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We teach our children..

Wildgreens 8 May 10
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Carnivores may not teach kindness especially religious people teach heaven bribes and hell threats....spoiled my appetite when I was five and climbed our fruit trees dinner time and was threatened with a belt on my ass if I did not climb down to smell fried chicken.....I made my own school lunches onion or radish sandwiches potato chips and a thermos with soup or fruit juice


“We”? Not everyone is the same. I learned to butcher chickens at a very young age. Also my job was to tend and care for livestock, and I can assure you that there was no torture involved.

Our bodies are animal bodies. They have to be fed. It’s the way nature works.

Human beings do not require animal flesh to be healthy. It is a lie you were taught growing up.

@Redheadedgammy I know that we can survive without meat, but meat is extremely nutritious and has been part of the human diet for ages. Our closest animal ancestors, chimpanzees, eat a prodigious amount of meat.

Consider that vast areas of the earth are suitable only for grazing. It would be a mistake IMO to stop eating meat. We need all the food that can be produced. If you don’t want to eat meat, then don’t, but I will continue. In fact I just ate half of a deer liver, along with cornbread made with freshly ground Indian corn, and some boiled collards and kale.


Cruelty is cruelty.

@Wildgreens Humans and domestic animals have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship for hundreds of thousands of years. To call for an end to that relationship is to call for genocide, the ultimate cruelty.

@Redheadedgammy And what about all the B12 deficiencies vegans/vegeterians, especially in places like India, currently have? Those vitamins need to be substituted with B12 supplements, which may have animal products themselves.

"The problem: Vitamin B12 deficiency can boost blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid implicated as a strong risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Studies have suggested that high homocysteine levels can promote blockages in arteries over time, possibly leading to heart disease and stroke."



It seems you've answered your own question...


What kind of message is that?

Wildgreens Level 8 May 10, 2020

Evil is the opposite of LIVE

I finally watched Earth Grounding. Perhaps my lifelong good health has been my habit of frequent barefoot experiences.....Do you remember EARTH SHOES ? Ever wear Birkenstocks? I don't suppose you had the chance to walk in ice or snow where you live....... our Atheist President Jefferson had an ice foot bath every morning while at Montecello.....not the same as green grass mud in my toes .......where I live now requires shoes and I must get out of CAMERA range to walk where robins ate worms squirrels buried nuts and life recycles each season.....when mulberries color the side walks dark I will stop bicycling take off my shoes get in the cool grass under the tree and pick ripe mulberries before more birds do.....I pick raw rhubarb peel off the stalk and feast on that also.....please be well ......has any Atheist here thanked you for your Vegan educational posts ?? Please keep it up .....I like your 10 minute video how our cells are communities and brain tissue is "government" .....goes along with my saying we think with our fingers not telling each muscle and bone how to move from one letter to the next letter typing our voices to page

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by devayogaMy vegetable garden

Posted by WildgreensBeing A Vegan

Posted by WildgreensBottled water 💦

Posted by WildgreensReal Medicine

Posted by JackPedigoA new company (seafood) in the plant based ‘meat’ options, which includes types of fish.

Posted by BDairWhy was there never a word about healthy diets and essential vitamins and nutrients? Liquor stores and 'big box' stores never closed. This was never about public health.

Posted by WildgreensMy new group is called covid cult. The information MSM doesn’t want you to know.

Posted by BDairBrilliant tip.

Posted by WildgreensFDA Safety Surveillance

Posted by WildgreensI knew this was going to happen.

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

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