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Oh, boy.
Just had a 'conversation' ( one that I'd rather have avoided btw) with Genius George the neighbourhood Evangeloon.
He is pissed off at the costs of Electricity these days, even though he has Solar Panels, so he has decided to build his own Steam Powered Electricity Generating outfit.
Plans to use a, get this, a 90 kilogram capacity Liquid Propane Gas cylinder as the 'boiler', a turbo from a motor car to be spun by the steam to drive a 240 volt Generator.
He looked at me like I was a complete idiot when I asked him the following questions,
"How are you going to heat the water to turn it into steam?"
" Steam to turn a turbine MUST be super-heated and pressurized, how are you going to accomplish that?"
His replies were,
" I'll use electricity to heat the water, I watched a show about Steam Locomotives so I now know exactly how they work, so there."
So I asked him, " You do know that Steam Locomotive Boilers have tubing running through the Boilers, the Boilers are a container filled with water as a 'jacket' and are specially designed and built solely to Super-heat the water and the steam they produce to temperatures of around 240 degress F. + and pressures of around 90 - 100 pounds per square inch, don't you, that requires a fully qualified, experienced Boiler-maker to construct such a highly pressurized vessel?
His responses were, " The tubing in those boilers are there ONLY to let the smoke from the fire through, I won't be needing those, I am a qualified Stone Mason so I know exactly what I'm doing, the Gas cylinder will do the job I want it to do."
At least the up-side is that he is planning to 'install' his system in his backyard shed well away from his and everyone else's houses so WHEN the 'boiler' blows its top, which it most definitely will, the chances of our homes being destroyed are less then about 1 in a thousand.
Logic and reasoning are DEFINTELY NOT part of his thinking, Using Electricity to make cheaper electricity, you've got to be kidding.

Triphid 9 Nov 12

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If this is the same individual that you have spoken of before, you really should have left that chainsaw running. πŸ˜‰

I know, I know but my compassion and training as a nurse always takes over in situations such as that.

@Triphid and I do commend you for that, but in this case it's a thought that counts. 😁


Sometimes I wish I was living next to you so I too could enjoy all this.

I reckon you'd soon be regretting that.
Within the first week he'd knocking on your door and trying to Preach to you as well.

@Triphid He would be very sorry about that.

@Jolanta Do you come armed with a heavy steel hammer and a sharp cold chisel, perhaps, to attempt to 'drive' a little sense into his very empty void of a head?

@Triphid have a stick that has a nail on the end the pointed bit up and I use it.

@Jolanta I hope it IS a Nine Inch nail.....LOL.

@Triphid Of course it is.


Maybe he should just pray for lower electrical rates or perhaps use less electricity?... Since he doesn't seem to read or understand much living in the dark ages like he does turning off his lights shouldn't be an issue now should it?...

Now, IF he were to do that then it would limit/curtail the hours on end that he spends watching the Christian Preacher Channel here on our Free to Air Television channels.
And, trust me, he spends at least 6 hours during daylight and about 11 hours EVERY night on Channel 54, this I know because he has told me that "IF I were to watch and listen to them, Jesus would come to me as he did to him."

@Triphid For a device with such high potential for good TV is mostly just trash and has earned the nicknames "itiot Box", "Stupidvision", and so many others....

Plus, it gets up his nose that as an Aged Pension recipient I get my Electricity at cheaper rates than he does.

@Triphid Tell him you will be happy to trade incomes so he can get the discount rate....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yep, "Idiot-box," " Dummies-tube," etc, etc.

@Triphid Moronovision is a good name for it as well....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz M
Not a snowball's chance in Hell on that one, I worked my arse off since I was about 9years old, paid my taxes, raised a family, etc, etc, I reckon I've earned it.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yeah that fits him perfectly as well as his viewing preferences.

@Triphid I went through almost 40 years of hell before they diagnosed me with PTSD from the military so I paid for my VA disability and then some but when people tell me how lucky I am I get irritated and tell them to give me all those years of my life back and they can have it.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Btw, to the best of my knowledge, he has had 3 full-time jobs since he's been here, sacked from all 3, mainly due his 'lack' of work ethics, turning up ONLY when it suits him AND Preaching to fellow workers.
He is ONLY receiving Social Security Payments plus the money his rather well -off mother sends him these days to KEEP him away from the rest of the family.


How well protected will you be when his boiler blows?

Safe as houses, the cylinder he plans to use will only rupture along a welded seam, not actually explode as such.


He's going to discover that generating his own electricity is more difficult than he thinks, and more expensive than buying it from the utility. On the positive side, he will have a backup for the next time there's an outage, but he'll burn up his refrigerator and fry his electronics.


