Ralph Nader about the 2016 presidential race—from the “Brown Shirt” Trump movement to “corporate criminal” Hillary Clinton—and the reality of who has power in America.

Learn the essential facts about the great danger she poses, and why she's the US Empire's choice for its next CEO.

How could I have possibly voted for this even over Trump!?! And each candidate running this time are connected to the same corporations, NGO's, foundations, Wallstreet, etc, to wide degrees. Even Sanders and Warren have in the past voted for actions these foundations and NGO's were given oversight to perform in countries in which a vast amount of harm was brought rather than to help. Knowing the history of NGO's and foundations and the effects of their philanthropy projects and interferences in other countries.

Learn how the delegates and super delegates votes work as Abby explains it. Who the super delegates are who's votes count substantially more than one of ours. You might think Hillary is democrat? You are wrong.

Notice related donation to today's news to their foundation from a Ukraine billionaire oligarch. Blocking regulations that helped lead to the 2007/8 collapse. Why did Hillary lose on 2016? Same reasons she lost on 2008. Her schemes didn't play out the way her campaign used them. She got outed by Wikileaks and the republicans did a better job of fixing the election. She flies around the world on a jet on tax payers expense to make a pitch to the Russian government to advocate a sell for Boeing, a donor to their foundation I remind you. That isn't suspect to Russian government ties? Her excuse for voting for a war based on lies is she needed 20 billion dollars to rebuild New York. Like they were just going to let a vast area in Manhatten looking like a war zone!?! Watch her with Chris Matthews as she makes that ridiculous statement. Hitler would be proud of her captivating speech techniques. Honduras, another quagmire haunting our country, and border, no longer being discussed in the news much lately. Along with Biden, who I might add now has his own foundation and strong ties to the Penn Biden Center. []
We all should know how their agenda has played out in reality for those he has touched. If you read the page it would seem he has other plans than becoming president though.

She will choose the path of death and destruction every time Abby says. The most disgusting display on that was her self heroism of disrespect for the very people her husband and herself have put in harms way over the decades towards benefiting the military complex. As she went around repeating a blatant lie on a few occasions.

No matter who wins, we always lose. Please quit being a tactical voter. Support your 3rd parties! Exodus the establishment.

William_Mary 8 Nov 2
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If I support my 3rd party it means I vote Libertarian. This means I vote for exactly what Charles Koch and others want at this very time. Years ago the Libertarians were wanting to be known as Radical Republicans. Tactfully thy changed their name. Today they are the Radical Republicans that we have under Trump. Vote blue. Vote green New Deal. This is not the socialism of years ago in the same way that Trump is not an Eisenhower Republican.

Wake up to the fact that those in power have no concern for EPA standards of any kind and also do not give a damn about you, your wages, healthcare, food, water, etc. Voting 3rd party is not an option. If you vote 3rd party it distracts from those who oppose Trump and Trump wins. IF Hillary shows back up at last minute to run as 3rd party ( I hear she is thinking about it) all she does is guarantee that Trump wins.

It is time to Dump Trump.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 2, 2019

It is an option. The only option.

@William_Mary You must have missed it that Libertarian is not an option. We may be screwed. I'm also concerned at all the Dems who talk of LGBTQ rights as if there are enough of them to get someone elected. Other Dems talk of "taking the guns away." I'm sure those ideas would get you elected pretty quickly, huh? Either someone is crazy or they are content to drive this election 2020 right back to Donald Trump.

@DenoPenno I personally wouldn't vote for a libertarian. Just another tea party under a different name that serves rhetoric lips service on a few issues they know will draw in certain types of voters. My response was geared more towards 3rd parties in general. I look towards the green and socialist equality parties when I vote.

