I had stated before that the cops don't have to protect you, the cops on here said I had misinterpreted the precedent.
Here is another example.
As a former law enforcement officer I can tell you that they’re not legally obligated to sacrifice their lives for anyone but are expected to isolate the perpetrator/s if possible and to guide victims to safety if possible and to observe and report until backup arrives or the threat has been neutralized.
I mean don’t get me wrong he should’ve made his way towards the gunman but to believe that a school officer is going to have swat like training and intuition is actually pretty ignorant.
Most of them are placed there because they have the right demeanor and/or they’re not as street worthy as they or their department might want them to be.
I agree that the officer should’ve been replaced from his post and maybe placed in a no conflict position but politics is pretty powerful in events like this.
And unless it could be proven that the officer had been directly involved with this event then the lawsuit was useless and to maybe force policy changes. But unless they take on the U S Department of Justice they’re not going to change the expectations of police in these instances.