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Impeachment hearings--What to take from it---What you're not getting from it---Where do they want to take you?

Ukraine For Dummies---There was no excuse for Congress’ ignorance of Ukraine. Here is a guide to help.


{The date that NATO, Western diplomats, and the corporate media have chosen – disingenuously – as the beginning of recent European history, with silence about the coup orchestrated in Kyiv the day before. President Vladimir Putin returns to Moscow from the winter olympics in Sochi; confers with advisers about Crimea, deciding — unlike Khrushchev in 1954 — to arrange a plebiscite to let the people of Crimea, most of whom strongly opposed the coup regime, decide their own future.}

{How did what Putin called his close “working and personal relationship with President Obama” change into today’s deep distrust and saber-rattling? A short three years later after the close collaboration to resolve the Syrian problem peacefully, Putin spoke of the “feverish” state of international relations and lamented: “My personal agreements with the President of the United States have not produced results.” And things have gone downhill from there.}

What you're not getting.

The Many Reasons to Believe Vasily Prozorov’s Testimony About Ukraine’s Role in Downing MH-17
Former Ukrainian intelligence officer Vasily Prozorov’s testimony will likely be dismissed by Western governments that support Kiev, but there is plenty of evidence to back his claims.


Where they want to take you is that Russia shot down that airliner by its Neo-Nazi ideology and symbolism implants.

Where they want to take you. {Prozorov then noted that, soon after the coup and before the civil war between Western and Eastern Ukraine had begun, the SBU — at Kiev’s behest — had begun to plan combat operations in the East and that the government had requested that plans be made that would result in mass civilian deaths among ethnic Russian populations, who were to be labeled as “accomplices to terrorists.”} To believe Russia invaded eastern Ukraine while all along the agenda was genocidal on their part towards Russia. SBU is the (Security Service of Ukraine) Essentially our mirror image of the CIA.

{In regard to Ukraine’s alleged role in the downing of MH-17, it is worth noting that past reports by late American investigative journalist Robert Parry described in detail how the “independent” MH-17 investigation was almost completely dependent on information from Ukraine’s SBU in piecing together the event. According to Parry:

[This control by the SBU, combined with its past obstruction of the UN torture probe],suggests that the SBU also would steer the JIT away from any evidence that might implicate a unit of the Ukrainian military in the shoot-down, a situation that would be regarded as a state secret which could severely undermine international support for the U.S.-backed regime in Kiev. Among the SBU’s official duties is the protection of Ukrainian government secrets.”}

The report from Robert Parry here>>[] along with more on Webb's other findings in her article. In which in Parry's article you'll find the photo the Ukraine government attempted to use as evidence against the Russians was actually a photo from an air show 2 years prior to the event.

Ray McGovern in the initial post states a fact I've repeated here often on Crimea. In which Russia didn't invade but accepted their vote to return to Russia. [] Of course WIkipedia as they are, would, states it's controversial. But how controversial could a decision of 96.77% to return be!?! It's only controversial to those who wish to deny Russia this strategic position.

I underscore the term, strategic! Another word of conditioning repetitively used in the hearings used to promote fear of Russia and compliance to a false need to create global positioning. Which is really only a facade to benefit the ruling class while entire populations pay with lives.

I think that covers pretty much of the 4 blatant lies I've heard from the hearings to date. What's missing of course are the entire Obama's administrations actions that aren't in the related articles above. I actually heard on the Morning Show the other day, NPR, the host actually questioned in an interview on the Biden video. Comparing it to Trumps quid pro quo. Which by now everyone should know is extremely used, has been used, by governments for like, EVER! But only Trump has made it a sin.

Afraid I'm running out of space I'll continue below.

William_Mary 8 Nov 17
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Wouldn't it be lovely if there was no covert operations and everyone left each other the hell a lone to run their countries as they see fit? Big corporate, the war machine, etc. need to be fed tho so things are all out Machiavellian.
I certainly would not want to live under communism as practiced in Russia nor whatever you call it in China. I like the idea of one religion sanctioned by the monarchy like in England, the parliament isn't such a bad idea given what we've seen around the states lately. And do not even get me started on Israel, S, American countries and Africa.
The reason trump is so vilified is he is so viciously blatant and incompetent. Please explain that phone conversation in a restaurant!?!? Rhetorical question.
The little people no longer matter, they are important only to be exploited. I am not in an optimistic mood this morning.


Who’s Telling the ‘Big Lie’ on Ukraine?


When you find the people you're attempting to genocide have more instinct to survive and fight.

At the bottom of this article {A Mysterious ‘Invasion’} you might, as I do, see a correlating problem found throughout the middle east.

I don't quite understand where these impeachment hearings are suppose to take us as a country. I'm am quite sure they are essentially, simply, more distraction. The narrative on it, if you have the information, obviously leaves none of it making sense being it's based on lies. Trump obviously is a compliant participant in it or he'd being using the evidences above to quash it.

Which leads us all right back to the same problem in our country. A vast amount of our citizens are suppressed from real news and they are reacting on ignorance of tribal politics. Then go vote within the delusional reality that has been created for them. It's really hard not to be blunt about this shit. I realize that might get under some peoples skin, but it has to be said. God dam mit, this is a circus shit show that's been going on since 2016. And what's going on around the globe has been so for over a hundred years. The ties to this are all there if you research the right sources.

It's the old divide and conquer. It's all about money and power. It really is that simple.

@jorj as political educated independents and republicans joined the democratic party to vote for Sanders in 2016 come to understand what's going on in this impeachment shit, they also may turn back to the republican party. I would imagine this will push many independents back to just boycotting the elections all together again unless a decent 3rd party can be presented. My hopes for the green party are low. And not enough people are aware of the SEP party. Whether it's Trump or the DNC puppet we're looking at another 4 years of total ruling class dominance getting away with another hard leap to the right.

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