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❤️You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.

Why did you spill the coffee?

"Because someone bumped into me!!!"

Wrong answer.

You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup.

Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea.

Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.

Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled.

So we have to ask ourselves... “what's in my cup?"

When life gets tough, what spills over?

Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility?

Anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions?

Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.

Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation; and kindness, gentleness and love for others ❤️

MsHoliday 8 Nov 19

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Nothing spills.
Lids are the key.


If Trump spilled the contents of the cup it would be Hunter Biden's fault.


What’s in my cup? Bile. Cold, cynical bile. With a little French vanilla creamer.

@Donotbelieve passed down through the generations with love. 😉


Oh, okay, when I spill coffee all over next time, I'll be sure to be all rainbows and sunshine and spill happiness all over the place.

We're all human. The people who act all happy and chipper when things get hard are lying to themselves and everyone else. You can be respectful but you don't have to be all joyful and grateful all the time.

Right? I swear to goddess if I hear one more tired yogi ass platitude from another wealthy wanna be bohemian resident in this town I may very well lose my coffee AND my lunch all over them.


When someone bumps into me, I spit up Hershey's Kisses.

Good answer

Regular or special dark?


I never check the colour.



I'd puke all over you like a 5 year old who just ate 20 pounds of chocolate.


Correct answer: "I was holding the cup. The clumsy fool who bumped into me spilled it."

The metaphor is very simplistic nonsense. People are a little more complex than cups, and many things go in, get mixed around, reconfigured, and filtered through experience, temperment, and multiple other factors. What comes out is entirely dependent on the situation.

JimG Level 8 Nov 19, 2019

"Life" shaking you and being bumped and spilling coffee are not the same thing. I get the analogy or metaphor or whatever other word you wish to use to equate the two but it is far too simplistic to be helpful..

Spilling a little coffee compared to.. say.. learning your child has incurable bone cancer.. and then saying you need to face both with a Buddha type zen smile is not only completely a PollyAnna reaction but does a complete negation of how a person deals with the latter scenario.

Spilling coffee.. sure. easy to laugh off. A dying child.. not so much. Each moment has it's realities. Each moment must be allowed its own emotional outcome.

This is the problem with most philosophical platitudes.

No offence meant to your post.. just my opinion 🙂


Get a cup with a lid

1of5 Level 8 Nov 19, 2019

Thank you for sharing! I really needed to hear this!😍

You can't always reach everyone with your message, but those with the ability to hear it (as it was intended), welcome your words and receive them openly and humbly...😊

@Free_2B_Me who the hell expects me to be "humble"???????!!? Good luck with That!

@AnneWimsey To each their own. You are welcome to be as 'unhumble' as you so choose. As it were, my initial comment was clearly directed to the writer of the original post as support and encouragement. I have no control over how it is interpreted by others.


Just a bit too fluffy joy joy for me, sorry. The logic error is kind of overwhelming.


I drink my coffee in solitude so no one can come along and spill it and make all the foul words I know spill from my mouth.

Yes, thank you.


this is the most disjointed exchange to come along in quite a while


Good thoughts!


This is actually kinda helpful.


I prefer the people are like teabags; you don’t know what they’re made of until you drop them in hot water. Maybe this is someone trying to transfer it for coffee drinkers.

@PhitDoctor50 yes, that’s a good one too 🙂


Ehhhhhhh super unimpressive metaphor to me...... but I think what you have going on only would work if the first sentence said - 'Why did you spill coffee?' - to me adding the 'the' in the question makes it not work. I unfortunately am unable to articulate why it doesn't work. Something like saying 'Why did you spill the coffee?' is asking ~ What is the cause of the spill?~ and saying 'Why did you spill coffee?' is more close to asking ~Why was it coffee that got spilled~
Ethier way it really doesnt work for so many other reasons than just grammar. To simplistic and unrealistic and built into it is that the only people that would disagree with the metaphor are those who are 'full of' the attributes you tried to present as negative.
Today I hope not to dictate to others what they should 'fill their cups with' and hope that their cups are full of whatever emotion would best suit them for the moment they are currently in 🖤


Whatever the logic......,I agree with the attitude.....unless the bumping becomes a habit.


Unless you have Parkinson's Disease!


I drink my coffee really fast so it is usually gone or mostly gone before anyone has a chance to bump me.


My coffee cup has a lid. I don't spill.

Rondo Level 4 Nov 20, 2019

What ever is inside the cup is what we spill out

Is those idiots didnt make me spill, they wouldnt have to deal with me at all. Im not "filling my cup with kindness and unicorn farts" for their sake. They need to watch their step. Idiots.

Me thinks you misunderstood this, he, he.

@Jolanta really? Explain?

@MarkiusMahamius I am not sure I can do it in the way you would understand, so I won't.

This is why I carry an empty cup


I think it's fair to say that life is as simple or complicated as one makes it, having the free use of the word "NO" is a good guide to keeping things simple. 😉


What a lovely way to express something so simple! The more we work on being positive, the better everything turns out to be.

Mimee Level 6 Nov 19, 2019

But not at a Trump rally. You will be pummeled. don't get how to fill your cup hating your neighbors with TrumpOLINI


When ya put it like dat like dat u-rite! (That reference is dated ik but this is a refreshing idea)

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