19 8

Do you think this can be a good name for a church?
(Big potential for a massive men following)

  • 15 votes
  • 9 votes
St-Sinner 9 Apr 23

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Not so sure about the huge male following. I would guess (based on years of teaching human sexuality at a university) that at least half of them have no clue what that might mean.


Does it practice FNG also?

If so it would be a sect of Islam?


Gives new meaning to ringing the devil's door bell 😂


I'd like some fellow worshippers to join my small group session.


Rename the altar the G-spot. ‘An’ that there G don’t stayand fur no Gard!


Oh look there it is!

Best response ever!


Why not

Unity Level 8 Apr 24, 2019

Bah! Half these religious freaks have No Idea what that even is! You are just there for Their pleasure.......according to the babble.....

More like mutual pleasure IF worshiped correctly and properly.

@Triphid true, but good luck with that......

@AnneWimsey Been there and can say without boasting I reckon I've given a great deal of PLEASURE to the receivers with my tender administrations.

@Triphid well, good for you!

@AnneWimsey Yes, but even better for those who receive, after al, " 'Tis better to give than to receive," is it not?


Men might want to follow it but would they actually be able to find it?

Not so hard to find really, it IS located at the junction of the 4 Pubic Labia after all hiding under its little fleshy hood.

It's easier now with women shaving down there.

That little runway of pubic hair was a good idea too.


But who really wants to attend if they allow any man in it? Bwahaha


Men will never find it !!!


What is that printed on?

Command Line Interface Terminal? Yes I'm a geek.

I'll go. So long has I can give lip service to the little man in a rain coat.

It's a church baseball team shirt.


The Church of the Little Itchy Tickler? 😛


That would give "speaking in tongues" a totally different meaning. 🙂

Yes indeed, and the symbol of the fish.


Oh yes please, that's ONE church I'd joyfully go on bended knees and worship at.


Most men couldn't find it.

Don't worry, we women will tell you right where it is!


That's the church at which I want my man to worship!


Hahaha. Someone sent me that today! So perfect.


I dunno. A lot of men wouldn't be able to find it. 🤓

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