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Breaking/Exclusive: Lockdown 72 Hours, Unconfirmed report from (uninformed?) government leaks (updating)

Due to non-compliance by the public, one major metropolitan police force and the DHS confirm that there will be a secret lockdown in 72 hours based on an federal emergency powers.


Well this is kind of confirming my statement in my last post.

If you caught my post last weekend about Mary's office being shut down, due to a positive test within her workforce, as instructed she has been working from home this week. She was asked to work today and is also getting many tips from people of a military background and various local and state essential employee type who are also reverberating the same message. Shit seems to be about to go China on us. Whether you want to take heed to this or not, I highly suggest you go get at least a few items to get you past a week at least just in case.

I haven't seen or heard from FrayedBear lately and sent him a message this morning. From the low activity in the group today this late in the day, I'm beginning to wonder if they've already began to shut down the internet.

William_Mary 8 Mar 21
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So is this some rumor or whatever that on Mon. the feds will implement an indefinite national lockdown? What exactly is suspected?

As a rumor I can only project more rumors. If this becomes a reality I would imagine a sense of governance will follow. For now all I could possibly give you is to look towards the rest of the world. It could be limited to certain high outbreak areas to start, or the entire country for further prevention.

As for Ohio, we are having problems with certain entities not following protocols set by the governor. Friday he warned the public to a harder crack down it this didn't stop. Our cases are beginning to climb higher/quicker each day with more deaths. People need to take this more seriously! Italy only has a population of approximately 61 million people. They just experienced 800 deaths in 24 hours.

@William_Mary Here in Iowa, we have had pretty good compliance by both citizens and businesses with the governor's policies of social distancing, so I think they will probably just stick with what is already in place. We have only 68 total cases so far and no deaths at this time. So far, only two cities in the state have 75% of the current cases, so they seem to be keeping it from spreading very widely in the state.

@TomMcGiverin We've only had 3 deaths so far. 3 is to many though 😟 But we had our largest spike the past 2 days almost doubling our cases, we now have 247. 2 of the deaths coming the same day. !Stay well!


Lest I be accused of wearing a tinfoil chapeau I've kept my mouth shut concerning this possibility. I called my reps - all 3 - and asked they be ahead of the curve and perhaps get all states up to speed on mail in balloting in case trump tries to shut down the election if this thing is still raging in august/sept.
Up until I read supporting evidence from your post I was thinking like the rest if had some how morphed from critters in China BUT the fact it seemed so targeted my me wonder if humans had a hand in this.
Pretty evil.

It does force those of us that know the nature of the beast to ponder if that beast is up to a deceptive agenda.

@William_Mary That beast would be up to a deceptive agenda in a NY minute.

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