I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone using the word spiritual. I recently used the word spiritual in a post...however this is not the first time I've set someone off over the usage of this word, and honestly it's comical at this point. I can't speak for others but when I (very rarely) use the word "spiritual" I am NOT using it as a religious or biblical term. I think of it more so under "pagan" terms in reference to the feeling of awe and wonder of nature. It's a feeling of connection and oneness with the universe...I mean we are made of star stuff. We DO share genes with all living things. Stop getting your panties in a wad over the usage of the term "spiritual"...there are worse words being used out there.
I spent 16 years in Santa Fe, NM where every other person is "spiritual" or into "spirituality" of some sort. It ran the gamut of religions and beliefs. Most were very committed to the "spirituality" that they discovered. They built their life around it, whatever it was.
I have been an atheist since second semester of my freshman year in college (1973). But I would often refer to myself as "spiritual". I am a scientist as well as a science teacher (31 years). What I meant by "spiritual" was that I held reverence for the laws of physics and nature. I felt that I had a least a basic understanding of the physical laws of the Universe, and I saw them at work and was impressed with both there complexity and simplicity.
Hiking is a transcendent, uplifting, spiritual experience for me.
I have been an atheist since age 13.
Don't hold your arms outstretched like picture two. That attracts Squaches.
Thats some mean countryside. BEAUTIFUL... A big shout out for giving this thread some nature.
Thank you.
Spiritual? Is it the hike itself or that you are out in the natural world? Would a hike through a city landscape be spiritual?
While hiking, I want to get away from signs of civilization.
The mountains are my sanctuary. While hiking, I feel most grounded and centered.
@LiterateHiker thats what I thought ... and same for me ... but did wonder if it was simply the physical exertion that did it for you
Lonely, alienated people get angry easily...
I do not!
Those that look to be offenered. Don't have to look far. What a waste of energy.. I'm always amazed by the every increasing number.
Ha! I am thoroughly and unabashedly spiritual!
What of it?
I've run into this too. It's ridiculous. Some seem to think the ONLY definitions of "spirit" or "soul" is something that lives forever and exists outside a living body.
The person using these terms might well be referring to "consciousness" or simply these concepts can exist ONLY inside a living body. Take the time to find out what the person means and quit being such dogmatic dumbutts!
If you were feeling devilish you could just throw in the word randomly and see how many get offended by the word and how many actually pay attention to your post.
Semantics can be such fun if you have the right audience.
Semantics get a great many “het up” over nothing! If people want to use the word “spiritual” to describe themselves I can’t understand why others should object, it’s our prerogative to describe ourselves in any term we wish. I wasn’t aware there was a lexicon of forbidden words that atheists were banned from using!
I doubt there is such a list but, as you know, words can and do matter and they often change with the times. I once belonged to a group Childfree by Choice and I learned the difference between less and free. One is negative and one is positive. I feel we need to get rid of godless and instead say godfree. We need to put a positive spin on the language of FREEthinkers.
@Allamanda The word atheist has a negative history. It's like the word 'homosexual.' That had to be changed to gay before any real progress could be made. I don't like the word atheist and prefer others as, secular, freethinker, none believer and, one which is catching on internationally 'Bright.' [the-brights.net]
@Allamanda The group is international as it is a global problem. My late partner once even did a translation in Farsi for the group. Yes, it often does sound silly when new words come into use. Imagine, how people felt when the word "gay" first started to be used.
@JackPedigo Freethinker is my preferred nomenclature....it’s what my father and grandfather called themselves,
@Allamanda True and the fact that most here don't use their real names (which I can understand) add another element.
A bullshit alert lights up in my head every time I hear the word "spiritual".
I get the same light when Astrology is mentioned.
You just might be sane.
That's because of your static latching onto Concepts and words.
The word is too vague for me. It means something different for so many people that, to effectively communicate what is meant, it needs to be defined. If I have to tell people I mean "awe, wonder, and connectedness," I'd simply say "awe, wonder, and connectedness" in the first place and drop the word "spiritual" entirely.
Or "awe-inspiring."
It surprises me too, how bitter and resentful and downright territorial they sound, as if this is their turf and no talk of 'spirit' here!
I consider myself to be striving for understanding of life, the world, the universe, and as an "agnostic neo-deist" (though I think labels are ridiculous) I have every right to think and say whatever I like, and so do you.
I think talk of "spirit" is entirely appropriate, especially if your context helps some of us think constructively about the concept
This is the new Atheism which is driven more by ego than reason.
Perfect @storm1752. I hate to say it, but “....how bitter and resentful and downright territorial they sound, as if this is their turf” sounds like most people in Christianity to me.
