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Academics use imaginary data in their research-

That's a big reason why we are seeing so many dis/misinformation campaigns nowadays, as far too many people value an appearance of truth over objective reality/actual facts. Both political extremes are guilty of that.

SpikeTalon 9 May 7

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You collect data and there will be a margin of error. Much of these "research" information we get is dodgy as because the sample groups are so small and they extrapolate result out.
Academic research financed by corporations who aim to make profit is also highly suspicious. Not a new thing eg how many "Academic research" papers indicated smoking was not a problem during the 70's?

puff Level 8 May 7, 2024

Extrapolation and multicollinearity have the potential to produce some seriously skewed statistics, which was the concern that was attempted to get pointed out in the author's piece. Multiple variables to consider when compiling any sort of research, and over the years I've observed too many research efforts overlook such, which is problematic.

@SpikeTalon Another problem with "sponsored" research is the questions are written with bias so a desired outcome is achieved.

@puff And that too...


The author of this piece has either never taken a statistics course or doesn't understand it. The reason there are terms for what was done is that they are accepted practices as long as they are disclosed in the patterns and practices portion of the papers. It is also clear that he doesn't understand simple calculus. You don't use a spreadsheet for a database problem.
I looked at his referenced samples and they were in obscure journals with limited circulation, if prestigious journals whose readers would be able to discern the bullshit from the legitimate research. Had he done his research he could have presented a much better article.
He was as bad if not worse than the people he was complaining about. At least the people he was complaining about showed their work and how they came to their conclusions and did not hide it in the text.

Brown's own method(s) may have also been carried out in a sloppy manner like those he was criticizing, but it was the general point he tried to make and not his own research ways that I was focusing on there, and he made a valid observation, in particular with regression analysis. Correlation does not automatically imply causation, even in regression analysis. Then throw in a mixture of too much extrapolation, the exclusion of certain predictor variables like lurking or confounding variables, and multicollinearity which can produce skewed statistics. I see that sort of thing in research efforts all too often, and yet it appears a majority of people are taking such research at face value.

Just because the author's own way of collecting and analyzing data is questionable would not remove the fact that those he was criticizing was a reasonable conclusion, and one of which I certainly have and continue to observe when it comes to the research of hot-button topics such as racism/abortion/and gun control etc. Just because people readily show/share their research with the general public, does not automatically mean they are correct in said research or more trustworthy for doing so.

@SpikeTalon Yes he had some valid points, but a very poor way of presenting them. As someone that has had to devour research papers for decades, you should learn how to read them early in your educational process. I have been highly critical of many papers due to their faulty use of their statistical samples, limited universes, selection criteria, deselection criteria, faulty or plain bad math.


And she got slammed for it all...does that tell you Nothing?

Yeah... but look how long that took, and how much public outrage was first required before action was finally taken against her. People like that don't deserve to have excuses made up for them in an attempt to somehow try to justify their behavior(s).

@SpikeTalon One major problem is the institutional investment in published papers. Not just the author, but every person that was involved in writing, review, approval, submission, peer review, then publishing. It is rare that even discredit papers are removed except by the author. It is a very flawed system.

@glennlab I know... and that's precisely what concerns me.


I heard someone say the other day that the powers that be should pull a Tiananmen Square on these Comunist little punks. OH THE IRONY!! 😄 But I must say, it wouldn't hurt my feeling THAT much.

What site did you read that on? Just curious is all.

@SpikeTalon It was someone sitting at a bar (The Dock House in Beaufort, NC)..

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