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Why are we so gullible? Every scam has a hook, and the hook for the scam of religion is memories. We don’t want to forget and we don’t want to be forgotten. So, we created an eternal soul, an imaginary self, in order to perpetuate our existence beyond the wall of death, and with all memories of mortal life intact. GROG

GROG 6 Dec 13

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"Why are we so gullible? "

Because we are slowly mutating beasts with no rational reason to be intelligent.
Skepticism and intellectual honesty are not necessary to breed; to the contrary, they are often impeding the process.

Natural selection doesn't promote intelligence. Hasn't for thousands of years. At some point in our evolution, something went terribly wrong and humans were crippled by depressions; instead of dying out they lessened their symptoms by fanatically stroking their egos and entitlement.


Fearing death is a major element as well. The church can control your life. Lots of power. I say Fuck em.

Yes, fearing death is one of the most common motivations to reach for religion for the' promise' of a life thereafter. When I was a child in Germany, my father would take me to the forest, when everyone else went to church, either Catholic or Evangelic, Beautiful dense forests we have in Germany. There was an opening with patches of soil and flowers booming. We watched the deer grazing . always alert and ready to flee. "This is my church' he'd say. Nature is the most beautiful and inspiring in life. Seasonal changes were noted and in the autumn when leafs would fall in color of brown, red and yellow, he said that nature was going to sleep until spring, when we would see new life sprouting everywhere. Maybe he did not wish to die .. maybe he wanted to be reborn in some form of Life. I don't know, but I don't believe that when I am dead, the energy that is ME will disburse, will be gone. The energy, referred to by religion 'the soul' will rise and and join the vast and eternal universe.

@gemini31 Did the same with my daughters, but, ‘when we die, we decay’ ...‘like that fern.’ One has so vividly described the places she’d scatter my ashes nearly has me welcoming death.. Our elements survive, and perhaps some genetics, that’s plenty for me ~


Scared people are dangerous, and will do anything to secure themselves in ignorance. To afraid to learn the truth, and to scared to accept it when they find it.


A bit of a very broad and possibly unfounded statement there that we are ALL gullible I think.
In my opinion you are trying to 'tar everyone with the same brush,' which non-one can truly do since we can only, logically and realistically speak for ourselves and ourselves alone.
To make such broad statement/ comment, in my opinion, you would need to have canvased absolutely every single living person both on the planet and on the Site as well, is that not correct?
Ergo, it is my guess/opinion that you have not done so since, I for one, have neither recollection nor record of being polled by you.

It is a broad, generalized statement. Not everyone got taken by Bernie Madoff. GROG

@GROG There IS a difference between a Statement and a Generalisation.
You, imho, clearly made a Statement, not a Generalisation.




P. T. Barnum said it: there's a sucker born every minute!


"Not wanting to be forgotten" isn't the half of it; most people do not want to cease to be, either. The fear and loathing of mortality is, I think, the biggest driver of religion, ultimately. Secondarily, other forms of the unknown -- the need for "explanations" for tragedy, unfairness, injustice and ways to rationalize those things and still have hope. Many prefer comforting lies to dealing in reality when it comes to such questions.

For me, at least, the problem was that when those abstractions started to leak, it created more problems for me than it solved. Religious faith was an epistemology that failed to accurately explain or predict lived experience, often being literally 180 degrees wrong (and I don't like surprises). It failed to comfort me in grief, failed to protect me from harm, and just generally rendered my life more, rather than less, baffling.

Now I can embrace life as what it actually is -- a series of things happening -- some of which I like, others of which I don't. But it's not personal. It's not a failure of some deeply interventionist god to intervene as needed; it's not a judgment on my worthiness; it's not about me whatsoever. It's not about anything really. It just IS. Once you get that through your head, and don't have to reconcile the vicissitudes of life with this loving, caring sky wizard, then SO much frustration and disappointment and pain and confusion vanish in a puff of logic.

But the eternal soul and imaginary self, as you put it, is something people cling to because, in my view, of failure of imagination -- they can not imagine life without that clinging, even when it isn't working for them. Religion tells them they're not doing it right, and have to try harder. And they can't contemplate going it alone.

I leave them to it; they are welcome to it. It never worked for me.


Facts! Our brains play tricks on us to make processing information easier and less energy consuming.

SCal Level 7 Dec 13, 2019

True. That is how and why the brain created the supernatural realm where all gods and souls exist! GROG


If animals (who, of course, God created, so we are led to believe by the pious) gathered in religious groups or scribed the sign of the cross with their cloven hooves, I would be more inclined to believe that religion is not just from the minds of men! 😉

Animals may have an idea of unseen agents as it is necessary for survival. Humans learned to write, that makes humans different and thus religions were created. GROG

@GROG If only we could talk to the animals GROG, I'm sure they would tell us what misled fools we really are! 😉

@GROG All animals are sentient beings. They process though and emotions. The animal is honest and more humane than humans. I find more joy being with them .. no matter which species.

@gemini31 I know that animals are sentient beings. When I watched a bird tying a knot with straw while making its nest, I realized that animals are smart and they remember. Memory, this is the place where imagination is active so animals can imagine something existing when it doesn't. This imagining ability is something humans have a hard time giving up on when it comes to supernatural imaginings. Nonbelievers in the supernatural understand that it is not real and exists only in the mind. Then there are atheists and agnostics who can't/don't/won't give up on this sliver of imagination, the possibility, that a supreme being exists. "There might still be a chance." or "We don't have enough knowledge." Sorry for running on so... Thanks for your response. GROG


Perhaps you should look to Plato for the soul as that is where the idea originates for the purpose of Western thought.

Might give you your answer.


You can only speak for yourself, and others you know. Many different feelings on such things.

If I'm forgotten, I care not one teeny bit !


I do not care if I am forgotten...why would i?

Anyone who'd remember is just gonna die and be forgotten themselves.

I have not forgotten my parents, my grand parents, even still remember my great-grandmother. If we propagate, breed specimens of (a plant or animal as well) by natural processes from the parent stock.
we shall stay alive in the memory of our kin. I have great-grand children. It is comforting to know that I live on in them .. my genes are alive!


Seems there’d be some deep psychological research on that.. As a guess, maybe having ‘just become aware,’ most humans are unable to turn off the thrill of it - thus cling to desires and fantasies ‘that keep us going forever’…

It obviously begins as a cultural thing. Progressing due to limited education, and ending up as an imposed scam from the ruling class. I like to think opportunities ‘like this,’ to share information around the world will be our savior. But lately, as internet networks become divided by single-party nations ...who knows 😕 [so yes - more GROG]

Varn Level 8 Dec 13, 2019
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