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I went to Hobby Lobby today to look for some fabric--this makes me a hypocrite because I hate the store's policies concerning women, but I still buy fabric there when it is 40% off. However, it is not my hypocrisy or the store which is the subject of this post.

Enrollment in higher education is apparently down throughout the country as a full--time instructor pulled the class I was scheduled to teach this summer at the local community college because her class was not making (no students were enrolling). However, the class assigned to me only had one student, so I don't know if it made or not. I also found out last week that I did not get classes at one of my other schools next term because enrollment is down in graduate literature classes. I am not surprised. However losing big chunks of my income is not the subject of this post.

This is the subject of the post: while I was at Hobby Lobby, I talked to a woman who works there whom I consider a friend though our only contact is at the store. I told her about not getting classes again due to low enrollment. She said that god would provide for me.

I told her that I would provide for myself and already have--though I will miss the income, I won't starve to death for a couple of decades because I have CDs and IRAs to last for awhile (and still have classes at the third school and most likely, will have at least one at the local school in the fall). I am not going to give a god credit for providing while I have been the one to do the work and the saving.

However, that is only part of the subject of the post.

She said that she wanted me to come to church with her one Sunday and she would buy dinner. I told her unequivocally that I would not be going to church. She said I might like it and I reiterated that I would not be going.

Hey, she tried. The only reason I tolerate this is because I know she is truly concerned about the state of my soul. She does not get upset or accusatory due to my lack of faith and her concern is genuine. Other Xtians who ask me to come to church are striving for brownie points from Jesus.

Get used to long posts from me as I am going to have more time on my hands come late July and having only one course until at least August!

Gwen_Wanderer 7 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I can’t imagine surviving that long on one course, unless it is bacon cheeseburgers every day?!🤔

I don't eat cows or pigs!

I usually have two courses at that school but remember, I teach for two other schools. My combined income for all three schools is pretty good for an adjunct. However, enrollment is apparently down across the country. Typically, I teach six classes concurrently.

As I am 71, I plan to cut back in the next year or so two or three classes. I can easily survive on that (with my SS) without dipping into my CDs/IRAs, but I will have to start withdrawing from the IRA when I am 73.

On the other hand, if you want to send a CARE package of dark chocolate, don't hesitate. I would say send ice cream, but shipping would be a problem.


Adult Education around here is Always looking for teachers, for anything at all.

I am torn about looking for a job to fill the time! I have been online for so long, the thought of having to go "someplace" to work per job requirements is not appealing. We'll see how bored I get.


Ooo, sorry your classes fell through. While I am never in the market for fabric, I actually do not patronize Home Depot, Chick-fil-A, or Publix because of the wingnuts that own them. It ain't much, but it makes me feel a little better. My son attended a wide variety of churches with his friends when he was in high school. He liked the Buddhists best because they had the best food. He decided to stick with atheism. But if a Buddhist invites you to church, you should go and check out the food. 😏

zeuser Level 9 June 19, 2024

The issue of the classes is fine! While it is a big hit on my income, I am looking forward to not teaching six classes--this forces me to take a break I need. Financially, I will be fine.

I never eat at Chick-fil-a. I didn't know that Home Depot was "that way," but I never shop there anyway. I don't even know that Publix is.

I only buy fabric at HL and justify it by only buying it when it is 40% off--the company is not getting as much money from me. I wrote in another thread about deluding one's self, and I guess this is my delusion!

I never meet Buddhists in Walmart or the place I frequent, but I would consider going if I met a Buddhist. I used to attend some pagan gatherings, but my friend who led them died a few years ago.

Yeah, I don’t do Chic fil a or HD either. As for Hobby Lobby, wtf is in that place anyhows….🤷🏻♂️


I hate Hobby Lobby and David Green. These are just terms I use because of their policies. I would still go there, but understand also that Green had to turn lose of some items he had in his Museum of the Bible. The items were considered stolen and belonged to other countries.

I'm aware that I cannot pick your friends also, but religious ones I no longer have. (Maybe my 2 daughters but they do things their own way.) I do not have a "lack of faith." It can be called that but I learned what faith really is. It is as imaginary as the god it supposedly applies to. I have seen behind the curtain.

I got into CD's because of my insurance agent. She said I could make money this way and it was a lot better than just having the money in the bank. Not so long ago I showed my drinky neighbor one certificate in hopes he would understand something and leave me alone. I'm not sure he can read.

He insists that Michelle Obama is the reason our local public schools stopped the food for children program. She signed something or snuke it in there when she was in office, he says. I tell him she was never in any office. He says he knows people who will disagree with me. She told everyone that "you can have 2 chicken nuggets, but not 4", he said. Sometimes I damned near have to run him off and most of the time I hide out inside my own place. Lots of people just do not get that.

As I noted to someone else, I posted a thread about delusions and I guess shopping at HL is my delusion. Since I only buy fabric when it is 40% off, they are not getting as much of my money.

I will not discriminate against Xtians but having one as a close friend is not likely. This woman and I will never see each other outside of the store. On the other hand, my pagan friend with whom I hooked up with lately after many years is as goofy as the Xtians per her beliefs.

I went with CDs rather than the stock market because I cannot afford to gamble with my retirement money. So far, they have been profitable--even more so now as interest rates have gone up. I should be fine until I am 90, but I am going to be pissed if I die earlier as I could have spent the money which I invested in fun things, i.e. a sports car.


Ah, the distinction between socially good and honest people and those who try to foist their own religion onto other because of their own fears.

I look forward to reading more of your wordsmithing.

My routine is grading and posting in discussions in the morning to early afternoon. I pick up my granddaughter after school three days a week, and I quilt in the evening. Now it is summer, I also mow my lawn and work in the yard. Not having those two classes will open up my schedule, especially in the weeks when the 20 page papers are due.

I want to cut back to 2/3 classes next year, but this forces me to take a break which I really need. Though enrollment is down all over, I still anticipate having classes from my other two schools.

I will find something to occupy my time! You might get tired of my posts.


I now consider myself fairly warned...

You know that as a former pagan, I still use magic to entice people to read my posts!


Hey, if you don't write the Great American Novel, maybe you can package your posts into a collection of short subjects! 😂

I think one of my delusions is that I use grading as an excuse not to write. We'll see once I have more time.

I wrote a novel decades ago but the file is buried somewhere in my computer. There are dozens of ideas in my head, but again, I use school as an excuse not to commit them to paper.


Anyone who will not respect your beliefs and persists in “being concerned about the state of your soul” by trying to get you to church repeatedly is not a friend. She is an indoctrinated believer who does not think for herself and disrespects you.

I will choose the people whom I call "friend."

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