Is Hillary Clinton A Closet Lesbian? Of Couse She Is, So Say The Loony Tunes.
Is Hillary Clinton A Closet Lesbian? While there is absolutely no evidence to support this assertion, that hasn’t stopped the extreme right-wing and fundamentalist Christian elements for making the claim as the following headlines to stories from the “Right Wing Watch” relate. It seems that if you have a religious affiliation then you can get away with claiming just about anything you want to, even fake ‘news’ and alternative ‘facts’.
*Sandy Rios Floats Rumor that Hillary Clinton Is a Lesbian. - Posted 20 March 2013
*[Larry] Klayman: [Hillary] Clinton Committing ‘Fraud on the American People’ by Being Secretly Gay. - Posted 25 March 2013
*[Bryan] Fischer: Hillary Clinton ‘Could Be Our First Lesbian President’. - Posted 19 September 2013
*[Glenn] Beck: ‘Hillary Clinton Will Be Having Sex with a Woman on the White House Desk If It Becomes Popular’. - Posted 29 April 2014
*Dave Daubenmire Lashes Out At ‘President Homobama,’ Says Hillary Clinton ‘Screams Lesbian’. - Posted 22 May 2014
*Sandy Rios: Possibly Lesbian Hillary Clinton Excluded ‘Anglo-American Husband-And-Wife’ In Launch Video. - Posted 14 April 2015
*Jerome Corsi ‘Exposes’ Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy. - Posted 21 July 2015
*Alex Jones: Hillary’s ‘Seen More Tail than a Toilet Seat’. - Posted 15 March 2016
*Sandy Rios: Possible Lesbian Hillary Clinton ‘Embraces Every Sexual Deviancy You Can Imagine’. - Posted 18 May 2016
*Roger Stone and Rick Wiles Wonder about Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Affairs. - Posted 1 June 2016
*Josh Bernstein: Hillary Clinton Will Be ‘The First Lesbian President’ Just As Obama Is ‘The First Gay President’. - Posted 3 June 2016
*Dave Daubenmire: [Hillary] Clinton Is a ‘Wicked Witch’ With a ‘Spirit of Lesbianism’. - Posted 10 November 2016
*Larry Klayman: [Hillary] Clinton Was Creeped Out by Trump Because She Is a Lesbian. - Posted 29 August 2017
Who cares? I owned an LGBTQ Introduction/Dating Service 20 years ago. Did everyone think I was gay? Probably. Did I care? No. It's Hillary's personal business and no one elses.
Frankly, I could care less what her sexual leanings are . . . . what I do care about is what she has done, and that is not very pretty. Anyone who would laugh about another human being murdered (killing of Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi in 2011) is one seriously sick individual, and, the whole thing with regard to this particular incident I am referring to was a lie. It is standard practice for Washington and its gangsters to malign foreign leaders prior to invading their countries. Add to that her vote for the Iraq war, where about a million people died, and you have a clear picture of what she is.
If you are claiming that anything I have said is false, please indicate what it was that you consider to be false, and I will be happy to provide you with any proof you need, in the case of Muammar Qaddafi, there is video of Clinton doing just as I said, and, in the case of her vote for the Iraq war, there is video of her saying WHY she voted for it, and it is not pretty, straight from HER.
That any of these people are still banging on about Hillary, just indicates to me
that they have a really unhealthy obsession with her.
Who gives a fuck if she's a lesbian or not? That's her business, not theirs.
That they're even talking about it demonstrates their inability to let go of their
irrational hatred of the woman. It also decimates their credibility.
They hate her, but love that traitorous piece of shit currently destroying this nation.
It doesn't matter how anyone feels about her. She's a private citizen now.
She's not holding any public office. Try focusing that energy on getting rid of
the stench in the White House.
Every time I hear any of these reich-wing assholes bitching about her, I think
they're probably having a really hard time getting laid and use her as a target
for their frustration.
Incel morons, most likely.
They couldn't hang anything illegal on her, and that seems to fuel their frustrations.
Fuck them. Fuck them with a cactus.
All but one of these bylines are from before the 2016 election. The only thing I've heard them flogging since was the false equivalency between her email server imbroglio and Trump's infinitely more pervasive perfidy. Or a little bit of the throughly debunked "nothing burger" of Ben Gazi.
Clinton was a useless grifter and a disappointing candidate for the Dems to put forward (and obviously an ineffectual opponent for Trump). But I held my nose and voted for her anyway. Apparently there were not enough adults in the room at the time, though.
@mordant I'm still hearing reich-wingers going on about her. They're still going on about Obama, and completely ignoring the dumpster fire that is raging right in front of them, right now.
Every single thing 45 said would happen if she were elected, is happening with him.
That's the thing about him, every single thing that he accuses others of, he is doing, or has done, himself.
I no longer care about her. She's not a problem that needs dealing with.
Anyone who wants to continue to talk about her has no credibility.
@KKGator Reich wingers --- I like that. Hadn't heard it before. I'm stealing!
Hillary has reinserted herself as a problem to the extent she's floated a couple of trial balloons that she' like to run again, as well as not accepting any appreciable personal responsibility for her loss. But all that was a self limiting problem. I agree she's irrelevant now. What's done is done.
