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OK men....what do you suggest a woman do to improve her image and make her more attractive to men?​

nicknotes 8 Dec 14

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Have a good attitude toward them.

MrDMC Level 7 Dec 14, 2018

Excellent answer...

^^I'm on board with this! 🙂


Get rid of the guy standing next to her. ?


^^Best answer!^^

I guess that's why they invented divorce.


I'm game; I'll take a stab and use myself as an example:

  • "Grow out your hair. You look like a boy."
  • "Wear some more feminine clothes. You really look like a boy."
  • "Wear some makeup, or jewelry, or get your nails done, or something, for chrissakes-- you look like a boy. "
  • "Smile."
  • "Don't be so agressive/standoffish. You're really intimidating."

I'm not really into the gender-/attractiveness- performance game anymore. I am into comfortable shoes, lots of pockets, and getting dirty.



@LiterateHiker I have actually heard most of those things before. I don't have any super recent photos up of me with my short hair. Between the hair, the clothes, and the lack of tiddies and any discernable hips, I really do look like a boy!

You forgot, "get your boobs done, you look like a boy".

I like "looking like a boy." I think these things intimidate men.

@Wildflower Try precision spitting into the gutter grate while shredding by on a longboard in full-tilt badass mode and watch heads explode. 😉


"You have a stick figure," a man told me after I rejected him after our first date. That hurt.

I was shocked when he showed up.

  1. Wildly bushy hair.
  2. Wearing his "favorite" threadbare sweater from the 1970s.
  3. Tucked his sweater into high-waisted jeans, tightly belted.
  4. Jeans were six inches too short.
  5. Brown dress shoes.

With a Ph.D., this man looked like a dimwit.

@stinkeye_ .......or maybe you just look like a female without all the decorations ?

@patchoullijulie same thing, right? 😉

@nicknotes I'm just funnin', and don't mean to be disrespectful to your thread. I'm actually fine with it, because I don't care. I know some (many?) het men would find my current appearance possibly confusing ( Is it a lesbian? Is it a trans? WTF is it?? ), perhaps angering ( I don't know whether or not I can be attracted to that--kill it with fire! ), or maybe sad ( What a waste! )--and I'm fine with it. I don't mind what anyone has to say about my appearance, because I'm not invested in their opinion. I'm 100% function, 0% form at this point in my life and loving it! is important to be true to yourself. @stinkeye_a

@stinkeye_a yes


I am sorry people said such hurtful things to you. Since I was born, I have been ridiculed for being too skinny.

From fat women:

"Only dogs like bones."
"Men like a woman with something to grab onto."

In 7th grade, when I entered science class, boys sang in unison:

"She's a carpenter's dream... FLAT AS A BOARD!"

"She's a pirate's dream... A SUNKEN CHEST!"

They collapsed, laughing uproariously. That was when I developed good posture and dignity. With back ramrod straight, head up and shoulders back, I sat down, icily ignoring them.

Our 10-year high school reunion in Michigan was great. Those same guys hung all over me, moaning, "You were the prettiest girl in high school. Why didn't you ever date any of us?"

"I had an older, more mature boyfriend," I said and smiled. SLAM DUNK.

Are you a farm girl?

@LiterateHiker Eh, I was too shy and withdrawn (I think) to be agressively ridiculed for my appearance during my school years. Most of what I mentioned above would have been would-be suitors exhorting adult me--in a "helpful", encouraging fashion--to capitalize on my assets in a way that appeals to them--mostly by smiling, and acting in a warmer, more passive and submissive (read: feminine) manner. Pffft.

And THIS is why I love you.

@nicknotes Me? No. City-bred, romanced by the forest. I don't pay much attention to all that pink-is-for-girls, blue-is-for-boys business, and do whatever I want.

I was teasing you.. I think you are lovely. @stinkeye_a

@nicknotes Gahr, shucks. 😀. Thanks

@LiterateHiker @stinkeye_a y'all just described me! And I swear I have heard those exact comments directed toward me (at least back when I was younger & cared). ?


I cannot stand the stink of farmyard animals. I grew up on a lake in Michigan, sailing, swimming and ice skating.