Might want tocall the Building Inspector (or whatever they call it near you) about an obvious hazard being built, with, No doubt, no permit.....

It appears that the neighbours on the other side of his house have already done that.

@Triphid good for them! The life you save might be your own!


So when you hear the BOOM from his house just sit back and laugh.

Probably won't be a BOOM as such, more like a very audible hiss of escaping steam a nd boiling water accompanied by copious screams of sheer agony from him as he gets badly scalded, BUT hey God does move in mysterious ways does he not....LOL.

@Triphid It often depends on the age of the cylinder and its condition even refilling older damaged ones with propane can be extremely dangerous and I bet your friendly neighborhood religious nutbar is using all used parts so keep track and be sure to have a detailed account ready for the Darwin Awards website....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yep, ALL cylinders here i Australia have Pressure Testing dates stamped into them and a 10 year maximum usage span as well, then they MUST be returned to the manufacturer, destroyed and recycled.
This I know for a fact as I am a qualified Gas Fitter which was part of the Job Description when I was on the New South Wales Railways as a Train Examiner.

@Triphid If you have a dark sense of humor you can suggest he only fills the cylinder half way to make room for the steam to build up pressure.... If he does survive you can suggest he spend some time in a mental institution...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Nice idea, BUT I wouldn't him on anyone as a patient.

@Triphid As a mental patient they can always sedate him..... Oh and be sure he removes that safety valve those pesky things reduce the pressure inside the cylinder...
I do love his creative ignorance though a low pressure tank for a high pressure application with a car turbo that spins way too fast but has no real torque to spin an alternator and using an exposed heating element no doubt to electrically heat water with the resulting loss of efficiency. This should be very entertaining please keep us all posted on the results of his project including the size of the crater, distance the resulting mess flings his body parts (as well as the number of pieces) and the content of his insurance company's refusal letter....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Sorry BUT he has NO House Insurance after the last 'episode' since NO-one will insure him any more.
Even his car is ONLY insured for 3rd. Party Damages these days.

@Triphid I honestly don't see why nobody will insure him since they will never be required to pay on a claim after all that just makes him a 100% profit account....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz They're probably thinking of their 'reputation'.....LOL.

@Triphid Been my experience that large corporations care far more about profits than reputation.... Besides I can't think why he doesn't goon Amazon and pick up a couple nice 900 watt wind turbines which would do what he wants and be far less labor intensive not to mention highly unlikely to explode....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz No, mentioned that idea to him about 6 months ago, he rejected it because, in his words, " He'd be robbing the winds sent by God."
So what, exactly is he doing using Solar Panels to generate Electricity IF using wind-power is "robbing the winds sent by God."



See if you can talk him into installing blast mats around his project; for added insulation and efficiency of course. πŸ˜‰
I knew of a guy who put a system of galvanized pipes in his fireplace in the den, the idea was to use the heat from the wood fire to provide an assist to his hot water heater. He got the fire going and then realized that he hadn't filled the system with water yet, so he turned on the water valve, the water hit the super heated piping and turned to steam. Since there was no pressure relief valve the piping ruptured like shrapnel and shredded everything in the den, fortunately his family were upstairs in bed by the time he set off his home made bomb. No one was injured but the insurance company just walked away from the claim which was substantial.

Yeah, well Evangeloons Insurance Company did precisely the same thing when he caused his 240 litre Hot Water Storage Tank to explode a while back because he had ruptured the main water supply to the house, argued with the Plumber who dropped tools and walked away, so Evangelidiot shut off the water supply at the mains inlet and left the electricity switched on to the Water Heater.
Total costs for that debacle, 67.000 Dollars AU including, $1,500 for the local Emergency Services to come out and drape tarpaulins over his missing roof section, $1,800 for the Fire Brigade, $2,700 for the clean-up and $59,200 for the Builders to repair and replace.

@Triphid Sounds like one of those stable genius types.

@Surfpirate Yep, about a 'stable' as a table on top of Church Spire...LOL.


"even though he has solar panels" 🀣🀣🀣 So he's going to use the electricity from the solar panels to heat the water so he can generate electricity at night? 🀣🀣🀣 I'm not sure how efficient solar panels are with moonlight πŸ˜‚

Perhaps he can write a scientific paper on his results and give it to trumps energy secretary.

