Best of times throughout the holidays!
I want to welcome all the new members to the group and wish everyone the best of times during the holiday season. We've had quite a jump in membership over the past month, more than usual for some reason. And a few of these new members are coming back on a regular basis which is also unusual. Welcome to the group and I hope to see you regularly and sticking around. Whether you're new or old to the concept of Empire Building and the dissenting against it. If you're new to it I hope we can persuade you to stay and learn from us on it and how it effects us and the world around us. Possibly change the sources you get your news from to better information.
I recently wrote a new welcoming page now pinned at the top of the message board replacing the old one. Please use it to get a feel for what the group is about and attempt to address our goals. []
I'd like to highlight one part of that message at this time.
Not all people coming into this group will understand what we are attempting to communicate right away. Some of them will never understand, may not give it the time to understand, may not want to understand, or could take a considerable amount of time to understand. Please refrain from attacks on these people with name calling or other negative gestures in which such acts degrade the attempt to educate these people, which can lead to deterring them and others witnessing such to stay interested in our goals. Please show patience by not being the type of people we see in the arena of the establishment political scene! I truly understand some people make it difficult! But using the same empty useless rhetoric without attempting to use intellect we see on social media sites will only harm our group and the message we are attempting to use to unite us all. I would prefer they leave on their own! Some people just can't or will not face the truth suffering from cognitive dissonance.
I've have felt the pleasures and pains many of us are dealt within our dissenting ways since coming to this site. The political aspect of it that is in post. And since creating this group. I created this group after being dealt a sort of pain in another group from a smart ass who took it upon himself to suggest I do so if I wanted to deliver my opinions and ideology, being mine deferred from his. Paraphrasing a bit being it has been so long. As though being in a group here, or anywhere, must mean you have to be of a certain mindset in a cult way to be allowed to speak or exist within? But having become tired of the vast majority of establishment conditioned rhetoric we find on social media on the politics page, and within this group I'm referring to, it wasn't quite that bad of an idea. So now you have me to deal with While he obviously missed all the diverse empty rhetoric bickering going on around him and myself within that group, he's probably still lost within the delusional reality, and his own that goes with it.
I personally think we have a dam good thing here! If I do say so myself. While maybe I do seem to have a group managed to my opinion, ideology, and agenda, I also offer the ability to debate and share opinions and resources. And we have members with other good sources and opinions than my own of course that occasionally participate also! . And we have had very few problems that come with social media and other groups who have members who bicker like the divided tools of the establishment. I would hope that is because most of our post are indeed those which provide good information with links within that are hard to deny if properly read and used. Those who do not proceed with purposeful intellectual intend and then deal out establishment rhetoric often easily expose themselves. Either having not read the article, or unable to provide an intellectual debate using the information within.
Anyways. Back to pain and pleasures. We often make the statement of those outside the group, paraphrasing, being lost in the MSM narrative of conditioning. I kind of had a sense of this on a post this morning even. How hard it is to get people to see the Empire Building we speak of and its effect. The crimes of our government and media. The pleasure for us is when I see people I once received hard times and negative comments from coming into the group from the political forum and now participate on a somewhat regular basis. Who in the past didn't quite seem to understand our message, but now do. We have at least 3 members in this group who fit that profile. And we have a few others who I can say conduct a more pleasurable experience in posting here than I've seen from them in other post outside the group. We can help change by speaking out. One person at a time!
Thank you all for being here! Best of times to you for the holidays!
All fine except this whole concept of holidays! I retired from paid employment in 1982 and like many a housewife, I do not have days off. I suppose that I do not have days on either. I never really have any real idea what I will be doing the next day, often not much in the morning for the day ahead.I suppose that I work (or is it play?) every day even Christmas Day. I live amongst intense beauty in a climate I love but many would hate. I see little point in travel. I have decided that I really should never fly again.
I am so glad to not live in the USA. I feel that country is poised to fall (decline) a long way and has lost all direction. How you voted for such a terrible president I can partly understand as your alternative party is virtually as self destructive. You are lost in crap beliefs in the wonders of capitalism and that success in money is the only judge of worth. I have grown to realise that that is the antithesis of the truth.
Is my country much better? Definitely in some ways but we also are bedevilled by a choice between two right wing parties. We do have a left wing minority party but it is a long way from socialism. I suspect that I'd view dear Bernie Sanders as being still a long way from socialism. How much generally do North Americans care about the very poor, the mentally ill, the very sick, the homeless, the destruction of the environment, the needs of future generations. We live in a lost society which by its nature inevitably will eventually drive over the proverbial cliff.
It took me to attend debutante balls in my twenties to know that I disliked elite society. To reach the top in my professional top in my field to know that I wanted no part in the corruption and lack of interest in improvement/innovation. It took an uninsured home fire for me to lose all I had to realise that possessions had no real value and ultimately were just stuff. That in turn lead me to realise that I no longer envied anything anyone had. But it took the death of my wife on October 2nd for me to at last understand and believe that the only thing in life that is important is love. That is where the world has failed to go. It would be the salvation of all. Yes I am an ancient hippy and our one rule was "You can do whatever you like but you must never harm anyone or anything" but we added "you've got to love yourself, man". A mantra which few understood. But it is true. Each of us is doing the best we can but somehow love needs to be part of every decision.
Sorry William and Mary (the second as I was born in England) but I can rant as well.
We'll have to agree to disagree. That was an excellent rant.
We have come to a time in our history where group think seems to be more prevalent and dissenting opinion is shunned. People seem to love to live their own bubble. I have experienced what you mention about posting in other groups and people not even wanting anyone to have a different opinion than them. You present information and credible analysis and they ignore it or try to ridicule you. Society is not headed in a good direction, and it's only going to hurt the everyday person.
...and Happy Holidays to everyone!
@jorj I've been called everything in the book from a Republican to a Democrat to a right winger to a communist to a Trump humper to a Russian agent or asset to whatever else you can think of. It's kind of hard being all these things at once. It's tiring. All my supposed personalities should take the show on the road and do a one man play lol
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.