@Truthseeker1968 Yes it does. Any "true believer" sounds like that.
I am a total agnostic. No gods, no angels, no scriptures, no praying, and no rituals except one: I practice Zen meditation. That isn't really a "ritual," although you can call it a ritual if you want. Once a day, usually, I sit down, relax, get very calm, and don't think. Because, being awake but without conscious thought is the definition of the Zen state. When I practice Zen on a regular basis, I sometimes get in touch with my self-nature, which is who I am and what I am at the deepest level of my being without the masks and delusions created by my conscious mind.
I CHOOSE to call my self-nature the Human Spirit. I also choose to recognize it as a "spiritual being," not a physical being. Thus, the energy and knowledge that I get from my spirit can be called spiritual. But it's not a belief system and it's not a religion.
Of course, the True Believers think that "spiritual" means something that comes from a deity, which we agnostics and atheists DON'T believe. In their way of thinking, "spiritual" is just more make-believe stuff.
Hats off to you Sir. Achieving a state of personal peace & Harmony " Zen" is no easy feat. Now easy feat at all
@Seriousreason Haha, thanks Mark. Actually I haven't done much that I can take credit for. I learned Zen meditation chiefly so I could relax and sleep when I was under extreme stress. As a result, I stopped being a drug junkie (about 58 years ago) and became a meditation junkie. Years later, a series of enlightening events just "happened." I don't feel any kind of pride for having accomplished something--rather, a sense of profound humbleness. And gratitude.
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be but isn't:
relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as
related to religion or religious belief.
"the tribe's spiritual leader"
religious · sacred
a religious song of a kind associated with black Christians of the southern US, and thought to derive from the combination of European hymns and African musical elements by black slaves.
Wadded panties is such an over reaction.. lol.. Spiritual still has its purpose. IE: Surrounded by God botherers . It's a good safety word to appease. Perhaps avoid the eventual headaches when a acousted by the devout.
Hey, you proved it! With words and stuff! Give me a break.
@altschmerz just because the huffington post writes about it doesn't make it true (it is an opinion piece) but tell that to Merriam Webster who has definitions.
@Seriousreason. Religion = spiritual = bullshit, regarding the panties, tell it to Bohoheathen.
@Mofo1953 I know you are but what am I? Nina nanny boo boo
You're trying to make reality conform to language, rather than language conforming to reality. Get over your hang up with words and definitions and you'll see a lot deeper.
In other words, you can't change the nature of Reality by defining it differently. Who are you? Are you a robot? Do you not feel, do you not bleed?
What is it that feels? Who is it that cries?
@Mofo1953 # savethepanties.. Panties never hurt anyone. If you don't like the word spiritual. Avoid using it..
@Seriousreason panties are spiritual.
@Metahuman Ha ha . '& if your Connor McGregor. You brake out the red one's.
@Metahuman It's Interesting seeing differing ideologs . Free Speech is taken to lightly by those that choose to mould it to a form of law's unto themselves. Those that champion free speech. That sings it's praises. Are wrongfully vilified... To assert that minorities cannot negotiate language , comedy , News. To their chosen viewpoint goes thee.. One famous Man said " It's not that our rival's are ignorant.. It's just they know so much, that isn't so.. " Oh sorry @ metahuman. This message was not directed at you. Or anyone really. If your American.. value your first amendment. 5 Chinese police arrested a woman for a Winnie the Pooh meme.. May still be peeing on the concrete. You must admit tho.. splitting image. Shame it's only looks.
@Seriousreason, do they not speak english in NZ? Read my posts, it's not the word that bothers me, it's the stupidity of people who want to give it a different meaning than what it has, and all the meanings have religious connotations and origins. Oh, and the panties term was used sarcastically by me, if you can read properly the original posting which I replied to.
@creative51 beg to differ, only your #3 is different to what I have said, spirit or soul, incorporeal, are all religious terms. Seems like the one purposely misunderstanding is not whom you believe but actually looking at you in the mirror, people here are non believers, all this hooey about feelings of awe with nature, music, art and any other endeavor that has inner beauty has norhing to do with spirits or souls, despite what you choose to believe, we are all moved by this, just most people at least here, choose not to attribute this emotion with the supernatural because it isn't supernatural or spiritual or religious, it is an emotional response of your psyche. Now, if you want to believe that one can only be moved because we have a soul or an incorporeal spirit, may I ask why have you even joined a group of non believers????
@creative51 English can't be twisted, it is a very clear language, I interpret what I hear, can't hear thoughts though. Not my definitions, Merriam Webster's. My agenda is very apparent and very clear, I do not believe in religions, gods, spirits and all the associated assorted esoteric bullshit. Never hid that from anyone.
