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Smearing the victim has begun! Do you know she knitted, and wore (gasp!) a pink pussy hat for a demonstration a few years ago?!
Because attempted rape victims should simply sit quietly in a pool of shame for the rest if their knitting, you hussy!

AnneWimsey 9 Sep 18

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I believed Anita Hill then and I believe Christine Blasey Ford now.

Note the irony of belief in the non-believer! Actually it would be better to say I am inclined to accept Ms. Blasy Ford's version of history as closer to the truth than Mr. Kavenaugh's. We have yet to hear her testimony before the juducial committee. Evidence must be examined.


The positive thing about the Kavanaugh accusation is that no matter what happens, Republicans are going to lose. If Republican politicians try to smear Dr. Ford, they they will appear to be heartless and conscienceless charlatans. If they try to use political maneuvering to alter the process, people will see that they value political power over the well-being of our country and its people. There is a good chance that Kavanaugh's nomination will be blocked.

Even if the nomination goes through, the taste in people's mouths is so bad that all future nominations will be scrutinized much more closely. And, because of this whole process, Republicans will lose even more seats and ground in November. The Republican party is rapidly painting itself into a corner as a party without courage, honor, integrity, or a moral backbone.

Man, you sad it!

"...they value political power over the well-being of our country and its people."

I couldn't agree more. And remember that political power is used to gain advantage for the rich. The goal is concentration of wealth in a tiny elite segment of society.


I've always hated waiting for the spin cycle to end.
Don't forget to vote.
This whole thing is a travesty.


Supposedly Kavanaugh has 65 women from his High School days who say he was a "good guy." Doesn't this seem very implausible? He went to an all boys High School so how did he know so many women who are able to vouch for him? How did he get this list so quickly? Seems like BS to me....and a symptom of guilt.

Hell, i am current president of an over-55 Singles Social Club, and i barely know 65 women!

The White House will continue to fabricate evidence to support their flawed nominee. @AnneWimsey

@nicknotes There doesn't appear to be a pile of crap large enough that trumpsters can't swallow it all down and beg for more.


Yeah it’s as bad as white female off duty cop breaks into wrong apartment shoots black man. They blood tested the black man for drugs. WTF

It’s all about the smear campaign. It’s where they operate, in subterfuge and diversion tactics.

She's out on bail and the protestors against her are still in jail

@Buddha I saw that, she gets out after an hr and the protesters are in for over a day. And fuck the Cowboys, they wouldn’t take a knee, we all should take a knee. This is where you can clearly see white privilege as well as law enforcement privilege.

How can this shit continue?? I know it was much worse before video cameras became a thing but it's time for a big change. Instead of that we are moving back in time. With the full support of the carrot in the whitehouse.

@freeofgod I’m not seeing things change for the better on any level these days. I used to be positive and full of hope that things will get better, but people seem to be descending further down the hole.

And she wasn't even arrested until 3 days after the shooting. Wtf??

@AdorkableMe yeah more evidence of "blue" privilege.


Fuck them. Fuck them all.
Interesting how they had a list of women who are happy to say that Kavanope
never sexually assaulted or harrassed them. 36 women at the ready.
How fucking convenient.
Of course 45 is defending him. These scumbags stick together.

It makes me wonder how many women does a man have to not sexually assault to be a decent person. My opinion that the only acceptable answer is all women, apparently differs from the republiscum answer of less than half.


This is what I find the whole mentality of people saying, "Grow up" in that other post to be, victim-shaming. It's gross. Thank you for this.

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