I see that we have some "believers" in the group. Isn't that a little like a cat in a room full of dogs? I truly don't care but I guess my question would be, why?
I'm interested in why some people are religious, and what they believe in. It figures, then, that some religious people are interested in why we're not religious and why we don't believe in what they believe in. Provided they're willing to show us respect and don't start telling us we're wrong/evil/going to Hell/must convert right now, I don't mind them being here and will show them the same respect.
I know of one rather nice young woman on this site who identifies as a believer. (ran across her when she first started on this site). She is polite and I occasionally randomly run across her posts that appear to be open and honest question that often have a religious (faith based) foundation. She politely (and I am guessing not aware of her position) occasionally asks loaded question that are easily destroyed. I politely stomp on her questions and demonstrate how her position is asserted on a baseless premise that is in direct contradiction to reality.
If memory serves, she noted she came here to interact with all kinds of people.
I have run across a few theists here that appear to enjoy Sealioning. I have learned to just avoid anything they post as their replies are void of as reason and examples of how their follies are fully (Face Palm) worthy will never abade their level of nonsense assertions. . .
I believe they want to save us or find out how they can counter our arguments. Curiosity is a lot of it, and in the end we can all learn something maybe. My belief is that we are in the age of instant Internet knowledge and this will be the ultimate death of gods. Believers are fighting it tooth and nail, creating more "universities" and ultimately just making more shit up.
Because religious people aren't especially bright.
I just go to their profiles and block them whenever I notice any Christians or Trump supporters..usually the same people.
Beware the philosophical postings that require you to posit a higher power in order to discuss! They are trying to win you back to jeebus!
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Maybe, just maybe, some recognize that there are no innocuous idealogies, religious or political, because blindly adhering to an ideology, religious or political, doesn’t leave room for nuanced discussion, the place where we all learn to reason. I have had some message exchanges with a believer who was very open to polite and thoughtful discussion. I have never been preached at from a believer here. Your mileage may vary.
Why? Because they probably think like me that disagreeing with somebody is far more stimulating than agreeing with every thing they might say!
Who cares why....we don’t know why they believe what they do either!