At the Chelan County Fair, I held my nose in the pig barn. Teenage girls laughed at me, sitting on the fences of their pig pen (I think that's the right word).

Looking around, I found a folding chair. Positioning the chair upwind of the fair, I sat down wrote a funny letter to my mother.


All women or do you have someone in mind?.............And oh yeah, ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY???!!!

I don't think so.

@nicknotes You might get a second opinion. ☺


i'm not a man, but i have a suggestion anyway: if the man cares about your image, forget him. don't worry about your image.

g is only skin deep.

@nicknotes exactly. beauty is as beauty does.


You look so young in your avatar photo. Is your point that we all love a baby? @genessa

@nicknotes lol i did not choose my picture to make a point. i chose it because i can still see myself in that face so i still identify with it (not solely with it, but with it nonetheless).


It's a lovely face...I love an innocent smiling baby face. @genessa

@nicknotes lol i was told by one guy that my baby face look scared. i don't see it. i am glad you can see my smile 🙂) thanks for the compliment!




How would men like women advising them how to improve themselves to be more attractive to women?

"Guys, you need to lose weight, get fit, whiten your teeth, wear stylish clothes, get rid of your beard, get a haircut, trim your nostril hair, shower daily, floss daily, get regular teeth cleanings, stand up straight, iron your shirts, lift weights and improve your grooming."

Would you like that? I think not.

Good evening, may alert you to my comment further down which summarises your own points 🙂

He has a post for that, too.

If it was a female friend who I had trust with and I knew cared about me, yes, I would appreciate their effort to help. Otherwise, if it was a stranger or someone I just met, I would probably feel a little hurt and not feel enough encouragement to bother trying their advice.

I see you already have 🙂


That's good advice...I try to always look my best.


Lol! This is gonna be good. 😀

passes the popcorn

@stinkeye_a Thanks, was in a hurry, forgot it. 😀

Can I join ya'll? I want to watch this to.

Sure @Sticks48!

@CaroleKay Thanks. 🙂


Switch the water dispenser in the fridge to a beer dispenser, subscribe to all the cable porn channels, become a wold class maid and chef, pay for everything, and walk around only in lingerie if you are hot. If you are not hot, become hot.

You forgot the high heels . . .

@Meili oh yeah and the babies. My bad.

Sounds like a fun time at your house...


Oh, FFS!!!!

Sorry...I have trouble speaking acronym

@nicknotes you can look them up on Google.

I googled and you surprised look like an elegant mature woman in your photo....I didn't expect that provocative comment. But I'm pleased. @AnneWimsey

@nicknotes The "provocative" comment wasn't from her.

@nicknotes thatvwasn't me (this time!) FYI I can be "elegant", thanks, but enjoyed working in a shipyard for 13 years as "one of the guys", lol!

You had me fooled...@AnneWimsey

It is hard to keep track when so many are commenting.....but sure you can take credit for the "provocative" comment. @KKGator

@nicknotes did I make you smile? I absolutely live for that!

Sure...I've been having fun. @AnneWimsey


I'm just here to read the comments ?

I hope you are being entertained....I am.


Take a look at my profile pics. Now tell me I have any business giving anybody advice on "improving their image."

What does attract me? If a woman lets me know that she's attracted to me.

You look fine Paul...don't be critical of yourself.


Once you love yourself fully, you won’t have to worry about any of that . Everyone doesn’t resonate with everyone, So is this really a valid question?Asking for a friend 😉

Sure improving your image starts with your self image in your own brain. You have to love yourself first.


What a sexist question. Why assume women need to do anything to make themselves attractive to anyone but themselves?

I think you just scored some serious points with the feminist wing of Agnostics.

@nicknotes Not trying to score points. Simply stating what's obvious to me.

Ding Ding just scored again....@LimeySteve

@nicknotes you really are an ass. Just wanted you to know in case no one had told you lately.

Oh you are so funny...@SkotlandSkye

@nicknotes I know.


"So. Yes. We're all dying. We're all crumbling into the void, one cell at a time. We are disintegrating like sugar cubes in champagne. But only women have to pretend it isn't happening.

