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Hi everyone! I'm Lisa and working on becoming a vegetarian. I m looking for advice and of course recipes!!!!!

Kojaksmom 8 Apr 11
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So I don’t have any recipes or anything (I don’t do much cooking these days) or anything to read or watch, but if you’re one of those who thinks temptation might be an issue, I can offer some advice from my personal experience.
When I made the decision, I set a date for myself. I told all of my friends that after this date (June 10, 2010), I would never eat meat again. Nobody believed me -which may have been partially because I went on a last chance binge, eating all that I could before my deadline- but when the day came, I kept true to my word. Shocked everyone.
Having that added accountability factor helped to counter the social pressures that come with the decision; the people that love to ask a million stupid questions, the ones who make you feel like vegetarianism is practically communism, it’s so unamerican... Yeah, those last are especially annoying.
But one more thing, it definitely gets way easier over time, so don’t sweat it too much.


Hi Lisa. Welcome aboard the vegetarian train! I have found numerous good recipes on the web and have several good cookbooks that contain easy and inexpensive recipes. As one individual said, eat lots of beans. Excellent source of protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals.

There were several good documentaries mentioned, and I will add the document Gary called Fed Ip to the list.

Here are a list of books that I have that have cemented my belief in a meatless diet:

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollin
Diet for a New America by John Robbins

My choice to be a vegan is also an ethical one. I have witnessed first hand the torture and horrible deaths that animals suffer who are consumed as food. PETA has a free vegan starter kit you can order that contains some excellent recipes. Here’s the link:


Psmintexas Level 6 Apr 15, 2018

Thank you.


Eat from many different cultures. That is the secret for success.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

Hola 🙂
My advice is 'do it' 🙂 its fairly easy these days
And the interweb is full of delicious recipes.
What kind of food do you like to eat?

JimmyM Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

Do you have specific questions?
I'd like to recommend that you read "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger MD as soon as possible.
If you want the PDF version emailed to you, private message me your email address.
Any particular recipes you seek?

I used to be a vegetarian when I was in college and for a few years after .im pretty well-versed on all the reasons why to become a vegetarian. The kind of recipes I'm looking for a would be a bit more simple. I love to cook , but have a limited budget on grocery shopping .

The budget thing is easy.....lots of rice and beans....and all the discounted fruits and veggies you can find! I barely spend $30 a week feeding me and my MousieMan....and we eat well. 🙂

I'm on the dash diet . It would be nice to have some vegetarian protein recipes. fact: all fruits and veggies have protein 🙂 from beans and broccoli to mangos and avocados...all have protein.

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