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Ok folks.... I got a bee up my ass.

Exchanged two sentences with a Christian on another dating site when he asked for nudes.

GAH!!! ?

janniegirl 6 Nov 5

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If he was a real christain, he shouldn't have asked for nude pics. Sounds a perv. to me.

@CoastRiderBill same here


Send him this one:


Send horned goat pictures and ask for his full obedience and worship.


According to the porn industry and other polls, the largest area in the U.S. to download internet porn is the bible belt.

I know I do my part to keep those numbers up there.


He might have been trying to find that bee.

Lol maybe!


Sleazy guys are everywhere and of every religion or without one.

You have a point


Well..? What did he think after you sent them?


Do you think it's cause they can go to confession? Eww....

Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it's been 48 hours since my last confession..... Anyway, I asked this woman online for nude photos. "Did she send them?" Well, yeah but... "Did you print them ?, pass them through the curtain"


So how many lines of convo does it take? lol 😛


I understand the Christian asking for the nudies but how did you get a bee up your butt?

Damn that’s exactly what I was about to say???


Ouch. I'm allergic to bees. Christians are human just like the rest of us. No better. No worse. They may talk a good game, but living up to their words or the word of God come no easier for them or anyone else. We are all flawed. Some more than others. It matters little what belief system we lay claim to. We non-theists can be as foolish as anyone else.


You should have sent him somebody's dick pics.


WTF is wrong with people?!?!?

GUYS: YOUR DICK IS NEVER EVER SOMETHING PEOPLE ARE EXCITED TO SUDDENLY SEE. If you EVER have a moment where you find yourself thinking, "hmmm, I wonder if I should send that person a dick pic?" The answer is ALWAYS NO

GENERAL RULES OF THUMB: If you have exchanged less than 5,000 words with someone, forget asking for or sending nudies.
If you don't know the person's address, phone, kid's/pet's names, and their top 3 favorite sexual positions - forget asking for or sending nudies.
If you haven't both discussed your/their naughty bits, in detail, in an mutually titillating way, forget asking for or sending nudies.

At least that's how I see it.



At least you got it out of the way early with a minimum waste of time. That's good.


Howdy little lady. My name's Earl. Jesus is the Redeemer. Can I see your tits?

Did it work? Are the pics on their way?

Keep holding your breath 🙂


I've been guilty of that myself. It had nothing to do with Christianity or Christians. Some people like to share nude pics. That's all. I'm sorry that it became a negative experience for you.
Now, if it was done in a creepy or stalkerish way, that's something different. And he obviously should've gotten to know you better first, to avoid the offense.
I'm not above offering to swap nekkies, but I'd never make such a request after only a couple of lines of conversation. Maybe a couple of weeks.

Exactly. I’m more offended that it was “hey... how are ya? Wanna swap nudes?”


His behavior reminds me of a story Terry told me about one of his friends. He talked about how his good friend that got laid (different women) at an average of one a day with occasional multi-encounters per day. His friend's pick - up line was really simple "Hey, Wanna *uck." His friend was often slapped or shouted at but he almost never slept alone.


Almost everyone who claims to be a Christian is a hypocrite. Unsurprising. Why are you on a Christian dating site? Aren't the guys creepy AF? Trump claims to be a Christian...

Is the bee up your ass some sort of Southern thing? I thought, "bee in your bonnet", was the expression. I was a crisis line phone counselor in the San Francisco Bay Area and I've heard of glass stirring sticks (like a chemist might use) breaking off inside a male body part used for sex and urination. Glass dildos breaking inside people of both sexes, mice or gerbils up the ass...This bee thing is a new one.

I've had women send me nudes of themselves, unsolicited. One sent them to my work e-mail which really pissed me off.

It wasn’t a Christian site.


Being a Christian does not mean that one cannot also be a raging asshole.

But sometimes they do go hand in hand

@joeymf86 uh ... that's what I just said .


He's still a dickwad.


Why does this not surprise me?

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

I, at least, try to make it to three comments/replies before I ask! BTW, @janniegirl...??? LOL!

Keep trying

Send him these...

@janniegirl With that kind of encouragement, I surely will! I bet it will be worth it!

