19 7

Now I'm gonna think of this every time I see her...

Alvingo1 7 Nov 18

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She looks to me like she's straining at stool.


You only have to take a money shot in the eyes once...& the way 45 is jerking it these days...on a world wide stage...we all might wanna start squinting.


I believe she is Severly nearsighted & too vain to wear glasses...or, concentrating on pooping in her Depends, whatever


With a face like that, down here in Australia we'd class her as a 3 bagger, 2 bags for covering her head and 1 for your own just in case hers blew off.


She got locked in that position the one time she had sex to conceive Barron.


See? I always think she just looks stoned. Which, I would imagine, would be absolutely necessary if one were to remain married to that gargoyle.


I don't think that she is doing anything more with her mind than simply trying to generate an ACTUAL thought, and with one so thick, shallow and slow the effort required would be monumental to say the least.


If I had the money for a PAC, I would plaster her "naked, modeling photos" throughout the bibly belt.

I somehow doubt that the male patriarchal religious types would, in fact, be repulsed by that. I think those types really secretly (or not so secretly) want to be like tRump and look up to him as their role model. I think your plan will backfire and increase the support for that dickhead even more.


She reminds me of an alien...


Too much botox has frozen her face


At least she has enough sense to keep her mouth shut (most of the time). Still, I would not trust her as far as I could throw her.


If I was married to that guy, my face would be distorted too ...


Because she is, "believe the Donald, believe the Donald".


I'm thinking Blue Steel


She was much prettier before all the plastics. The eye makeup is horrendous.
She looks like every bit the evil bitch I believe she is.


She is an attractive looking woman. I think she is a gutless coward for her gender, but an attractive gutless coward, and I don't need to make any comments about her looks for me to find her personally repulsive.


She has thrown in her lot with a truly corrupt ass-bite, and inasmuch is birds of a feather flock together, I guess that makes her an ass-bite too.


I’ve had a difficult time forming an opinion about her, but between ‘him,’ and their autistic son… I can’t help but feel some pity.. A high profile golddigger in over her head.

Varn Level 8 Nov 18, 2018

She shouldn't feel too bad. Donald Twump has suckered millions of people.

godef Level 7 Nov 18, 2018
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