So I'm at work and I had a customer ask me if i was a lover of jesus. I said no and then had to sit there for the next 10 minutes listening to someone tell me how much him and god love me. Thank you but I didn't ask. I would never ask someone that question unless we were dating. I surely wouldn't sit there and tell them why they don't need to believe in god. I hate when people do that. If i wasn't at work i would have just walked away laughing.
Say a prayer for him or her. LOL
Seriously, you'll run into this quite a bit, unfortunately. More in some areas than others. It's a "pick your battles" situation. It's hard to blow off customers though. Think of it as earning the money but keeping your integrity. Good luck.
My line is that I don't discuss religion or politics at work, but if they want to buy me a whiskey, we can discuss it at happy hour BUT I get to talk first.
"Where is your falsifiable evidence to support your existence claim of your particular god?" - that always seems to shut them up.
@anglophone Or if god is all healing, why has there never been, in history, an amputee that has been healed?
Part of my volunteering at the homeless shelter, is that some of the places we go to to get donations will have us fill out a form. Not that unusual, more like where it;s going and such.
But every now and the some of the places on their forms will have a section of. " do you take the lord Jesus Crist as your savior.
I fucking hate that because If I just lie, and check 'yes' then all is good, except they put me into a position that I have to lie. Because if I were to say "no", then I'll get an ear full of preacing, and then some.
IMHO, wht the fuck does believing in a 'god' have to do with any thing about helping others. Just my .02 cents.
Yeah, too bad you were at work! Otherwise "oh, yeahhhhh I'm a lover of Jesus baby! Can I tell you about my fantasys? They involve midgets, leather and the LORD! Praise! I want to Feeeeel the Lord inside me! Glory!"
I can't stop laughing. Can you imagine their horror facial expression watching you say all that?
That would be priceless
I am partial to eating babies, though I do prefer them to be roasted rather than boiled.
@anglophone try them in a pressure cooker - turns it all to mush !
My urges to mock and make fun are just as strong as theirs to preach. When asked if I love jesus my replies go something like this:
"Well, we were in a pretty serious thing for a while but in the end he turned out to be a real asshole..."
[shocked looks here]
"....sorry if the cuss offends. Anyway this bastard of a buttwipe stole all my money and one of my credit cards...."
Religio-freak interrupts: "No, what i mean is...."
Me, interrupting back: ".....THEN he rented a convertible... with MY money of course.... and drove it down to Telladega to bet on the races. Again, with MY money...."
"No, no, I'm talking about our lord and sav---"
"Oh NO, the best part is yet to come! jesus buttwipe has the NERVE to come back to me with the yeah sorry love ya babe, dunno WHAT came over me, take me back yadda yadda....."
"NO, miss, I mean have you been SAV--"
"OH was I SAVED all right! By the COPS! Cuz when I told him to fuc-- I mean, flake off, ol' buttwipe bastard started beating on me something awful, even threatening to kill my parakeet Charlie! A PARAKEET, can you BELIEVE it?"
"I KNOW you are! This guy aint all he says he is, honey. And he would've killed me if it weren't for his sweater getting caught in the garage door opener. So there he was dangling until the cops showed up...."
"Never mind."
"Just as well, Charlie never did like him, anyway...."
If I was on my toes, I might day "Cheeses? I like cheeses."
Or, "jesus who?".
It’s about them because if they have “Jesus” that validates them that they are a good person. An elderly neighbor asked me to go to church I said no thank you I am a proud atheist.
@rsb97080 Being forgiven is the problem. It gives people Carte Blanche to do whatever they want in the idea to be forgiven. It takes away all personal responsibility. In the end it's just pandering to the weak and lazy.
True Story..... I saw Jesus.
A couple of years ago I was in the Motor Vehicles office renewing my Driver's License. I along with others had to wait until the clerk called your name to come up to the desk. As I was sitting there waiting the clerk called "Jesus Christ"...."Jesus Christ" ....and a Hispanic looking man stood up and went to the clerk to get his license.
A friend's mother is a nurse and she cured Jesus Christ. Got him all better again, she is also a catholic which cracks me up as she can not see the funny side of it all. When you say she cured Jesus she points out his name was Heysues not Jesus, no sense of humour at all.
My view is that people look for sociological acceptance, and attempt to join the "alpha" group. It doesn't just apply to religion, everybody wants to "belong" somewhere. Their beliefs in religion are used as a "social glue", in exactly the same way that people get together to have a drink, stoners hang around with other stoners, people that work together talk shop to each other, bikers join gangs, and people from the same neighbourhoods hang around each other. Religion has nothing to do with god, be it sentient or not. It has everything to do with sociologically uniting the masses. The people that raise the "god is great" discussions are looking for acceptance and validation that they are part of the "alpha group", and by enlisting you to their beliefs, or determining that you have similar beliefs to theirs, they are validating, and justifying to their egos, that they are part of the largest, most "right", most powerful group, backed by the most powerful entity, the force that created the universe. Generally, I just agree with them, it makes them feel good... but I have had completely arrogant pricks try and jam it down my throat. In those circumnstances, the conversation generally goes like this,
"Jesus loves you, and you aren't grateful enough about it."
"Yeah,I know, but Jesus was a polyamorous homosexual, and told his disciples to be gay, too."
"What?!? That's BLASPHEMY! How dare you say that! How could you even THINK that!?!"
"It's right there at the last supper. Jesus walks in, strips off, lies with his disciples, gets up, washes their "feet", which was a custom that wives did for their husbands when they got home, at the time, and says, "Love one another as I've loved you."
It usually doesn't end well...
Try changing the subject.
"I'm an atheist," I say. "Please stop talking about your religion."
It rarely works. Proselytizing Christians are a pain in the neck.
Doesn't that make things worse saying you are an aetheist? I gave up saying that because then they start trying to convince me to believe in god. And if that doesnt work they start treatening that i am going to hell
Interesting point. On dating sites, two Christian men met me to try to convert me. One was a pastor.
"Martin Luther said there are no atheists!" the pastor said triumphantly, as if that settled the issue.
"I don't care what a Catholic monk said 400 years ago," I replied and stood up. "I don't want to argue with you. I'm leaving. Thanks for lunch." Exit stage left.
I tell people I'm an atheist to help normalize it. Millennials are leaving religion in droves, and some of it is related to politics.
@LiterateHiker kudos to you for normalizing it. i see your point. And you are right. I will do the same unless i get the ones who get all emotionally involved and start shaking like the world is coming to an end.
Thank you, dear.
Feel for you, and agree completely, been there, done that. time say, "I hate to interrupt but I have work to do. Take care." Then walk away.
I had someone ask me that. I just told them that I don't talk about religion to strangers. If they continued I would tell them again and ask if they needed anything else. If they didn't, then I would say I needed to see if anyone else needed help and excuse myself.
A better reply would be "I do not discuss my personal business [while at work]".
If feeling aggressive, try "Why do you want to know?"
Actually answering opens you up immediately to this kind of crap you got.