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How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk. Survey that can predict where you are from based on the words you use.


JeffB 6 Apr 18

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Let Stork Strine
(let us talk Australian)
It doesn't allow for the nuances of Affabeck Lauder, thinks I am from Jonkers. The only time I ever heard the name was from Michael Crawford and his mate Danny Crockin in Hello Dolly.

Hi neighbor


I'm most likely to be from Sacramento, San Clarito or Anaheim, apparently.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 18, 2018


Something you've been trying to supress?

@Spinliesel Must be, and I must have suppressed all memories - those three places can't be that bad, surely?!


I’m originally a New Yorker, it’s no challenge to figure that out if you here me talk. I got in a conversation with a random guy and I not only told him he was from Steten Island, I told him what neighborhood, even I was surprised that I got it right, fagetaboutit.


Accurate for me. From "out west"


According to this I am from Yonkers New Jersey. I suppose there must a load of scousers there lol

Seems to be a load of Scousers everywhere! Not quite as many as Glaswegians, however - if all Glaswegians were to return home, their city would probably have a population greater than that of China and India combined.

@Jnei Have you heard of the celtic boomerang. It doesn't come back, just spends 20 years singing songs about coming back


What a great quiz! And in my case, pretty accurate. Puts me beeboppin between Corona and North Las Vegas...two frequently visited and accurate boundaries of my original habitat! Too funny! Roly poly


Yins’s forgot the PA one. XP


That is an interesting survey. As a Canadian I have been identified as a Mid-Western American if I travel outside of Canada. Since I live close to what I would call the Mid-Western States, that is reasonable. The survey puts the most similar spots on the map exactly where one would expect them given this.


I'm all southern.

We shall raise again! but maybe less racist this time. Ok, never mind, I'll go listen to Mississippi God damn now.


They got me, must have been the bubbler question.

1 momma's people are scattered from Kentucky to Tennessee...Lo & behold, they pegged me there.


I'm busted!


I'm from Texas and it's y'all.

Damn right!


Spot on. but the questions about "crawfish" and "poboys" made it easy.


Pretty darn close. I'm originally from Florida.

Explains a lot. ??

@JeffB Thank you? LOL

@BearsNPenn jk jk. But I was thinking about Florida man stories.


Works! And yet I lived in the Deep South for 5 years or so and developed a deep south dialect/ was right after the Selma Marches and not smart to sound like a Northener in that small town, bigly!


From Chicago, but apparently I speak like a Californian. The question about waterfountain/drinking fountain/bubbler made me chuckle. I went to boarding high school in Wisconsin where the term bubbler is used. There were definitly disagreements between Wisconsinites and non-Wisconsinites over what the contraption was actually called. Hahaha


I don't have to take it. Every one of these I've taken plants me outside of NYC.


It says I am from Fresno, Denver, or Albuquerque. I did live in California for a couple of years as a small child, and in several other states, but I've lived in Illinois for the past 30 years.


Miami but im from New Zealand ??


I took one of these last year and it said Wisconson where I have never been. This one says Greensboro, Raleigh, Richmond where I have also not been except to drive through on my way to Ohio.
There were several questions where I use more than one answer so I suspect that made a difference as well.

I was born in southern rural Indiana but moved to Florida when I was 12. Have lived here since mid 70s

Since im off today and being lazy, I just took it again and selected some of my altarnate answers and got Dayton, St Louis and Springfield.

I have family in Ohio and no ties to the other.

I think the test is bunk


Wow most similar to Grand Rapids and Detroit! Very accurate in my case. Also Boise...

MsAl Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

When we lived in Texas there was a teacher there from the East. He liked my younger daughter and she always made him laugh when she said to fellow students, "hey, wait up you guys." That was her words and how she talked. "Hey, wait up you guys."
The teacher would laugh and shake his head. "Youse guys" he would say and he thought it was very funny. It was funny because that was not what my daughter was saying. It was my daughter who told me this story.


I live and breathe the Southwest (Texas). However, I lived in Illinois for a couple of years. Their version of ya'll was you'uns and they didn't go shopping, they went trading.

In New Orleans we "make groceries"

There were protest movements here with sighs that say. Make groceries not war.
Well we also had make levees not War as well.


I'm from OR. Not the state below CO.


Ha I have assimilated into my current state. I am an upstate New Yorker, guys. Don't give me this shit about a German accent. Some of those word suggestions are adorable. Must go back and copy some into my special nbook.

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