"Fifty-something men wander around with their guts flopped over their waistbands and their faces looking like a busted tramp's mattress in an underpass. They sprout nasal hair and chasm-like wrinkles, and go 'Ooof!' whenever they stand up or sit down.

"Men visibly age, every day -- but women are supposed to stop the decline at around 37, 38, and live out the next 30 or 40 years in some magical bubble where their hair is still shiny and chestnut, their face unlined, their lips puffy, and their tits up on the top third of the ribcage."

-- Caitlin Moran, “How to Be a Woman”

I've seen your photos....that hiking has done wonders for your figure.


Thank you, Nick. Since age 21, I have been hiking, running, weightlifting, and enjoying a healthy, low fat diet.

It shows that you have been doing all the right things. You look terrific. @LiterateHiker


It’s really quite simple. Women should do the types of things that they themselves would expect of a man wanting to be more attractive. The tricky part is that, like men,, each woman is different in what they want in a partner and there is no one group of things that will work for everyone.

The best thing is to just be yourself, be approachable yourself, friendly and approach the other person in a way which shows interest, couth (yes, it’s really a word), some modicum of intelligence and a pleasant personality.

I think brush teeth regularly, shower several times a week, comb hair, wear clean clothes, and stand up straight is a good starting place for everyone, as far as the physical stuff goes.

Good comments....


Why are you, as a man, asking this question? Do you feel that we women need to be helped out to be more attractive to men? Do we women need to make ourselves more attractive to you? Why not ask what you should do to make yourself more attractive to women?

Sure can advise me if you wish.


As I am not exclusively attracted to any particular "type" (or gender, for that matter), my suggestion would be "laugh when something is funny, cry when something is sad, frown when something makes you angry, and above all, be yourself".

I can see where that is a good way to live.


grabs the popcorn

Yes...let's see what happens.....


I know... Hook up with the girl next door!

That's an interesting proposition...are you teasing us?

@nicknotes Tease for you maybe... Not me.

That's fine...I hear people say..."Different strokes for different folks" Enjoy! @Wildflower


Glad you are having fun.


SHOULD read : what do you suggest a woman do to improve her image and make her more attractive to men SHE finds attractive ?

Response : Have the self confidence to have accepted herself exactly as she is !



I would have thought the burden lay with the blokes, most of them/us are lazy sods about their appearance and get even worse when they're sorted 🙂

What is sorted? Must be a British term.

@TomMcGiverin Sorted = You have a steady other half 🙂

@maturin1919 It's a slang term in the UK. Sorted usually means organised similar to what you said. Sorted, as in has a girlfriend etc, is more of a London saying.

@ipdg77 Thanks, now your comment makes sense to me. It seems like both sexes sort of let their appearance go in many cases once they have coupled up, figuring they no longer have to sell themselves to anyone with beauty or charm. Looking around tho, it appears men are more guilty of letting their appearance go than women when this happens.

@maturin1919 In fairness to other English speakers of English, I do use a lot of slang (and profanities) which may make some or all of my posts unintelligible to other speakers of the same language 🙂

Some of us American ladies find Brit-speak dead sexy.

@Deb57 Madam! You'll make me blush 🙂

@Deb57 seconded!

That's a pessimistic view...


Women should live their lives in a manner that makes themselves happy without giving a hoot if they have a man or not.

Men should stop trying to make women fit some stupid idea of what men want.

Tell the truth....Aren't you happier with a man in your life?

@nicknotes my rattle is far less trouble, costs less, doesn’t snore, and understands human women better than you do. Obviously. ?

Come on a "didle" better than a real live man in your bed? @SkotlandSkye

@nicknotes nothing in my life is or will ever be any of your business.

That would be my preference also....@SkotlandSkye


Talk to a man that isn’t so judgmental and possibly controlling.

Controlling people are bad news.

@nicknotes yes, yes they are


Take pride in her appearance, have a sense of humor, be able to carry on a conversation, and be courtesous. Offer to pay for your part of the date, and if he picks up the tab, then say thank you and offer to pick up next time or something. Pretty simple, just use the Golden Rule toward dating and things usually go pretty well I've found.

Yes I believe in the golden rule...good comment.


Be self confident in her knowledge and love herself for who she is

djs64 Level 7 Dec 14, 2018

Good reply...

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