Going on what he was saying he plans to have the electricity supplied directly from his Meter box not from the Converter on his Solar Panels.
I did a quick calculation last evening using the volume of a 90 kilogram Gas cylinder ( Standard sized Domestic LPG Gas Cylinder) and what I could estimate the water it would contain, how much applied heat it would need to just raise that water to boiling point let alone to super-heat it.
My estimation, probably well under-estimated btw, was approx. 1.25 kilowatts per hour for 4 hours of heating time to reach 100 degrees C.
Now my 250 litre electric Hot Water Storage tank takes 3-4 hours from being drained, as it did when I replaced the old, leaking one about a month ago, refilled with cold mains water to reach at temperature set on just 60 degrees C.
I rang an old work-mate, a Fully Qualified Boilermaker btw, last evening and mentioned 'Genius George's plan to him, he laughed for quite a while then replied with " How's this bloody Drongo planning to put the network of pipes and baffles INSIDE the cylinder, without those the water will boil but WILL never reach super-heated status for starters, the cylinder will expand until it reaches the point of rupturing then the welded seam will split like a very over-ripe orange, spraying boiling water everywhere and anywhere."
"As for his using a Turbo from a car to drive the generator, that's a BIG joke since auto turbos are NOT rated to spin at the speeds required to turn ANY generator at enough revs to produce electricity at voltages such as would be necessary to generate 240 volts at 50Hz and 8 to 15 amps, plus he'd need to fit a set of steam collecting domes with built in safety valves to funnel the steam, which HAS to super-heated to in excess of 150 degrees C, and at pressures of above 200 pounds per square inch, don't panic about the whole set-up exploding, Mate, just stand by with a shovel and a bucket to pick up his well par-boiled body parts....LOL."


I favor heat using water heater type devices that puts hot water in radiators with a fan forced delivery system. It may or may not be cheaper and it might depend on where you live. No steam heat.

With that said, I have electric heat in my mobile home and I also have Eden pure heaters I can use. About 2 years ago I got radiator type oil filled heaters and experimented to see if I could get cheaper electric bills. All of these work fine really but I learned a kilowatt is a kilowatt. πŸ™‚

I liked the electric oil heaters when I had an old drafty house. They did save on heat bills.

@Beowulfsfriend I bought the kind that were controlled with a thermostat and then used them with a ceiling fan. They worked great but a kilowatt is still a kilowatt. πŸ™‚

@Beowulfsfriend Just can't beat my 1955 model, Wonderheat wood burning fire unit, heats the main parts of the house up to a temperature of between 22 and 24 degrees C, in winter even when it's around 2-5 degrees C, outside at night.


I'm sorry but I just finished watching the news and might not be in the proper frame of mind to respond but if a boiler is full of water, and it overpressures it will only rupture thereby reducing the pressure and perhaps peeing on your petunias! No explosive force can be achieved! Secondly, superheated steam is used to reduce the size of water droplets to prevent corrosion of the primary or first stages of the steam turbine's blading used in commercial applications, not necessary to produce backyard entertainment or electricity for that matter since saturated steam worked initially, just not as efficient!

I came across "Steam Boilers Are Exploding Everywhere" from 1881 (that's about Genius George's level) at []

@anglophone Yes, Steam Boilers can explode BUT 'Genius George' plans on using a Liquiified Propane Gas Cylinder designed for Domestic usage measuring approx. 4'8'' in height by 18' in diameter from steel about 1/4 -1/2 inches in thickness with a welded seam running the full from top to base.
Standard pressure capability for a cylinder that size is about 1.25 bar - 1.75 bar, they ONLY explode IF either FULL of Liquified Gas or partially Full and then ONLY if a B.L.E.V.E. occurs.
B.L.E.V.E.- Boiling Liquid Escaping Vapour Explosion, i.e. there is 'rupture of the welded seam or a puncture of the cylinder.
Steam Boilers are/were usually made from steel plate of up to and including 1'' to 1.5 inches in thickness, double rivetted BEFORE Electric Arc Welding came into being and the water was normally contained at extremely high pressures and temperatures.
But they also had Pressure Relief Valves fitted as well, HOWEVER they had to keep a watchful eyeon these valves and pressure otherwise the Boilers would explode with catastrophic results, etc, etc.
"Genius George's' tank is not rated for extreme pressures nor is it constructed to hold such pressures, it WILL, more than likely, merely split apart down the welded seam
And YES, @Paganlyl, Hot Water Storage tanks can EXPLODE catastrophically BUT only IF the Safety Release valves are 'dogged' or removed from the system in the first place, WHICH some idiots often do btw.


Well if he blows himself up, its god will.
A real weird engineering thing came up about 20 years back when we still had a coal industry. They replaced the antiquated steam engine winch with an electric one. So they are mining coal, to be sent a power station, that is turned into steam, to power a turbine, to make electricity, to send back to the mine, to power the winch....?

Just like Diesel -Electric Locomotives use diesel fuel to drive the massive diesel motor to drive a huge Alternator to make the electricity that powers the Traction motors that turn the driving wheels that propel the locomotive.


