This god guy ain't doing much to help find the relatives & the victims of Surfside, FloriDuh.
But people are still praying. Even a Rabbi led a group in prayer. What's the definition of crazy???
wouldnt the god being be the cause of the collaspe?
The hypocrites give god credit for things they like, and will say, "it's god's will/plan" for bad shit - all the while praying for that one miracle.
@Beowulfsfriend well you gotta know that that kind of “prayer” is condemned right, as is seeking miracles
It is mazing that anyone at all survived who was in the portion which collapsed.
Even if you were on the top floors and did not have anything fall on top of you still had a fall of over 100 feet.
In the minds of evangefucks he could do no wrong.
It's been heavily featured here.
Earlier today, I got annoyed while watching the local news. Going on about a "prayer circle" at the site.
Then shots of priests, rabbis, and assorted religutards, leading prayers for everyone.
I said, out loud, "Fuck your prayers. You're there, go fucking pick up some rocks.
That would be more useful."
Couldn't agree more. Gag me!!
They already don't work for a living, why would they do it for free?
I listened to a Jewish Rabbi guy in Miami try to explain why god let this happen. Actually, I feel kinda sorry for the guy. God didn't let this happen because god isn't. But he can't say that because his profession is the belief system. Back during my counseling career I was asked several times to work with people who were non-believers, and that was such a refreshing change--that is, not having to tip-toe around peoples' dogma.
Building on a swamp in the first place and ignoring the fact that the building was sinking into the ground a few mm per year may just have had something to do with it.
@OldMetalHead In some countries, the owners, builders, and architect would be taken out and summarily shot.
It's almost as if this god guy doesn't exist.
You could have something there.....LOL.
@Triphid I admit it: I stole that line from somebody else years ago.