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People always ask why my ex and I broke up and I always say that it’s because I stopped believing in god and he couldn’t handle it. Then they ask why I stopped believing in god. I hate answering that question. Why do I need a reason? Maybe I should start asking the why they DO believe. I don’t know. What do you think?

LisaL81 7 May 3

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I don't mind that question at all. It's a simple answer... zero evidence for, and mountains of evidence against.
Then how'd we get here? We evolved like the rest of the universe, galaxy, solar system, and life on this planet. All verified with evidence.
Then how'd the universe get here? I don't know yet. We're still looking. But there is zero evidence for a god. And previous unknowns which claimed gods were debunked. Let's seek this answer together.

Or , who created God ? Where did he come from ? Gods people worshiped before God were female . Life is created in females .


"I chose rational thought, not magical belief," I tell them.

Unfortunately, for many people rational thought is not an option available to them.


I always ask christians if they believe in extra terrestrial beings visiting earth ... they generally answer no .... so how do you believe in an angel coming down from the sky and telling a virgin woman she is pregnant because a mystical leader still up there wills it to be.
I lose a lot of christians that way


‘Why’d ya’ll break up?’
Me: Hey, did you know minding your own fucking business is gluten-free?

‘Why don’t you believe in god?’
Me: same as above.

Maybe that’s a little harsh, lol.


"For the same reason you don't believe in Zeus."

JimG Level 8 May 3, 2019

Excellent !


Combine the two; if they ask you why you don't believe, tell them you'll answer if they tell you why they do believe. Either everybody has to come clean or nobody does.


I think it's a good idea to try to explain it as long as they are willing to listen. You never know, you might find out it's someone else who is questioning their beliefs but just can't verbalize what they're feeling.


I always say the age of reason and an above average IQ.


I actually haven’t gotten to the point - of what I call my deconversion - where people ask me why I don’t believe in god. (My wife and I split up years ago because I wanted things that she didn’t.) But I’ve thought a lot about what would I say if asked. And I’ll be totally honest when I’m asked: There is no evidence and I’ve had no experiences that would lead me to believe in god. Quite the contrary, there’s more evidence that religions are made up than there is that a god exists. And, if there is a god, he’s really kind of an ass.


Because I grew up and got smart

basically what i tell people. after a certain age your brain develops and you understand how myth works


Why don't you simply say, "We grew apart"????
Why open the door to ANY invasion of privacy? And if they get really pushy, simply say, "Why do you want to know?" And put the ball in their court!


“I preferred to believe in Whinny the Poo, he’s nicer.” I have actually told people that I cannot belong to a organization whose people have less morals than me.

Love that answer. That is also a good answer to the apologists who say that they only believe in it as allegory. If you want a book to use for allegory why not pick a better book. Whinie the Pooh is far better, look at Eeyore who accepts the worst but does not loose his kindness or humanity because of that. The ultimate moral philosopher.

@Fernapple good folks in the hundred acre woods.


Just read that over the course of history , there have been over 5,000 Gods . Ask they why they only believe in one of them ?


I stopped believing in god when I realized it is all make-believe.


Sound reasonable to me. Turn the tables on them. Make them justify their delusions.


I don’t even know why someone would even ask why you guys broke up? That’s nobody’s business, let alone why you no longer believe in god. Under what context are these even appropriate questions, unless they’re close friends, which they should implicitly understand anyway.


I find for those kind of stupid questions, it's best to have a flippant reply ready. I just say that I developed my frontal lobe.


Why do you think that's any of your business?


I quit believing for many of the same reasons people stop believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

Right? Like, it’s a nice story, but it doesn’t make a lot of logical sense!


My wife and I divorced after 32 years, when someone asks either of us, unless they are very close, we just say it wasn't working. we never even told my son the reasons.


I will admit, I read your profile and I totally understand. It's sad that your marriage failed because of it, 14 years that account for nothing is truly sad to me. That's a long time to invest in someone that drops you because you grew as a person. My heart breaks for you and your loss.

There is no case in which 14 years counts for nothing. Those years made her the person she now is. We all grow and change. Life is change.


When I moved out, my friends and family kept asking me why I left my husband because he "was such a good man". All I would say to them was that they didn't live with him. I refused to disparage him just because we drifted apart.


People know it's a personal question so they usually don't ask why you broke up directly.

It's usually, "Oh no...what haaaappened?"

Say, you just realized you wanted different things, then ask them about their boob job or penile implant, depending on their gender.


"Why would you ask such a personal question?" I ask.

I do not discuss reasons for my divorce.


Just tell them you are a late bloomer.


It is a much better question why it's assumed as a default that people believe in an invisible primate of imaginary heft, infinite power, and omniscient perception, who nevertheless spends most of his time watching us have sex.

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