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🍜🍟🍔 If you had to live inside an underground bomb shelter for one year, and could only stock up on only one kind of canned food, what would you choose? This would be the only thing you will be eating everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... Water is not a consideration...

Cutiebeauty 9 Apr 15

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52 comments (26 - 50)

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Canned corn, beans, and squash. It's supposed to be the perfect diet.

Corn, beans, or squash? You only get one...

@Cutiebeauty I meant corn, beans, and squash in the same can!

@davknight ah. . Didn't know that existed lol Good choice 🤣😂

@Cutiebeauty They put everything in cans nowadays!

@davknight I suppose so... I don't use many canned products ... So I'm not familiar with many...


Stuffed grape leaves...protein, fiber, olive oil, cold or hot, yummy!


Will we have a microwave and a refrigerator?

No, that's why your food has to be in cans lol

@Cutiebeauty That means no extra cheese pizza.... In that case, I want to die earlier than later.

Good question.


For only a year??? Peanut butter.....


I am assuming survival is not likely so Ill go with caviar.


Provided I had seasonings and access to boxed foods (i.e. pasta), as well, I’d say tomatoes

Only one canned item.... nothing else... Pick one... Eat out of the can... No preparing meals lol

@Cutiebeauty ick, I think I’d rather let the bomb take me. Canned meals are rubbish

@Leeshi LoL it doesn't have to be canned meat... Look at some of the other comments here... There are some good ideas... 😊

@Cutiebeauty not meat, meals. If I only have access to one item, it would have to be something that has multiple ingredients in it to give the widest range of nutrients possible. And canned meals are gross. Canned food should only be used as ingredients to create other dishes, imo. I am aware that I’m totally overthinking this lol




Campbell's chunky soups. All of them. Except the "heart healthy" versions...they suck.


Damn - I'd want to go for 'Huel', a dried 'complete food' for humans.

It isn't the most inspiring stuff, but it gives you everything you need and basically keeps you properly nourished.


Vienna sausage


MRE's. A cave full of them. That would solve the variety problem.

What are MRE's?

@Cutiebeauty MRE = Meals Ready to Eat. Prepackaged military food

@Cutiebeauty Meals Ready to Eat. It's what the military uses for soldiers in the field who don't have other options. They're actually kinda good


With or without beans 🤣😂

@Cutiebeauty ha ha.....with beans of course. You are funny, a good thing to wake up to....


Chili, either vegetarian or with meat. I prefer to make my own chili, but since you only ONE canned food item is the challenge, chili tends to have a combination of nutrients. I pretty much each chili every day. I'm not vegan, however, it's been a diet i've been doing for over 3 years now.


Depends. Is this on camera and how much are they paying me?


Duh, menudo of course. 🤣


Do Bakker buckets count? (That televangelist, sex offender, ex-felon had been planning for this for years.)

Buxx Level 7 Apr 16, 2019

Tinned steak as long as I got some Oxo cubes to put in it


If I'm gonna get sick from salt laden canned food, then probably Dinty Moore beef stew.


Rice with red beans


I would probably can my own homemade soups in preparation. I can make a hell of a copycat of the Zuppa Tuscona soup from olive garden.


Dinty Moore beef stew if I had the ability to heat the food.

Lesuer carrots if not


Pizza rolls


tuna fish


rice and peaches


Burgers, because it's funny but they already exist

Burgers come in cans?! I've never seen that!

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