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Wokism is trying to destroy what makes up the essence of culture, what gives it life, i.e. exchange, circulation, independence from parochial identitarian determinations. The defense against cultural appropriation shows its true face: the absurd and totalitarian dream of a culture that is pure, that gives nothing to other cultures and receives nothing from them. We mustn't forget: It was the Nazis who dreamed of a pure culture, uncontaminated by the outside world.

Thibaud70 7 Apr 13

Enjoy being online again!

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ohferpetesake, you are totally ignorant about what the term actually means, putting you down there with the 35% or so of MAGA idiots.



That's not what it means. Being "woke" or in other words "awoken" just means being aware of the truth that there is discrimination built into the system; "white hetero Christian male" is still, to too many, the default setting for what "America" is. Waking up to other cultures and identities expands American culture, it doesn't destroy it.


Everyone has dreamed of a pure culture. It's written into the human ego as ambition (Men have said he was so) in its most righteous form. It is the job of society to neuter it by free rejection of it but Americans love ambition. Therefore, it is unsurprising that some go too far or simply exploit it for power. Wokism is an ability to know and stop the naked power of ambition but will have its own excesses. The truly woke suggest only using as much action as necessary to counter ambition and the opposite reaction might not be terribly severe.

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