I think welfare and unemployment are great things to have . My whole thing is this, how is social security running out of money but welfare isn't? I'm obviously missing something here.........or not
@ProudMerrie I am aware of the fact that there is a cap on social security taxes. That needs to be repealed. There are people who would like severe gun restrictions that would adversely affect responsible gun owners. Criminals have no trouble illegally obtaining guns.
I feel that the government has to pay back the money they "appropriated " from the social security funds for other things.
@RobertMartin Don't get me started on the absolute inanity of your American Love and Dependence ( Addiction imho) to personal ownership of guns, handguns, semi-automatic, automatic, military style/issue rifles, etc, etc.
Here in Australia we had ONE massacre at Port Arthur and deemed it to be ONE massacre too many and willing introduced tighter Gun Ownership Laws and Regulations.
Yes, I'm full aware that a) the criminal element here still has and gets guns illegally, and, b) we do still have the odd random death by gun or rifle, BUT we do not have, most thankfully and hopefully NEVER, the dubious 'honour(?)' that American Constitutional Law has bestowed upon itself that has permitted the absolute ATTROCITIES of the needless deaths of Innocents in the MASS Shootings you lot have had over the years.
Wake up America, guns do NOT decide by themselves to merely go out and shoot people, it IS the rank IDIOTS, the INSANE, rabid, uncaring, Inhumane absolute Arse-holes with guns that use those very guns to kill the people. Guns are NOT a solution to any problem, they ARE a problem that URGENTLY NEEDS a solution.
@Triphid I'm not addicted to guns, but anyone who breaks into my house will likely get shot if they don't get on the floor face down hands behind their head, fingers interlocked and legs crossed while I'll call the police
@RobertMartin Well there you see the difference between most Aussies and Americans.
We are permitted to RESTRAIN an Intruder BUT not by means of exerting ANY DEADLY force, (a quick tap on the head or knees with a handy Pick handle or a shortish length of 4x2 timber works quite well and leaves little or no messy blood to clean up as well) or in my case, my nice friendly but very protective male Blue Heeler does and has done the job perfectly well leaving the Intruder with nice, life-long 'reminders' ( 32 surgical sutures to his nether regions btw) of his/her error plus a nice little gaol sentence handed down by the Magistrate in court afterwards.
Gun Safety should be something both sides can agree on. Too many firearms in the hands of the wrong people...either for crimes or for suicide or found by curious children. Nobody is advocating taking guns away from people who are registered and have a background check.
As for food stamps and rental assistance and aid for dependent children, what you call Welfare, most of us in the country may face a time where we need some government help and a safety net is available to us if we do. Many people who receive these benefits are elderly, disabled, or children. We should not take food, housing, and money from families who are struggling....because it seems to be what you are implying would make more 'sense'...and I for one would rather have my tax money go toward helping the disadvantaged than toward some of the other ways our money is being spent.
Agreed. Welfare is available when needed. We all fall on hard times, it's good that there is a stopgap or safety net available until one gets back one's feet. Anyone who is disabled must get disability, make it enough money for them to live on. Disability benefits are much too liow
Your meme is a joke.
When I moved to the US, I was completely aware of the gun culture. I’ve never advocated for taking guns away. That is a republican talking point to get the NRA folks excited. My ex had many guns, not an NRA member but he also refused to own a AR-15. Under no circumstances is that a necessary weapon.
As for welfare, you are so wrong about the people that need it. These are the working poor. Minimum wage is far below the poverty line. Tack on healthcare since the US doesn’t take care of its citizens. The amount of budget spent on welfare is tiny.
I have no problem with welfare. If people actually need it they should receive it. Many people are able bodied and can work but choose not to. They found a way to scam welfare. With that in mind, when it's time for these lazy asses to draw social security, they'll be quite surprised when they see how little they will receive because they contributed little to nothing to the system.