@Seriousreason ok, you take blue.
On second thought, I'll take black. Kempo Style.
@Mofo1953 who says they're religious terms? They're not religious terms to me. Are you the Word Authority? Do you get to say what words mean, and therefore arbitrarily say that you understand reality because you know what words mean?
Do dictionaries follow people, or do people follow dictionaries?
The meaning of words aside, inflection can put an entirely different meaning on a sentence. Aside from bolding or italicize, we really don't have much inflection here.
So you may not understand what someone else is saying at all, yet here you are condemning it as idiocy.
@Metahuman Merriam Webster says so. Learn how to read. I do not condemn anyone. Learn how to read. What I said, and very clearly, is that I do not believe in bullshit. Learn how to read. Where in my posts have I used the words idiots or idiocy? I don't insult people, I do express my beliefs same as you. I understand very well. Have I suggested that you learn how to read?
@Mofo1953 If you are convinced the sky daddy doesn't exist , then stop trying to convince those that are on your side of that.
In defense of @ metahuman . You state you do not insult people. That comment is a pretty stuffy self absorbed leftist tactic to belittle. Telling him to learn to read. I'd expect that comment from an eletist college professor . With two basement dwelling antifa sons/ daughters. I noticed a feeble attempt to bash Trump sprinkled in there as well . I see the NYPost claim " the walls are closing in . " Thought you lot hated Walls
@Metahuman i proofread but why edit for something so obvious, oh, right, there are people like you who can't even use their brains and deduct something so easy much less read properly. But since you are kind of an aberration in this site, I will not change my habits.sorry, you still have to learn how to use your brain and read properly.
@Seriousreason, @Metahuman of course you would, shows how little you know how to interpret letters and words.
@Seriousreason a busy body from New Zealand, amazing, don't you have enough problems in your little island that you want to pretend to know what is going on in this country and with such an authority to opine on things that you obviously assume but don't know?
@Mofo1953 lol . Well your true colours are their for all to see aren't they. You remind me of the type of people Trey portraits on South Park. Who sniff their own farts with relish . While having some unearned feeling of superiority. When in fact their confirmation bias, says all anyone needs to know .
@Seriousreason my true colors, please kiwi, enlighten me?
My post was self explanatory. Look in the mirror.
@Seriousreason your post was full of assumptions and innuendos, obviously you do not want to explain yourself, typical of trolls.
Sorry about your experience. Their's is a knee-jerk response, in my opinion.
The word "spiritual" has different meanings. Your critics take it to mean mythological/magical/woo woo. But as you noted, it can mean our feeling of connection to the earth, universe, humanity, etcetera. No deity required!
Thanks for reminding your critics of this other meaning of the word spiritual.
I blame it on the limitations of vocabulary. I don't care for the word spiritual, but there really is no word that adequately describes that feeling of peace and serenity I get when I am hiking out in nature. Using the word spiritual outside of its religious context is about as close as our available vocabulary gets.
I would like to object to the word "panties".........I don't know why.
lol . Panties... Ha. They will be making then tougher these days . Men who identity as Woman . When donning their panties tend to damage the lace . Now the narrative includes male periods . # freebleed.
Remove the tax from sanitary products. Corporations should not profit from products required when Women preform natural functions. . Free Tampons .. Free condoms.. Gender equality.
mmmm....wadded panties...
I’m spiritual as a mother fecker
@creative51 No his Mother identifys as a FECK .. lol.
Some one else quite a while back mentioned something like this, and it got my attention like your's did too.
For me. And well quite a few others I know, the word "spititual" doesn't always mean godly, or a religious kind of thing. Rather it is a good way to describe one, who can meditate, or get into a "zen" for lack of a better word with themselves. We know that when we get into a "spiritual" mode it is not about a "Higher" being, it is more akin to conversing with ones self on a higher level. At least it is for me and others I know.
And to add something I've read, heard, etc. We know that we are made up from exploding stars which in their exaust gave Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, yadda yadda. essentially what WE are made of. We are made of star stuff, ( a little nod to Carl Sagan there). There is a sort of connectivity there. I don't think for a second that atoms communicate like other life forms may do. But if we go far enough, we all came from some chemistry run amuck. Every form of life on this planet shares in part some DNA with every other form. Reflecting on stuff like that is one of those things that I will put into my Thoughts when I am feeling "Spiritual".
Not sure if that made any sense, but, it is how I feel about that.
Well said.
