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Just went over to FB to check out Agnostic over there. Not an administration post since 2018.
Crash & burn. Was a great ride & got me thru Covid. Had lots of fun & some great arguments. Proudly was banned once. I have experience with being banned., so.....

Mooolah 8 Nov 22

Enjoy being online again!

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FB was where I 1st acquiesced to prompts from
February 2018. Widowed September 2018. Went into isolation January 2019.
Now the return of the "Mango Mussalini". What year is it again? 1939?


My experience with Facebook is very limited. It was probably more than ten years ago that some student(s) at the high school where I taught created a fake Facebook account with my name, some text that I did not write, and a few pictures of me. I tried several times to get Facebook to delete the account with no success. For all I know, it still exists.

Then there was the time I created my own Facebook account, with the sole purpose of communicating with a woman I met while shopping at Sprouts. But as soon as I was on Facebook, and saw what a busy mess it is, I deleted the account. It just wasn't worth it. I never saw or heard from the woman again, and that's ok.

I have enjoyed this site, perhaps too much. It was good to chat and compare notes with the many well-informed and reasonable people here. It was also, unfortunately, all too easy to invest hours into composing cogent, fact-based arguments that apparently convinced none of the people (MAGA-hatters, for the most part) most in need of convincing. So it's with mixed feelings that I turn the page and move on.

We are now at an inflection point in American history. The voters have chosen a proven criminal to the country's highest office, and we're barrelling down the road to autocratic distopía. We're in for a wild ride, and we're going to need means of communication that are more secure and more reliable than this one. I wish us all luck. We're going to need it.

Be cool, ya'll. ✌️


Years ago I looked on FB for science enthusiasts, found none and never went back.


I didn't even know we had a FB page. Oh well... looks like didn't miss much


unfortunately agnostic sites get quickly overrun by gnostic atheist trolls and other know-it-all durs, whaddya gonnado.


I use the same name on all of them if I am in them at all. I consider myself a political activist but comment on many things that do not interest all of us. One example just now is a man on Atheist Universe posting that Russia does not mess around and if war starts they should take out all the satellites. No starlink and no GPS, etc. but was this guy really thinking. Maybe not coz that war would be like poking out everyone's eyes and giving them weapons. No advantage there for anyone on earth, I would say.

My Facebook use is mostly keeping in touch with family. I have daughters on there that have phones but would rather text you to death if they reply at all. Recently the older one and I had a long talk in Messenger which works well but only one person can speak at a time. I have a permanent ban in FB in Marketplace. Apparently I wanted to misuse tools that Zuckerberg gave us. Even now his AI pops up and warns me that I might be saying something that would get me banned. This will be worse next year as the new terms of service apply. Get this big laugh. Facebook does not sell our information. ROTFLMAO on that one.

The bottom line on me interacting with any group is that I will NOT do it on my phone. I just woke up and my phone is in another room where I have not even looked at it's screen yet. Apps and the phone. Back off or I will bounce you off a wall. (Talking to the phone here.) If I leave the house my phone is in my pocket. At home it is on a shelf. My main phone of choice at home is a VOIP Spectrum connection where I use a portable rechargable phone like most people had in 2000.

I have a similar set up with the home phone and cell. I have a flip top cell phone I use for emergencies - like if I'm in the car or need to return a package and require an image of that little square thingy.
Other wise the cell is off, it costs me about $8 amonth. Spectrum was my best option for internet and phone. I am still pissed they failed to renew the ACA -Affordable Connectivity Act, that $30 credit was really nice. Of course many elected officials don't want people connected to a resource for information.
I like my portable rechargable phone!!


I do facebook to stay in touch with family on the east coast. I have a small circle of friends so I managed to avoid most issues people have with facebook.
It was where I found Agnostic. It was very helpful through COVID and I will miss it if it goes totally teats up.


This site got me through the aftermath of my breakup from my old boyfriend. I realized I had more in common to talk about with strangers than him!

Having this site as an outlet and discussion exchange was good while it lasted, but I find that I check in here far less frequently than when I first discovered it. I like the format of it. I liked the fact that everyone here were strangers - so that I could talk about things here that I can't with my facebook friends or real life acquaintances.

Well - I think I learned a few things and came to the conclusion that there are many people out there with similar world view and mindset as me. That's a good thing!

I joined late in 2017 and pretty quickly got to the free t-shirt and pen level. lol It was great finding like minded people and many of the religious memes had me hearing my Dad's laughter in my head. He was an atheist and would have really enjoyed the site and discussions. He actually studied the Bible and was interested in the different versions.
I really wish it was being maintained. Have you looked into Tribel or Bluesky? I've joined both.

@silverotter11 I don't know what Tribel is yet, but I did join Bluesky a while back. I haven't had much time to explore there. I tend to seek non-religious conversations during the holidays, when I'm otherwise bombarded by religious songs and references.

@silverotter11 I am on Tribel & will look into Bluesky. Thank you for the lead.


Yeah it doesn’t look good for this place. Got me through the pandemic too!

I will be fine it it goes away, since I got on reddit a few months ago, and have found a few good forums on there, that still discuss dating, unlike this site, which went dead on those groups and forums a long time ago. I also have a couple subreddits that discuss local and state politics, and that often opens up discussions of national politics too.

@TomMcGiverin There’s a few of us on under the Agnostics Refugees group. Also Bluesky looks ok. Hemant Mehta is posting his stuff there.

@Scott321 I thought I recognized your apple on Tribel. I still can't find the Agnostics Refugees group. I followed you, Glenn a bunch of others.
If this site goes completely dark I will miss it. I'm in a really MAGA area of WA State and there are a few who saw through the con but we can't talk politics in the club house - even if it's just 2 friends chatting.
I'm really the only openly atheist person, there was a really wonderful fun woman who was Catholic but enjoyed a good religious discussion. She was great fun at board games too. But she moved to Philly to help raise her grandson. anyhow hoo

I’m now posting rando thoughts on my new Bluesky:

That will more or less match postings to Tribel.

@Scott321 I'm following you.

@TomMcGiverin I am on Reddit also. Found a few groups as well. Might run into you there. Smiles.

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