Another reason I remain with is the plethora of opinions & answers I can not locate when I search for them. There is a variety of knowledgeable people here & I thank you all.
Well what’s the first reason you remain with Agnostic then?! Must be all the perks?!
Couldn't agree more..
Opinions are just that , as everyone is entitled to an opinion. Where as factual evidence, while often challenged.remains the truth.
Word of the day must be. " Plethora". noun. . abundant or plentiful.
A recent widow was burying her husband when one of attendees of the service asked her if he could say a word about his late friend?! Of course you may, the bereaving widow replied. The man stood up and said “Plethora”!
“Thank you so much”!! She exclaimed, “That means a lot”!?!
Right back at you bra! We got us a community here.
I love that I have never been in jail. Unlike Facebook, where on word, regardless of context, can get you a temporary suspension. And much of the conversation on here is far more interesting than what can be discussed on Facebook. And far less trolls.
On Facebook it seems I am permanently banned from Marketplace. Somehow I used their tools to do something forbidden in Marketplace and there is just no way to fix it. Zuck and his AI's do not like me.
I got suspended once on here for quoting Bugs Bunny!!!!!!
A proud moment then and it always will be!
@annewimsey500 I was kicked off Agnostic along time ago. Probably caused by my posts on one of the gun lover groups. I forget why actually. It was pretty heated back then. It is still better than the others tho, FB,X,Yahoo comments, Reddit. Abedy abedy That's all folks.
@DenoPenno You don't need them homie.
". What's up folks". Bugs Bunny was never in it's wildest dreams intended to offend.
A cartoon rabbit is about as offensive as Elmer Fudds carrot patch.
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Every thread you have written or commented in will show up whenever there is another comment or emoji added....this will be shown at the upper right of this page with a notification action over over the bell symbol, just click the bell.
Appreciate the handy information, my liberal friend. Always enjoy reading your point of view on certain post's. can never be accused of being an echo chamber.