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Well I may have copped a totally uncalled for and unwarranted tirade from Evangeloon yesterday , BUT, I just had the 2 Ambos ( Ambulance persons)/Paramedics call around to my house and offer me their praises, etc, for my actions yesterday before they both arrived on the scene and during it all when they were there.
The news, so to speak, is that Evangeloon is now in hospital, likely to remain there for a few days or more, his shoulder is not only dislocated but the Rotator Cuff is fractured, he has a hair-line fracture to the base of skull, severe concussion and a smallish bruising on the brain which stopped early yesterday evening.
Accord to the Ambos and the Doctor in attendance at the hospital Emergency Department, " had I not been so quick in both calling the Ambulance and attending to Evangeloon on site, he may have suffered, possibly, from some sort of lasting brain damage."

Triphid 9 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Good work, but how can you detect brain damage in a evangelical ?

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 13, 2020

I've wondering about that as well.


Praise well deserved!


Props to you for doing the right thing despite interfering with god's will. =0}


I have no sympathy for Evangeloon.

Me neither.


"And Mr Triphid, exactly how many times did you strike your neighbor?"

And my answer would, " Sir, I never strike shit because it splatters and has a tendency to stick to anything that it comes in contact with."


Ummmm, honey, I believe that ship sailed a long time ago.......

LOL, I tend to think that his head is akin to the Mary Celeste, i.e. the ship is there but nobody is at the helm.


Well, at least you know you did what you could, whether he appreciates it or not.


Good onya. Just out of curiousity though, how might you tell the diff, pre/post head injury?

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