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Shingles vaccine -- yes or no? Worth it?

Orbit 7 Feb 1

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Ummmmm yeah


YES! Enough said unless you like excruciating pain for months. I got the vaccine after because you can get them again. I didn't know I had chicken pox so I thought I was safe before they hit.


There is a waiting list for it here but I am seeing my gp next week and will see although it would have been free thru my employer


Did you have chicken Pox? If yes then yes. If no then no. The virus remains dormant & then reemerges as shingles which are more damaging than just painful rashes.


I had shingles in my late thirties all over Mr. Happy and his two friends. It is quite miserable. Get the vaccine if you have had Chicken Pox.


Yes, it's a no-brainer.


Both of my parents got shingles before a vaccine was was horrible to watch them in so much agony. My college room mate got it in her eye and nearly lost her sight.

I got the shot when I was 60 with no symptoms at insurance covered it, but I would gladly have paid the $160 or so after seeing the scars and pain others went through. I also had chicken pox as a kid...I would say it is totally worth it.


I'm very torn on this one. Waiting to see how my Mom fares after her recent vax. One of my beloved uncles got shingles his eye right as my other very dear ❤ uncle had passed away. He was in agony.


I had the Shingles vaccine when I was 60, now I'm 77, and I never got shingles even though I had chicken pox as a child. I think it is a good investment in your health.

I didn't know there was a new and improved vaccine. Thanks for cluing me in. @MissKathleen

Thanks for the advice @MissKathleen

I intend to ask my doctor....@MissKathleen


I had shingles at 41, my father at 19. I would gladly get if my insurance would cover it.


My daughter had chicken pox 3 times. For someone who seems more susceptible to getting it, i say yes. But there are pros and cons. I think you have to decide for yourself if reward outweighs risk??

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