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God damn commies harassing people on this site, this shit shows up every time i post on conservative atheists group

Communistbitch 6 Oct 20

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It's a site glitch or bug. Nobody is doing it to you. This website is slowly falling apart.

Tejas Level 8 Oct 21, 2024

Coincidentally just happens on the conservative site? Plus he shut down slug. Not buying it


I thought you were the one posting this. I found it several times with your name on it.

Weird, them gremlins


Why don't you just leave the group?

Don't be so logical--it confuses some people.

Why don't the admin butt out? I instead of being control freaks forcing their communist ideologies on everyone?


Good list! Thanks for re-posting!

Hello idiot, I get this stupid list every time I click is wrong with you?

@Communistbitch I think some is trying to send you a message.

@Flyingsaucesir no, it only happens in conservative atheist group dumbass

@Flyingsaucesir if it shows up one time, ok. If it shows up every time just because the commie administration disagrees with that group, it's harassment

@Communistbitch There's probably a good reason why you keep receiving this message.

@Flyingsaucesir because it's on the conservative atheists site. I don't get it from other groups. Its targeted harassment

@Communistbitch You still have not answered my question. What is it about this list that you don't like?

@Flyingsaucesir you. I don't like you

@Communistbitch you do realize he is asking about the list, right?
Or do your meds need serious adjustment, STAT......

@annewimsey500 Maybe I should take that as a compliment? It sounds like he is equating the list with me personally, though I never claimed authorship. I certainly would not deny having penned it if I had; it's a very good list! 😂

@annewimsey500 it's a stupid fucking question that doesn't deserve an answer. It's like me asking you: how come you are a retarded bitch?

@Communistbitch But Wait!
I would have to consider you a worthy opponent to care about your opinion. Soooorrrryyyyyy.

@annewimsey500 well since this post is about harassment, the words are pointless

@annewimsey500 This guy is operating at a 4th-grade level. 🙄

@Communistbitch, @annewimsey500 I had the same happen on an Aussie Sceptics post - eventually I reposted in Hello & General but just checking back half a day later find that the post has now properly appeared. . . "This article exposes the big lie, with documented evidence, the federal government has pushed that ..."


BTW, whoever founded the Conservative Atheists group, he/she/they apparently only wants/want to live in a comfy little bubble, an echo chamber where only his/her/their viewpoint can be aired. He/she/they is/are, like a stick in the mud, stuck, and not interested in learning anything new. Shame.

I will go further. I will posit that the founder of Conservative Atheists wouldn't know a true conservative if one bit him/her/them on the nose.


Looks pretty reasonable to me. What exactly is it about these principles that you object to?

Fucking idiot

@Communistbitch You didn't answer my question.

@Flyingsaucesir because it's a stupid question from a fucking idiot

@Communistbitch But Wait, people, he has no answer! Res Ipsa!

@Flyingsaucesir Mr. Communist Bitch hates me, too. Now, he hates you. You are in good company. The only reason I don't block him is because his ranting is amusing. I think he might have a corn cob stuck up his derriere and it makes him irritable.


Probably agree with most on what is written, yet can't read it all. I think on both sides of my brain. Both conversations and liberal, base my life on good sense and simplified to be honest and don't harm.

Can't read it all? Why not?

It's the point that I can't even edit my own post because the commie asshole is harassing people


Too blurry and small.

@Castlepaloma when that happens I usually enlarge whatever it is. It only takes 2 fingers......✌️


I generally live my life by all 10 of those suggestions. I believe that if everyone did the same, it would generally bring peace and calm to the world.

If you try editing your post and this context up every time. They don't live by their own rules, typical liberal commie

@Communistbitch umm, a "liberal commie" is an oxymoron.
And BTW I believe I pointed this out before, "commie" was kind of Over under Reagan, so i guess welcome back from Pluto.......

@annewimsey500 modern day liberals are commies.


To some degrees, I agree, also same with much of the Goverment God's. There is only one God, it's called Goverment. Still none of them are my God.

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