In Batman's behalf I would say it's not a big deal
@Gwendolyn2018 ....... Gotta be careful here now.....which character am I? Definitely not Robin, I can tell you that much
@Gwendolyn2018 Naahhhh.... Leaning more like Joker
@IamNobody I'm kinda shaped like the Penguin.
@PondartIncbendog Don't we all to certain extent???
@Gwendolyn2018 Neither do I, it's all in good fun
@Gwendolyn2018 No penguinism here!
@Gwendolyn2018 I know I don't look like the Penguin and that suffice for me. However, if you think I might then there's nothing I can do since I won't provide any pics. Anyway, is it me or is it getting crazy around here??
@Gwendolyn2018 Ok, I'll take it as a nice compliment. IamCute penguin
@Gwendolyn2018 If you like cute penguins then IamOne. If you like lean then IamLean. See the beauty of this virtual world? Easy to please all options !!!
@Gwendolyn2018 Are you asking what's my ethnicity? ..... Mmmmmhhh... IamHuman
@Gwendolyn2018 Sorry, you lost me...where were we talking food???.... Nevermind, I need to get my mind off the gutter, I guess...
@Gwendolyn2018 Aaahhhhh.... I see !!!! Ok back to the same page, good. I don't think I have met a person that wouldn't like chocolate yet. Interesting, now I know you like chocolate, cats, dogs, rocks and cute penguins. On a serious note, this exercise of written communication sometimes slightly deviates from what we say and what we meant to say. Comes with the territory. I don't know about you but as far as IamConcerned, this has been fun so far. Thx !!!
@Gwendolyn2018 Well the list keeps expanding. Very nice. IamGoodatRepartee, perhaps I could say that Samuel Clemens was my inspiration a while ago. I will have to agree with you, it is rare. It doesn't happen every day, to find someone even better than me at repartee !!!! So thank you for that. In reciprocity, here is some things I like as well: I like History, all of it since the Big Bang, I like people with very very few honorable exceptions, and I like to read mostly biographies ( Physicists, celebrities, etc) because their lifes take me places. Cheers !!!
@Gwendolyn2018 Non taken by any means, that's how we all learn. Feedback is always welcomed. Now that we have mentioned the "r" word, I should have few more years to retire but, if life and things allow me to keep working then I would like to do that until I kick the bucket. I do pretty much as I please on my free time anyway. Well, probably enough for one day. Great talk !!!
Religion and spiritual are not joined at the hip. I would rather someone be spiritual, than religious any day.
But, is the term 'Spiritual' used to mean, A) I do NOT believe in nor follow the teachings of a God/Jesus, etc, and merely hold that the 'Holy Spirit' IS the reality of everything, or, B) that the person claiming to be 'spiritual' contends that the 'spirits' of the dead dwell or inhabit still the world around us, or, and there are numerous other definitions btw, that the 'spiritual' person is opting for a 50/50 chance scenario and, maybe, merely undecided?
You can’t let it bother you! In this day and age of descent into tribalism, any feeling you express, any facts you present, opinions you hold, will set somebody or some group off. It doesn’t matter what they call themselves (Christian, Atheist, Satanist, Buddhist), they will jump on one word, one phrase, and find something to be offended about. And thanks to the Internet, they have lots of targets and unrestricted forums to verbally attack anyone they don’t agree with. I often leave stupid posts up, here and on Facebook, because I know that the majority of readers probably agree with me. And even if they don’t, the attack tends to be so off the wall it reflects more on the issues of the writer than it does on my feelings. And my thoughts are certainly well founded enough that some pissant with a grudge is not going to ruin my day. Even if I do take the time to respond, I know there is little chance of changing their mind, so I don’t waste a lot of time other than perhaps to clarify my thoughts for other readers. Life is too short to worry about trolls and blockheads.
Use whatever you want. If people get butthurt, screw it. I don't like "spiritual" as it's commonly used in a pseudo Christian context. Spiritual connection to the universe? Again to me it smacks of divinity of gods. Connection to natural phenomena? Okay, I can get behind that, but not in the abstract mystical sense. More of a reverence to the order of physical laws that govern existence similar to what you apparently meant. But I personally wouldn't call that spiritual either, but it's easier and makes sense. Webster's thinks it's primarily in reference to religion or ethereal embodiments. Long story short, sometimes triggers say more about the person triggered than the person that caused it. Maybe your post will clear it up, either way, don't lose sleep over it
Yes I have no problem with spiritual in the form you use it. The only problem with spiritual is that it has so many usages, all different, that it has become a virtually meaningless word, and can therefore be used as a cover to get all sorts of woo in under the door. Which is what upsets people. Perhaps in part because they think that, using it without exactly defining it, is wasting their time.