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Pervs beware! ?

Lutherzme 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I think they need to invent vagina inserts with razor blades... totally comfy & safe for the woman wearing it, but rapists? Buwahahahaaa! Only a few women would actually need to wear them, the deterrent factor would be Amazing!


Beware?!? I want one!


A real part of me hopes that it will be used to stop rapes but the other part of me kinda wants to see some ( insert words here ) go to prison for life because some socially imperfect schmuck had the audacity to believe that he could talk to some socially perfect female.


This gives new meaning to the term..."HOT WOMAN"


I\d prefer to have some kind of weapon that causes temporary paralysis. And by temporary, I mean I'd only need about ten minutes.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 9, 2018

I want one


20 feet!!??

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