I can see the news headlines already " bogan finds a new way to destroy property "
I thought Dubbo people were stupid, but this takes the cake

Garf Level 7 Nov 12, 2020

LOL, don't laugh BUT he did originate from the 'over bridge."
Your side of the Darling River btw.
A place called Hill End I think it was.


Since you said he blew up something before can you report what he is trying to do? like a safety hazard to the neighborhood??

To use yet another Aussie bit of parlance here, B.I.I.K. ( Buggered If I know) but he THINKS (???? LOL) that he IS a very Wise and Knowing person.
Plus in his mind, Local Laws/Regulations, etc, DO NOT apply to him as ONLY the Laws. etc, as per God/Jesus matter.

@Triphid UGH, people like that frustrate me. Well, be as safe as you can. Sip your tea from your porch as you watch it go up, then nod your head knowingly, saying 'that's what ya get" πŸ™‚

@GenkidesRich Like the idea, but he seems to know when I step out of my front door unfortunately.
But that, I hope, will be 'seen to' in the very near future since my intention is grow both decorative ( non-producing) Grape vines with an evergreen climber mixed in with as a kind of screen.
The trellis will be about 7 feet high and about 25 feet long.
As soon as he see the grape vine in leaf he'll probably start thinking he can 'help himself to free grapes, BUT boy will he get a surprise...LOL.

@Triphid Def should document it and post vid/pics here. I am sure it would be a very popular post! πŸ™‚

@GenkidesRich Oh no worries I definitely intend to post photos of the trellis, etc, when it is all done.


So it boils down to this- he's attempting to build a perpetual motion machine.

Given that his mouth appears to be a perpetual motion machine ...


In Canada, there was actually a group of people seeking financing for a business which would supply "energy saving" home heating systems which would use circulated hot water heated electrically using microwaves.

Yes BUT those self-same people would HAVE to be well qualified in such a field, this LUNATIC, imo and to say the very LEAST, IS NOWHERE near qualified EXCEPT in his own 'wet' dreams as can easily seen by his 'talents' as a self-proclaimed Stone Mason.


How the hell is that guy still among the living?

He might not be for much longer. At least @Triphid will have some peace and quiet that way.

@anglophone That would be a plus.

To use Aussie parlance here, F.I.I.K. ( aka F***ed If I know.


Has he written his Will?

No idea BUT I reckon he's going to need one.
And I for one will NOT be volunteering to help pick the pieces and ANY that happen to land on my property will either get bagged and put in the Garbage or simply left for the crows as a meal.

Gimme a match.
I'l find that gas leak yet.

@Triphid The garbage is a better place. Why feed the crows poison? Don’t they deserve better? LOL

@SeaRay215ex Yes, but I hate heights so I'll leave it to the crows to clean the bits off the rooves around here IF it explodes....LOL.

@HumanistJohn Not quite as funny as you might think.
Once had, when Freight trains here had Brake-vans that is, a train arrive with the very distinct odour of leaking LPG coming from the 'dead-head' (spare) Brake-van.
Before I had the chance to get to the van, our resident idiot, nick-named Hank the Wank, climbed in lit a match and the rest, is as they say, HISTORY.
Hank survived but his clothing was literally shredded, his hair was badly singed , a number of 1st. degree burns on his face and arms, was thrown about 20 feet by the blast and when he had recovered was demoted to the position of Permanent Cleaner of Toilets and Showers.


Do you think if he blows up his own house it will get you too?

No, given the distances between houses, including his little ramshackle shed, the volume, etc, of the 'proposed boiler' and the attainable pressures it can reach WITHOUT being modified as per as Boiler system on a Steam Locomotive, etc, I doubt if it will do any collateral damage/s to neighbouring houses.
A few months back he managed to 'blow-up' his 250 litre electric Hot water storage tank, which was about 3-4 metres away from the dividing fence between our properties, it tore through his bathroom, kitchen and sent pieces flying through his while ripping the roof and ceiling off of his bathroom but no damage occurred to my house except a spray of water.
On my maternal side of the family I links with the old Steam Locos used by a local Rail Company I know quite well how their boilers are built and the specifications they MUST meet, etc.
In a Pacific class Steam Loco, the boiler holds around 4-600 GALLONS of water and at full temp, heat and pressure that can do some REAL damage for a radius of about 100-300 yards.
A LPG gas cylinder such the one he intends to use has a fracture quotient of approx. 100-125 pounds per square inch BEFORE the single welded seam will split apart.
Gas cylinders are made of single sheet steel about 1/3rd. - 1/2 inch thickness and when they do rupture they invariable rupture along the seam.

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