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Got my T shirt and pen!

hippydog 8 Aug 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks good on you bro. 🤓

Thank you


What? No check? They stopped sending out the $100 check? Damn. That's too bad.

They ran out of the xxl size shirts.


After I get to level 8, I pretty much give up on getting to 9, and there will be even less of a chance of getting to 10 unless I spend every waking minute on here commenting for the next 25 years.

I heard for level 10 they buy you an island 😜😉


Congratulations I don't seem to post or comment that much anymore now that I'm back to working and I don't have a crushed foot so it may take me forever to get to level eight but that's some good work on your part

I slowed down a bit myself. But still check my notices at least once a day

@hippydog me too


I lost my pen about 2 seconds after I opened the package. lol

Lol , oops!

@hippydog I could buy 100 pens at a store. Before I'd get to my vehicle, I might have one or two left. I swear.

Lol i have personalized pens made for my dj company.. 500 at a time.. i hand those things out like candy.. guess who invariably has to constantly "borrow" my pen back from someone because i don't have any on me...
This guy.


Got mine and the pen earlier this month/week, just gave it its precursory wash and ready to wear it around town, regularly and PROUDLY, once the warmer sets in here, might even be lucky enough to get some inquiries about memberships as well going on the positive reactions I got from wearing the tee shirt pictured below.

I honestly don't know when i will have a chance to wear mine .

@hippydog I make a point of wearing anything Atheistic/Agnostic in nature when I go to buy groceries or when I go into the main CBD of town where I live, then I am an 'in your face' type of Atheist and bloody proud to be one.


A happy moment!


Hooray for you and the awesome prizes.!


I have 220 pionts to go

So close!!



Thank you.. thought its starting to feel weird being congratulated for basically spending way to much time on social media lmao


Very handsome

Thank you 😊

Though i know i didnt take the most flattering pics, i was just trying it on and decided to snap a photo.


Most awesome.


Congratulations. Have you any tips for getting from 7 to 8 quicker?

You max out pretty easily just "liking" posts , so you then have to actually reply to posts to get points..
And uploading pics

I didnt do anything different, just logged in once a day and checked my notices,


Congratulations. Maybe I'll get there someday.

I know you will 🤗





Great Job!!!

No effort required lol

@hippydog That's the beauty of this site...BE YOURSELF and enjoy!!!!


Congratulations! Doesn't it feel great!!

I will admit, i was a little excited to try it on and post a pic.

@hippydog The pen is great too.. 😃

@hippydog I think if I ever get this t-shirt I will take a pic and post it as my profile pic for a bit... but from the back though XD

@demifeministgal a butt pic. Yes!! 😈

@hippydog LOL just for that I may need to crop out my rear XD

@demifeministgal ill show you mine if you show me yours? 😜😘😉😈

@hippydog LOL! because what woman doesn't want to see a good plumber's butt?! ladies amirite? 😛


Congrats. Looks great.




NR92 Level 6 Aug 12, 2019



Congrats and way to go✌

Thank you


Congratulations! Next level will take awhile, lol.

Lol.. not likely gonna even check .. that would take years

@hippydog It’s not like anything happens!



Praiz Level 3 Aug 12, 2019

It was weirdly exciting (even though i was one of those saying points don't matter lol )


Looking good! Congratulations!

Thank you


Me too. Love the pen


I’m never gonna reach level 8 😢

Exactly how I feel. It seems way to far away.

You can easily reach level 7 though!

you get stuck on level 7 and then it jumps to needing 50000 points that one can never reach 😟


Nothing greater than a level 8er
After 200k more points we'll be able to say nothing finer than a level 9er

They havent come up with any benefits to be a level 9 yet.. that would take years for me now .. (i don't post or interact like i used to)

@hippydog I'm still over 100,000 points to reach level 9, probably won't get there till early to late 2021.

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