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Is there really a God to discuss ?

alexxalan 4 Mar 26

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You don't need one to discuss one. We can talk about Santa too.


There is some kind of god, I think. Anyway, I like the discussions about the possibility of one and what its nature might be..


Why join an agnostic site if you believe in a your profile says?

Maybe you're trying to save all of the agnostics/atheists?

Sure I can’t save anyone

@alexxalan l, there is no "saving" anyone anyway because there is no god.

@alexxalan welcome back ! Has been awhile since u graced us w your presence !


If you believe in one and manage to make it feel real, yes; if not, no. I think the ones who do should leave the ones who don't alone.


Which of the over 2000 currently worshiped gods do you mean? You are not so arrogant as to come to a site that is for non believers and expect us to know of which imaginary friend you are speaking.


Well .


Well, the Faithfools INSIST that there MUST be a God, we Atheists are pretty darned certain that there is NOT a God, the Agnostics are merely, imo, just hedging their bets, but either way it is a subject, be it somewhat moot, can and does create a lively debate which is far more enjoyable than politics for example.


If you must, but I think there’s more merit to the Easter bunny than god.



1of5 Level 8 Mar 26, 2019

There are many, many gods. Humankind has a fertile imagination.

The only supernatural being who we believe to create all creatures.

I see.


Again define what you mean by a god

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