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What do you say to people who say, "I'll pray for you", when you tell them you're an atheist? I like to tell them, "and I'll sacrifice a chicken to Shiva for you! " Sounds so much nicer than, "don't bother"...

Coffeeman 7 Oct 13

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74 comments (51 - 74)

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I just say "Thank You" I know it is a waste of time but I also don't want to continually waste time arguing with idiots.

Good answer!


I just tell them, "Pray for my conversion, see where that gets you."


. Like this! Gonna use it!

Feel free to use anything you like!


I've been an Atheist my whole life so I'm very comfortable and self-assured about my beliefs so I just say thanks I can use all the help I can get

That's great that you never had to deal with religion in your personal life!


I tell them thank you. I may not share their beliefs, but (if they are genuine) they are trying to do something good for you. I sont believe in religion but I respect that other people have different views and beliefs.


Just say thanks. It usually comes from a good place and I see no point in countering their good intention with a negative reply. Of course if it turns into something else, then I'll discuss.


I don't usually say anything. But the involuntary eye roll is always there.


Why don’t you ask him/her to pray aloud for you in that instant. After they have finished praying for you tell them it didn’t work because you’re still the same. Or ask them to pray for the people who would be killed today by crime, sickness, hunger, accident then ask them to watch the news to see how useless prayers are.


My 'go to' response is 'and I'll talk to my dogs for you - I expect the same result'.


Shrug, walk away.


Do you think any of them will be smart enough to know that an atheist doesn't worship anything.


I might have to try that. I hate "Thoughts and prayers," because they are meaningless. It is literally the very least someone can do for you. I sometimes say thanks, but no thanks. Now and then I'd like to tell them to fuck off.

Stenz Level 6 Oct 14, 2019

Maybe sometime you should tell them to Fuck off.

Way to go! Thanks for the reply!


I just say thanks.


One of my usual responses is. " Hey, IF talking to yourself or the ceiling is what gets you off then go for it."


OMG! That is too funny. Hope you don't mind, but I am totally going to copy what you say. Can't wait to try it out.

No problem! Copy away!


Say the truth but be appreciative. Bottom line: however they are doing it, they are still trying to help you.

Something I say is: "I'm not a believer, but I appreciate your effort and sentiment. Thank you."

I've made a lot christian friends that way. 🙂


At my worst, I may roll my eyes.... that's about it. People can use their time as they please.


I typically ignore them and treat their comments as though I did not hear them


I generally just smile and nod, depending on the circumstance. It doesn't happen often to me, though. If the mood struck, I might smile and politely say, "No thank you."


That chicken part'm tempted to that


Pray very hard my friend and when you're done come and meet me in the strip bar we have much of gods creation to look at.

Nardi Level 7 Nov 20, 2019

I wonder if they think they are getting points for all the various responses they have received. And how they have handled such "sales objections:" we know what they are and how to respond to them. And when it becomes clear a sale is not quickly forthcoming, we move on to better pastures. There are too many fish in the sea to linger upon the irredeemable flounderlings.


I can't believe the great responce to this post! Thanks, all of you!


My response is usually ...whatever makes you feel good!

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