Totally agree.
@Sticks48 And just like all the progressives who won in the '18 election, she had to do way better to overcome the well-known and understood electoral structural advantages the GOP has built for itself, particularly since 2010 or so. Instead she had a platform that didn't resonate, took states for granted that she shouldn't have, etc. It is not entirely fair that she lost, but guess what ... she lost. She was a weak candidate. Sanders was, at least relatively speaking, not. The rest is history.
Oh and let's not forget how things got this skewed -- Obama neglected the DNC, meaning he neglected winning elections at the state and local level, which allowed the GOP to take over too many statehouses and governorships, which allowed them to gerrymander the shit out of all their otherwise vulnerable districts, among other things.
Trump didn't fall from the sky out of nowhere and it's not a simple matter of the electoral college being the sole factor in how he won. If onlys don't count in politics. Winning counts. The Dems haven't even figured out what they stand for, or agreed on a postmortem of why they lost in '16. And we're less than 2 years from the 2020 election. Dog help us all.
Why should anyone care? What difference does it make to anyone?
Hillary Clinton is a person. That’s all that matters. (Donald tRump is not.)
I strongly suspect that Hillary Clinton is not a closet lesbian. She's many things - including a non-progressive, 'corporate democrat' - but I suspect lesbian isn't one of them.
What is significant, however, is the 'assumed fact' that if she DID have lesbian tendancies, that would undermine her credibility as a politician.
If GOP could unearth evidence that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was lesbian, for example, they would gleefully publish it - and it would be considered by many to be 'damaging' to AOC, but it actually should mean nothing at all.
That must be why she was so instantly captivated by a guy describing how big their watermelons grow in Arkansas … before she had a daughter with him.. I’ve noticed her light up at the appropriate times.. She’d have been way out of my league.
I suppose those working to confuse christians realize they’ll apparently believe anything
Again, the republicans have to make shit up because they can’t find any personal dirt on her. This is all they’ve got?? It just proves they’re stuck in the stone ages. The republicans hate women and LQBTQ+. If you can put them together they’re happpier than pigs in shit.
Actually I feel that it’s an insult to lesbians and if anyone was paying attention during the 2016 election they would know that her types are progressive millennials, minorities ( especially Haitians ) and women in foreign countries where her campaign to overthrow their governments has killed them their families or has opened the doors for sharia law to be implemented therefore subjugating them.
So no she’s not a lesbian she’s just a greedy, hypocritical Warhawk that encouraged her friend to come in and attack the republicans for her and then try to throw the race by being one of the shittiest people to ever run for office.
Unfortunately for her a greater portion of us knew about her personal relationship with trump and were actually insulted by the way she dismissed us and demanded that we get in line therefore causing her to lose which in no way makes her a lesbian just an oligarch that wanted to run us and our country in a manner that would benefit the economic elites and the leaders of other countries.
Have you been going to the cheetos school of communications? Try complete sentences, with punctuation, grouping your "thoughts", and, oh, Fact-checking.
@AnneWimsey Whatever just give me a C on my paper ?
@48thRonin maybe a C- if you bribe me with cookies.....
@AnneWimsey ???
@48thRonin there better be walnuts in those things......
@AnneWimsey Ummm hold on I’ll be right back ????
@48thRonin I love it when you make me laugh! And good job with those nuts!
Who cares? Look how old your sources are.
What’s your agenda here?
You’re no better by bringing it back up.
What’s the relevance?
Thank you!
And this is anybody's business because.....?
@johnprytz I realize that, but just imagine if, when they started their nastiness, that everybody responded with my question above....?!
@johnprytz oh, sweetie, I can & do talk over everybody/anybody at the drop of a hat!
@johnprytz I have a loud and trained-to-project actor's voice when I wish, all the way to the nosebleed seats!...and I know that "shouting' does nothing! Clear articulation,without repetition if possible, and some hopefully shocking info/words, will get "em every time! I DO have that confidence, yes!
@johnprytz very accurate depiction of Kellyanne, that bulldog-ness(apologies to cute Bulldogs everywhere!) agenda she plows interviewers down with, she mimics Cheeto in this except she actually has an IQ above 70! have no use for any of them! Uncle Tomasina's at best
@johnprytz intentional stupidity makes it hard to keep one's temper, a fatal mistake in these things!
Strangely, the idea of Hillary Clinton being a lesbian never once crossed my mind. Hell, I'm a lesbian!
@johnprytz I do listen to it once weekly on conservative talk radio to get some laughs and know what the idiots are talking about. I find it bizarre. Pointing out that Ocasio-Cortez couldn't dance in college was one of these. Claiming that it's Democrats who promote racism is another. "It must be the Dems coz they are the ones who talk about it." Just hilarious!
Who cares though? Its 2019, despite everything else, Mrs. Clinton is a sucess, she is a sucess in her own life. She has a sucessful husband and sucessful daughter. Who cares if she is gay, straight or a banana flavoured lawn mower!
Exactly. I really hate the homophobia and sex shaming. So disgusting.
By reproducing these idiocies are you not contributing to their proliferation?
Exactly my thought.