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Friday night I had way too many drinks and put Windows 10 Pro on my oldest daughter's computer. Then my phone rang and it was my daughter's mom blowing up my brain with things involving my great granddaughter who is 12. She takes care of the girl who does not really like her mother who is dope involved and been in the Missouri prison system twice. Not just jail, really in prison. The big deal now is that my great granddaughter's mom is convincing her 12 year old that she needs to write this guy who is in prison. Since the girl's father does not want her, this guy even says she can call him dad. When not in prison he is beating the crap out of my granddaughter who apparently thinks this is a sign of love. Beat me up and gimme dope, then I can get my 12 year old into this and we can all be one happy family.

This can never happen. With the drinks and all of this info I told her grandma, oh, hell no! We have a normal 12 year old here and her mom wants to ruin her in the name of dope and love. I found out that the guy had actually written my great granddaughter a letter but now they are all being returned. He cannot have ANY relationship with her. Then her mom wants to say otherwise because she is the mom. Chuck you, Farley! You have no say here in this at all and you cannot even get custody of your daughter. That's why she is living with grandma.

Normally I am polite and well mannered but I get my point across. Three years active in the Army and I learned to cuss like a sailor. In Friday night's phone call lots of magic words were said and thrown about. If this guy in prison is who I think he is, I recall a time he was brought to Thanksgiving dinner against our wishes. He played outside with all the kids and when they come in to eat he told them after dinner they were going to call up people in a nursing home and make fun of them. That did it with me. I said really. You think it would be fun to do this and teach these kids that. My words struck him speechless as I went on and the somebitch would not answer or even look at me. So much for bad men in prison. We all have to protect our kids.

DenoPenno 9 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Good lord, your instincts are absolutely right! Protect that young lady at ANY cost! I can't give you the benefit of any experience from my own life (and thank goodness for that), but however you handle it, that girl comes first. All my best Deno, good luck partner! 💙


I got my AA degree in Addiction Studies. I burned out while doing the counseling internships because addicted people are not rational thinkers and I could not imagine a career or lifetime dealing with them.

As for general advice... If a person has a substance abuse problem, you can't help them unless they are ready and wanting to recover themselves. For most of them, this means "hitting bottom". When it is the people you love, it is hard not to help them, but every time you make their life easier while they are using, you are inadvertently enabling their addition. The best thing you can do to help is nothing other than help them find resources for their recovery. Most will react harshly to such a stance and will often say hateful things, but that is the addiction that has taken over their lives doing the talking. Their "real selves" or sober selves has been buried deep and it usually takes more than a year of sobriety for their better selves to reemerge.

One of my brothers had problems with alcohol and drugs, but eventually, he did get sober. I still won't lend him money, because I would never see it again. He was never responsible person even before he had substance abuse issues.

I hear you on all of this and I never loan money to anyone, not even my own kids. Loaned money most often is not repaid. Also, people do not understand even when not addicted. An example is my neighbor who called me the other day about a vacuum cleaner I bought for $5 at a yard sale. He wanted to give me the $5 for it. I'm sorry. I was bragging about my buy. If I sell it to you for what I paid for it this means I got no bargain at all. You need to find your own bargains and I'm not the bargain place.


Crystal meth is death. It turns people's brains to mush; parents will pimp out their own kids. Such a waste. The convict sounds like a real loser. Glad you got his number. Your doing right. Stay on top of it. Good luck.


Hang on in there, the old a least have patience on their side, while things often change quickly among the young.


Deno, I won’t try to improve on what others have suggested . . . or may yet suggest.


Sounds like you could have your own reality show version of Mama June Family Crisis. Glad you are watching out for and being protective of your young relative, but it also sounds like your other relatives are POS that are beyond hope. Glad you are a better and stronger person than me, because I would have already given up on the whole lot of them and walked away for good..

Notice Tom that I am not taking care of any of them. I walked away years ago and got damned for it. Then my 2 daughters wanted to live with me. The ACLU stepped in as lawyer for my girls and their mother hated me. Now she has 2 dead husbands and I have been on the side of her and my daughters without hate or vindictiveness. The crooks and dopers fall away and the children of my children have to take sides. My kids end up raising them and I'm just here for guidance. Nobody lives with me but I have firm beliefs of right and wrong, none of them from the bible.




Make sure you report this to your state's version of CPS and let them know that you want full irrevocable custody of your granddaughter and forward the letters to them as well. Make sure this scum gets nowhere near the girl and make sure your daughter only has supervised visitation when she gets out.

That is what I would do.

I agree.

Although some of my family remains religious the grandsons and granddaughters have been torn apart by dope. My oldest grandson was murdered a few years ago because of dope. This left the great grandkids open to a similar life unless we all stepped in. My youngest daughter raises her 2 grandkids because the mother has mental problems. Dope can do that to you. The granddaughter who wants her child to be involved with this convict is not fit to raise her own child. Her grandma is doing that and the courts have been involved. Homeless people on dope and with no job do not get their kids in court actions. It just does not work that way. Of course, you just cannot tell them that.

One of my daughter's husband is a doper and they have not lived together for 2 years now. He took her classic car and sold it for $700 and it was not even legal and could not be made legal. The "buyer" of the car knew this but drove it anyway until it was reported and he got caught. Later my daughter was told this was all her fault because she reported it. This is how these people think.

@DenoPenno I think we may be related…..🤔

@DenoPenno At least you may be able to save this one...

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