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Mission accomplished. Trump secures his legacy with the dumbest foreign policy decision since the invasion of Iraq. []

Druvius 8 May 9
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I would argue that Trump didn't make this decision. Its been made for years. I give you Wesley Clark! I'd post the video if I was home on my lap top. If you haven't seen it yet you're well out of touch with our foreign affairs and should remain silent. That statement isn't directed to anyone person, but everyone. I would also imagine if Clinton had become our president it's quite likely this move would have been made sooner. I think Trump is still in the feeling out process of the real owners of decisions like these. Yes everyone can lose. Especially the youthful nation of Iran if this leads to war. This decision has just given the hard line sect in Iran good argument not to trust the US. And could possibly sweep clean the movement that youthful nation has been slowly putting into works for the better part of 4 decades. It wasn't to awfully long ago Iran had a leader much like Korea's and our present president, confrontational! Presently, quite the opposite and tremendously easier to work with. This would all be swept under by premeditated war.


I read an article somewhere which predicted the United States is planning to turn Iran into the next 'enemy'. Our rulers need enemies for various reasons.

Perhaps they need another excuse to fire missiles into another country so Lockheed Martin shareholders can get a bit richer?

The United States is the most aggressive country in the world. The world is its stomping ground.

"War is a racket."



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