Democrats talk of LGBTQ are geared towards understanding that American's have changed towards being more acceptable to their rights to have the same rights within a more diverse society. But it's a facade just as with their talk towards the African American community. If you watched the 2nd video you would find that the Bill Clinton era was nothing of the sort in diversity, but attack. Let's not forget as I have pointed out in the past, the Clinton's not only by legislature brought a great deal of question to their African American relations in the 90's, but also played a role in the crack epidemic of the 80's. As a large amount of cocaine Oliver North was transporting to the US at one time came to Arkansas when he was governor. And as the beginning of this present primary was unfolding, Biden is the old dog of that era and was called out. Just as Hillary was in 2016, and on minimum wage. Who was against $15 an hour before she was for it. You might recall her sudden change of heart in a debate where she let that cat out of the hat from nowhere. Can I get a "lip service".

As far as guns, until recently the most call from Americans has been for better background checks. I'm one of them. I own guns and have a CCW for within my state. But there are far way to many people out there with guns who should not be around them. The gun issue in government is being used to divide us though. Not for a means of common sense. And as it's used a amount of false narratives are used over common sense to prevent addressing the issue properly. And those most likely to commit a crime with a gun are those using the false narratives to keep representatives from being able to legislate properly. Falsely using the 2nd amendment, distorting it, for one, falsely claiming left leaning people have committed more mass shootings than their own right leaning supporters. Which is drastically disproved by statistics. Which is why Mary and I went and got our CCWs. I didn't get mine for another false narrative (terrorist) but because of them and the mentally challenged that shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, of any type. Then there's the entire NRA narrative which has changed from their original established founding decades ago. The other war on our representatives that only benefits the gun manufacturers. I say that loosely being I'm certain our representatives probably don't give a rats ass if we kill each other off. It actually benefits them and continues to provide the tribal politics they use against us serving the ruling class.

My proof? Go on social media and make a post about taking a politician out. Talk about it for a day or two. Any politician or local law enforcement attack. See how far you get into your agenda. Now consider how many mass shooters gave fair warning to their attacks and made it to their targets. The only time you see law enforcement prevent an attack is when it involves VIPs.

@William_Mary I see lots of dog whistles and other things that prevent me from discussing past politics to explain current and present politics. Giving a history of Obama, the Clintons, AIG, or any other distraction does little in getting rid of Trump. You lose the talking point and Trump supporters want you to do that. As for Libertarians, the Koch brothers were big Libertarians. They bought into the GOP and that's where these party issues are today. Libertarians were once known as "radical Republicans" because of a desire to dismantle any rule of law. I read books on this stuff that were written long before Trump ever got into politics. Dark Money is one such book. There are others.

@DenoPenno that's where you lose in my opinion. It's the past politics that lead to today's policies. You're unable to recognize the relevance of both parties policies that lead to Trump. That's exactly why you're trapped in the rhetoric of getting rid of Trump rather than getting rid of the policies that created him. While you accuse me of me of losing talking points, you seem to be trapped in the same rhetoric of talking points provided by the other side of the media and establishment. While I instead recognize both sides and view the entire spectrum as a facade. Getting rid of Trump helps to do nothing to change policies that have been working to the benefit of the ruling class moving the country to the right since the Reagan era. If you can't recognize the relevance you're in the rabbit hole.

Book are written by people who also have the same agenda as the main stream media. To manage perceptions, control narrative, condition the population. As with news it depends who's books you're reading. Although Jane Mayer may be a good resource, if you refuse to use her knowledge to connect the republican party to the Koch bothers, their past actions, what good does reading her book do for you. So which are you doing?

@William_Mary You are correct and I recognize the relevance. The problem is that talking the past is not helping us with solutions for right now. It only appears as a diversion and Trump supporters use it most often. People that write books are not supporting the mainstream media. They just might be opposing it. I have never read Jane Mayer. I study political science and try to learn why it becomes a slogan if you hear it 3 times. Yes, there are books on this. What I read never mentions the name of Donald Trump. It does not stop him from eliminating as much as he can about anything involving global warming and the EPA. Russia is doing the same and this falls in line with Koch Industries. What is going on today is about mineral wealth and it puts the interests of the individual aside. You cannot fight this by changing talking points to things about Obama, Hillary, and Bill Clinton.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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