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According to reports a few weeks ago, there was an accusation the rebels were bringing in chemical weapons. Then shortly after Trump announcing a withdrawal from Syria there's a accusation of a chemical weapons attack. If you turn this over on the other side of what the MSM is championing, it leaves one with that question. Where are the rebels getting their chemical weapons or supplies to make them from. It's not like they have a stationery place to make them being they're on the move from country to country so much. City to city even as the players change from battle to battle. Building to building as they are bombed. So I would imagine a product already prepared for use. Let that sink in for a moment, if you need a moment.

William_Mary 8 Apr 13
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Countries that benefit from war would be glad to sell some ricin or something to the rebels. Had a guy here in town make his own ricin and smear it on doorknobs in order to try to poison enemies. And we're just a little town!

EllenDale Level 7 Apr 13, 2018

wowl, no shit!?! Well we have countries just giddy shit trying to get rid of Assad.


Why can't they use LSD in chemical weapons ? An occassional whiff won't do the any harm, and they will be able ti enjoy the war.

VAL3941 Level 8 Apr 13, 2018

I could be way off on this, but that footage of the attack looked highly suspect.

indirect76 Level 7 Apr 13, 2018

The video of the inside of the house? They say that gas is heavy and travels downward. So it's good for killing people trying to hide in basements. My thought was it looked really quite staged. It looked to me like a full house from room to room of people that just laid down together and died side by side throughout the whole house or building. I've seen the videos of the White Helmets that have been caught staging fake rescues. And some clinic videos that were staged. That one took me right to that mindset.


The report that Syrian rebels were bringing in chemical weapons is a damnable lie! Why would they do that? They do not even have any delivery systems. Sounds like another unconscionable Russian fake news ploy. Truly reprehensible!!

wordywalt Level 9 Apr 13, 2018

This article is interesting!


Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 13, 2018

Yea I posted another write up the other day with that clip in it. Wondering if he's trying to get fired 🙂 I'm fairly certain it was a Caitlin Johnstone article.


Do not believe anything coming out of Trump's mouth. He is a serial liar. He says things and turns around and does the opposite. Keep a tab on those election promises and what he is doing and you will find out for yourself. The chemical weapons may be coming either from USA or Russia. Both of them have the capacity and the means to produce them.

Arming both opposing sides is not new. The US banks helped the former Soviet Union to produce and pass on weapons to the North Vietnamese Army to help prolong the fighting. This way they could make money on the two fighting parties, the US and North Vietnam. That is just one example. The US banks do not want the US to win fast. They want prolonged conflicts to make more and more profits. Look at the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why did they take so long to resolve?

I always think that whatever Trump says about someone else saying or doing is what he himself says and does. The old saying about accusing others of what you do yourself...


What do you think? I can't even let my head get past adult humans deliberately killing children...for what?

Amisja Level 8 Apr 13, 2018
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