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The Impeachment Pantomime

The political theatrics that begin Wednesday raise several questions. For starters, will Joe Biden be investigated for mounting evidence of corruption? And why is the corporate media turning the CIA “whistleblower” into a phantom in plain sight?


{Corollary line of inquiry: Will the corporate media, The New York Times in the lead, get away with self-censoring what is now irrefutable evidence of the impeachment probe’s various frauds and corruptions? Ditto in the Biden case: Can the Times and the media that faithfully follow its lead continue to disregard accumulating circumstantial evidence of Biden’s guilt as he appears to have acted in the interest of his son Hunter while the latter sat on the board of one of Ukraine’s largest privately held natural gas producers?}

Truly what our representatives in this impeachment hearing are spewing out at us during this time is fraudulent. How many people have our representatives indicted and convicted for perjury while at this very time perjure themselves under oath to represent us?

{There is no thought of scrutinizing Biden’s activities by way of an official inquiry. In its way, this, too, reflects upon the pantomime of the impeachment probe. Are there sufficient grounds to open an investigation? Emphatically there are. Two reports published last week make this plain by any reasonable measure.}

{We live in a time when the corporate media make as much effort to hide information as they do to report it. But as in the case of Ciaramella’s identity, it is unlikely these myriad omissions can be sustained indefinitely — especially if Biden wins the Democratic nomination next year. Forecast: If only because of Burismagate, Joe Biden will never be president.}

Next up---Can I get a---Burismagate?

{More questions. What damage will the Democrats have done when Ukrainegate draws to a close (assuming it does at some point)? What harm has come to U.S. political institutions, governing bodies, judiciary and media? The corporate press has been profligately careless of its already questionable credibility during the years of Russiagate and now Ukrainegate. Can anyone argue there is no lasting price to pay for this?}

Well I and others in this group have all but screaming what is happening. What's not in the news today like it should be! The border. Venezuela. EPA concerns. Education concerns. The CIA working on the homeland. So much more! White nationalism movement concerns IN WHICH HAVE TIES TO UKRAINE! The last couple to few mass shootings in our country where the shooters have had some type of connection to literature from the fascist there or people who traveled there to take training. These people resorting to secret meetings on social media and game site chatrooms I've covered exposing them. And we can't get our media to cover this so they can smooth over Biden!?!

{The CIA is now openly operating on American soil in clear breach of its charter and U.S. law. There is absolutely no way this can be questioned. We must now contemplate the frightening similarities Russiagate and Ukrainegate share with the agency’s classic coup operations abroad:}

Finally! Someone other than me exposes it.

{Maybe it was fated that what America has been doing abroad the whole of the postwar era would eventually come home. }

And then they came after-----us.

William_Mary 8 Nov 17
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How many politicians are you aware of that are in jail for corruption?

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 17, 2019

@jorj I think that the ones that have gone down on state and local levels are just "scapegoats' not that aren''t guilty. Like a drop in the ocean. When will people wake up and start protesting seriously.

My comment was more towards present times within the Russiagate scandal with the Trump administration. While I agree with the convictions, there is obviously a doubled standard being used by those conducting the hearings and those they are convicting. In both cases, both Russiagate and now Ukrainegate, the representatives have used numerous statements of unfounded accusations and false narratives that have highly suggested material opposing those narratives and accusations they've used as a means to control a conviction. And most of those convictions were basically leads to lying to the FBI or during hearings that actually had nothing to do with the initial reasons for the investigations. But lead to other activities outside into other crimes.

Which I have for the entire period of these last 3 years been saying these are all measures the DOJ should be accountable for, for allowing to happen in the first place. If they were actually to have done their job Trump should have been crushed from making it past much more than a couple of debates. His appointments to his cabinet and administration should also have been crushed for the amount of conflicts of interest, and or experience, in each of them, and those who had been working for foreign governments as private contractors. These were all duties of the DOJ and confirmation hearings, especially on the part of the democrats, that went totally unchecked essentially going through with ease. I would also argue that each republican candidate in the 2016 primary were in compliance as their campaign organizers didn't seemingly dig the Trump dirt out either. I underscore, seemingly. As my use of compliance. That's what these people do for their candidates, find dirt. And Trump has a mountain of dirt behind in 2 states. This is quite frankly information the DOJ already had knowledge of in most cases and remained silent to allowing the circus to continue from 2015 to today.

Ukrainegate isn't about a new discovery! It's an ongoing saga of government crime that happened in 2016 under the direction of the DNC that has been swept under a rug in which the entire DC core of corruption are attempting to whitewash. But Clinton got caught with her hand in the cookie jar and lost to another criminal that wasn't even suppose to be able to win. Right now we are suppose to have the first woman president with a republican controlled house and senate with the appearance of a functioning government while the country continues to move right non the less. But the misstep of the DNC the corrupt DC core is taking total advantage of the nationalist movement that ended up in power while they can.

Why do I say this? Because if the republicans were actually serious about their opposition to the impeachment hearings they would be exposing the numerous crimes and questionable actions in Ukraine under the Obama administration. And bringing forth witnesses to that leading up to the conditions of the investigation at hand today putting Biden in the hot seat. The investigation Biden forced to end with the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor that Trump supposedly wants restarted. But what do we get in the hearings? Half the time is spent glorifying the reputations of witnesses, democratic representatives acting as witnesses supporting their agenda rather than conducting questioning. And a ton of useless hear say coming from as much as 3 sources deep in which the witness has no initial contact to the original source. And the republicans conduct what is basically a soft ball approach which sticks only to the conditioning narrative that the democrats have laid out. Which is why most pundits examining the hearings believe that even if Trump is impeached the senate will kill it. Distraction, waste of time, status quo continues.

@jorj For fucks sake! I guess I went way overboard then 😁

@jorj thank you jorj. I'm just trying to get people to think outside of the box that main stream media has so many trapped in. A lot of people just shake their head in compliance when discussing politics not knowing the full truth which just allows the shit to continue to roll down hill. There's so much more MSM followers don't get with their information and it's seemingly up to people like us to get it out. We have to keep trying to get the great work these alternative journalist put their lives and privacy on the line for out. If we can turn one person at a time, maybe they can turn another.

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