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Do you think it is necessary to try to change people’s perspective about their beliefs or just get on with you own life and respond from your own position when you engage with other people

Geoffrey51 8 Sep 30

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When they come up to me that is when I state my case


It’s a great thing to express your opinions but you can’t change another person’s mind—only they can do that. In a truly open interchange all parties are trying to learn, and are amenable to change.


I don't go out to try to change the beliefs of anyone UNLESS they deem it to be their Inalienable right/duty to try to impose their beliefs upon me either privately or publicly.


It depends on the topic.


I don't offer one bowel movement for what others believe or don't. Live and let live.


I feel that to each their own. I leave them believe what they want, but if they start on me, I let loose. Defensive yes, but when confronted with factual questions, most will walk away.


Trying to change people's beliefs is bound to be a thankless task. Better to give them the tools and information to make better choices on their own.


I've always felt that people who proselytize for any reason are uniformly annoying. I don't do that. The best any of us can do is provide a strong and positive example. It's up to everyone else to follow the example, or continue to live in a superstitious fog. It's really not your problem to solve.

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