@phxbillcee lol I dunno... I haven’t taken nudes in a looooong while

@janniegirl You can send me all your practice shots & I'll give posing tips!

@phxbillcee golly that’s sweet of you

@janniegirl IK,R?!? also, if it helps to sway you, today is my birthday, so...

@phxbillcee is that so????? Well let me see

@phxbillcee check your inbox

@janniegirl You are such a tease!!! & yes, even without an alert, I checked. You got me! But, hope springs eternal!

@phxbillcee uh check again

@phxbillcee I totally sent you something

@janniegirl We must still be having PM issues. I'm thinking tho that you sent one of the pics above that I told you to send to the xtian. Would serve me right, I guess.

@phxbillcee no but I thought about it

@janniegirl Honestly, a photo of you in a relaxed pose & a smile would be just fine. You are an attractive woman, so that would be fine. Also, I have a great imagination!!! LOL!

@phxbillcee send me a pm

@janniegirl Can't do it. I can get your profile, but tho I go to my PM screen, it's those I've already PM'd with, I can't seem to pull you up.

@janniegirl @Admin, PM's are messing up again/still!

@phxbillcee well fartnuggets

@janniegirl FYI, if they are nuggets, it's not a fart!

@janniegirl Well, hold that thought. I'm sure it will get fixed eventually. Then you can send me that picture of you in your burka!!! Or parka with the hood up!

@phxbillcee nooooo that’s what Tina fey says in 30 rock. And whatever she says goes

@phxbillcee maybe it’ll come through later

@janniegirl Tho I'm not lying about it being my b-day. I won't lie to get a sexy pic. Now, to get laid, on the other hand!!!! LOL! No, I won't lie even then. Someone either wants to be with me, or they don't.

@phxbillcee well happy birthday new friend.

@phxbillcee I’m sure you get plenty ladies out your way

@janniegirl No, unfortunately not. But I like the "new friend". That's very nice & very appreciated.

@phxbillcee well just like my laundry... no ones doing me either

@phxbillcee here’s a photo for your viewing pleasure

@janniegirl Get rid of that knife & we'll talk! LOL! You're cute even with that, but sharp objects & possible sex don't combine well in my mind. I like to keep all my bits together!

@phxbillcee it’s justbthere to show I’m a force to be reckoned with.

@phxbillcee mwah! Happy birthday!

@janniegirl I had no doubt at all, even before the knife! & if I'm with anyone I want a real person anyway, not a clone or robot. I expect independence & confidence & search for humor & intelligence. Looks are nice, but not on their own. I'm a sapiosexual, first followed very closely by humorsexual!

@phxbillcee humor and intelligence are biggies for me too

@janniegirl I do hope you already had these photos, please don't be driving & taking these, you will scare the shit out of me!

@phxbillcee nah those are old. I’m in bed snug as a bug

@janniegirl Tho I swear you look 20 years younger than you claim in those photos! Must be the rosy cheeks! ...Speaking of rosy cheeks...LOL!

@phxbillcee I get that a lot. I’m just immature for my age

@janniegirl You see how I worked the conversation back around there? I'm nothing if not persistent!

@phxbillcee I see what you did there. Yes I do.

@phxbillcee I must retire. Busy day tomorrow. It has been fun.

@janniegirl Talk to you later, take care & sleep well!


You should have looked at the internet and sent him some pictures of nude men.


Well, that's a first. I have to TELL these guys that I'm an Atheist, and it's on my PROFILE. These Christian men obviously don't read very well...

Too often the xtian men assume that if a woman is an atheist, she is automatically "loose". They learn better quick!


All kidding aside, a former girlfriend told me a similar story. She had tried Christian dating sites and told me they were all uber perverts from first contact. I'm actually shacked at this as I thought it would be the Mormons.


Well in fairness it was a guy who happened to be on a Christian dating site -- he could be an atheist for all you know; after all, you are and you're on there.

Regardless ... either it's as @NoMagicCookie suggested, he just asks everyone and as a result has a bigger collection of nudes than anyone else; and/or he's just a perv.

Nooooo it’s it a Christian site. He’s just Christian.

@janniegirl Sorry, my mistake. 🙂

@shockwaverider no worries

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