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The Hypocrisy of the Church

Catholic Church:
No meat on Fridays during Lent:

Ok so no eggs for breakfast

CC: No, eggs are ok

But eggs are chicken

CC: Not until they hatch

So the thing, isn't the thing until it's born?

CC: That's correct...Oh wait. Not always.

barjoe 9 Feb 25

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So true


Had to laugh. On a visit in Istanbul we were warned when taking a taxi to stay alert. If the driver hit a chicken then were to jump out and run. At that time when one kills a hen one doesn't pay for the hen but a certain number of chickens that would be born had the hen lived. As we hired the cab we would be responsible for the actions of the driver and would be the ones to pay. Remember, not all cultures think alike.


Homosexual, pedophiles wearing dresses are not reliable sources of reason. That is not a derogatory statement about homosexuals, it’s just the truth about RC priests.


While all the churches shout hypocrisy, the "example conversation" does not show that hypocrisy.

The Catholic Church would also say it is OK to kill a chicken at any time, and even eat it.

No church supports killing and eating children.

I think you mean children.

6 of one, half a dozen the other. They both make noises, messes, and poop a lot.

Egg=Embryo. Hatch=Birth. Saying an egg isn't a chicken until it's hatched is the same as saying an embryo isn't human until it's born. Tho satirical, it is definitely an example of hypocrisy and not irrelevant. @Alienbeing Your comment about cannibalism is what's totally irrelevant.

@barjoe, @glennlab Yes I did, I corrected that.


Just trying to make things work so it comes out the way they want it to....rational doesn't enter their logic.


That is exactly what the bibble said. Baby becomes a person at birth.

Numbers 3:15 says babies don't count until they are at least 1 month old.
So just being born isn't enough.


Consistency was never the church's strong suite.


The Catlick god botherers are anti abortion yet they eat eggs. Go figure
The Jewish religion states that a fetus is not alive until it is born. so eggs are Ok for them.
Catlickism/ Christianity is a Jewish cult so one must wonder how such a rotten apple fell so far from that unpalatable tree


Never point out their contradictions because it makes their tiny little brains explode.


That’s great 😂😂😂😂😂


It isn't but it is but it isn't until it is. Anyone else confused? 😖

Betty Level 8 Feb 25, 2023

Not themthey don't handle conflict well

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