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Question regarding responses, mainly on memes, but really on any post I guess. It's been brought to my attention that it may be an insult to click on a meme and not leave at least an emoticon response. Presumably this is due to the goal of accumulating points. My question is this. If I find a meme (or post) that I click on either boring or distasteful, should I at least click one of the emoticons (meh or dislike for instance) rather than leave no response?

  • 2 votes
  • 62 votes
daylily 8 Dec 20

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Absolutely not. People need to get a life.

skado Level 9 Dec 20, 2018

That’s for sure.


I do not feel compelled to respond to everything I see.
In many cases, it's probably better that I don't.
If that bothers anyone, I can't help you.


Kinda demanding, some people are.......


It's been brought to my attention that the fact that I don't care whether or not someone thinks I should respond to their meme is insulting. However... I still don't care.


I react when think I should. I don't react to memes I've seen before or ones that don't inspire a thing to me. I usually do react if it's a good or funny meme. Honestly, the point values never enter into that consideration for me.


People that think points are important. Stop that. We all may have different senses of humor so everything may not be your cup of tea. I try very hard to keep in mind the old adage. If you can't say something nice about someone then don't say anything at all. On the other hand, interaction is what we're here for. It's what makes life worth living. So make the effort to be encouraging or just say something nice to someone. Clicking a thumbs up or smiley emoji takes little effort and costs nothing. Be the change you want to see in the world and send me pictures of your boobs because that would be like a random act of kindness too and would make me happy.

You really wanna see my boobs? Careful what you wish for. LOL

In your case a ? will do just fine.

I tried to be serious and adult but in the end I cave to immaturity every time. ?

{wrote this after reading your first two lines } To me, points indicate level of addiction 😕

...then cracked up over what followed.. Sometimes the simple truth is far funnier than a manufactured meme … still smiling, boobs, yes 🙂


it is insulting not to click on someone's meme that they posted just to get points? isn't it insulting to post a meme just to get points? i would pay no mind to THAT information! some people apparently are easily insulted.


Great point


People who select "yes," are not my kind of people. At least in this regard.


It's fine to want points, but simply because a person desires points doesn't mean that person is owed them. It's unreasonable to feel that they do.

@daylily I voted "no". I mean, if someone viewing/listening to a post of mine doesn't like my post, who am I to take the attitude that they "should" leave any emoticon, just because I'd like to get a few more points? I don't want anybody to feel obliged to click on any of my posts, if they don't like it, or find it amusing, or even if they simply don't feel like it.

Of course, I'm always glad to get points. But I feel like nobody owes them to me.


I don't generally like memes, I think they are short cuts for lazy thinking.

cava Level 7 Dec 20, 2018

@daylily Well I said mostly. It seems to me that the type of pics that are worth a thousand words, are not memes

@daylily The problem is.. memes come with words. Fortunately, not a thousand!

@daylily once the memes been posted 1001 times...


I enjoy memes and I usually comment and select a like that expresses my feeling at the time... But every meme doesnt deserve a response ...


LOLWUT!? No, you don't owe anybody any emoticons and if they're hurt by your lack of "liking" their meme, the wambulance is only a phone call away.


Not exactly on my list of things that must be done ?


Me personally, I think I would rather have someone ignore it then go "meh" . But I guess you would know at least the person looked at lol


Nah there’s just some petty ass self serving people on here that peaked in high school and most likely aren’t able to either control or satisfy their own lives.
Just sayin


I find a lot of the memes dull, so if I liked them all that would devalue the likes that I give to the rare ones who really do make me smile. (Or maybe I am just a boring mean old grouch.)


I actually like it if someone tells me they don't like something. I could care either way. I don't care for points. I like the community. If someone wants to tell me my post is trash I would ask why or accept your response as a honest opinion. I am not under the impression that life is sunshine and fucking rainbows. Lol

@daylily lol. There's a difference between trolls and people who truly differ in opinion. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference


And ALL CAPS = total silence of all lower case....this crap about Internet "rules" has to END


I think if a person doesnt' fidn a meme or post amusign or interesting, then no emoji is required. However, if you do get soem enjoyment out of it, leavign an remark or an emoji is ht epolite thing to do.

People beign people, sometimes we g4et distracted or simply forget. It isn't the end of hte world.

@daylily being 🙂


This site could offer a 'points' or 'no points' format where users could pick whether they even want the points feature.

@daylily A safeguard against what?


...since I can’t see them before opening them, I usually will.. Lately, if it’s about ‘christ-mass or cats’ ~ I’m gone 🙂

Varn Level 8 Dec 20, 2018
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