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If you're concerned about your calcium intake:


HippieChick58 9 May 14
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I love seeds.
Thank you for sharing.
I forget about the benefits of seeds.

Wildgreens Level 8 June 21, 2019

There is another side to the calcium issue that most people are unaware of. A high protein diet can cause calcium deficiency. Your body cannot use protein directly; it has to break it down into amino acids. Doing so requires acid. Your body uses calcium to buffer the acid. If you don't have enough calcium in your diet, your body will pull it from your bones.

Since your body uses calcium from the dairy based products to buffer the conversion of protein to amino acids, plant based sources of calcium have a much higher net availble calcium than dairy based sources.

mcgeo52 Level 8 May 14, 2019

Great info. I have to eat as much calcium rich foods as possible.


I am vegan and have a small frame and am concerned about calcium. I use Silk high protein nut based milk which is fortified with calcium. The item about seeds is great and I already use chia and amaranth. Unfortunately, a feed allergy test showed a reaction to sesame and sunflower seeds but all the rest is good. The best thing for strong bones is strong muscles and exercise.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 14, 2019

Cruciferous vegetables (e.g., cabbage and broccoli) are also good sources of calcium.

@mcgeo52 They both are a big part of my diet.

@mcgeo52 I love broccoli. Apparently I fixed it way toooooo often when the kids were growing up. They don't eat it now. Silly kids, how can you have broccoli too often...

@HippieChick58 Maybe you could hid it in some recipe like a broccoli brownie?


i am not a vegan. i am not a vegetarian. i do look to plant-based foods as my foundation, but i'm not gonna lie - i do enjoy meat every now and then. That being said, I tend to go for whole food.

I have chronic pancreatitis, which limits the amount of fat my body can eat. i literally have stabbing pain in my abdomen if i eat too much fat. (even plant based fats - no more avocados) One of the easiest things I gave up was milk. I could not reason any nutrient I was getting from it that i could not get from another source NOT causing pain.

If anyone else in this group is not a full 100% vegan and needs some baby steps to get out of the milk thing for calcium, make yourself some bone broth. lots of veggies, browned bones, and a little bit of time. it is truly invigorating.

good to know that beans and seeds are full of calcium. i totally snack on seeds and nuts for something satisfying.

I have to describe myself as Flexitarian. Most of the time I am vegetarian. Sometimes I eat vegan for a few days. Sometimes I eat meat, especially if my kids cook or I'm cooking for my kids. I'm not going to make a big deal about what someone else cooks and eats and I'm always a good guest. Like you I eat mostly plant based foods.

I have made a vegetarian bone broth using shiitake mushrooms that is one of the best things I've ever tasted. And it makes me feel happy. I use dry shiitake mushrooms.

@HippieChick58 I eat fish and seafood on occasion. My nutritionist said I should eat salmon twice a week. But the rest of the time I eat vegan

@confidentrealm The shitake mushrooms sauce sounds awesome!

@HippieChick58 I'll have to see if I can find that recipe

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