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I thought my prostate exam went pretty well until the nurse walked in as the guy was leaving and asked

"Who was that?"

glennlab 10 Sep 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I also live in Texas. Please tell me what the place was.


Other weird responses:

1.A whole new meaning to the doctor is in..

2.Now I know what a muppet feels like!

3.Just put your pants over there by mine.”

4.Why are both your hands on my shoulders?

5.Last time I had a prostate exam the doctor lit a cigarette once he finished.
I said “come on doctor don’t smoke that in here, I am going to get second hand smoke”
He said “well what are you still doing here? Get the fuck out of my car”

You need a new doctor.

Or hearing your gay double arm amputee proctologist standing behind you say, "drop your pants, this procedure might hurt a little."


Who was that masked alien?...

That did it. 🤣


You have done your good deed for the day. 😉

Betty Level 8 Sep 25, 2024

And so shines a good deed in a weary world...

@SpikeTalon The Evil Clown is cool. 😎

@Betty Had asked you a question elsewhere, jokingly though, and said comment mentioned about the evil clowns.

@SpikeTalon I know. I saw it and responded. (Criss-cross).

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