Have you conquered what you are afraid of ?
The death of my son fucked me up. I don’t really care if I live or die. What’s the point? There’s no definition of ‘happiness’ that I even understand, anymore. Fear is a mechanism in place to alert an animal to get out of a situation in order to preserve life. It’s just fucking gone in me.
@Donotbelieve you’re one of those who do
@Donotbelieve real, intelligent, nice people help me see that there is some value left in humanity
This is very heavy. I'm sorry about your son. Two of my three kids died when they were 15 and 29. It is such a devastating thing to endure. I don't know how old your son was or how long ago he died, but, I hope that a day will come when you can find something, no matter how small, to be happy about, and reclaim your life. It doesn't seem like it could possibly happen, but, it might. Grief is something you can't rush through, unfortunately. Again, I am very sorry.
I would say, you were slammed with the ‘big one,’ the loss of a child is not something I have had to face, but I am certain that it would be the ultimate ‘everything!’ I know others that have experienced that loss, they are diffferent now. Your sorrow is warranted. You must create a different place for yourself! My
@Wisewoman3 Dakota was 19. He would be 22 in a little over a month.
@NothinnXpreVails that is so terrible. So sad. I wish you peace, and I hope that someday you will be able to reconcile this tragedy that you are enduring.
We all have a story, I'm very sorry about your loss. I have lost a child myself. I very much can relate.
That is why we should all love each other a bit more.....I am sorry for your loss. I went through a huge loss last year myself. Just know that there are people that do care. Thats how I am making it through. Day by day.
@Wildgreens I’m sorry
Sadly not. He is still ensconced in the White House, trampling on accepted norms, destroying US standing in the world, gutting government departments, emboldenming white nationalists and forwign dictators alike, and sowing the seeds of dismay and disruption where 'ere he treads.
Who ever woulda thought that one day even Dubya would look good?
Trump in the White house is about as horrifying and scares can be.
I so agree with you!
I believe you are referring to our own personal fears. I have not conquered mine but have made peace with most.
Except for insects. I like bees, ladybirds (ladybugs?), and I’m ok with small, ethereal little things that don’t have nasty habits. Everything else can do one. Especially moths. No moths, especially the big hairy ones. Nope.
LOL...’no moths’...one swat does those suckers in, if they want to kiss you!
By the way. I am so fucking proud of this growing community. So many people that show a kind thought or word.
I think that I have mostly! But, there is always more to do as I find that my fears are not all revealed at once or else I develop others with just living! I have learned to face them and not to fear my fears! Sometimes, they may be needed!
I am terrified of man made heights. I don't trust the structures. Anyways, I will still climb up a fire tower to see the view. Or zoom down a zip line to feel the wind go over my bald head.
Yes. I have made a full 180 from the person I was in my teens and 20's, coming to terms with the why and how of it. Little flashes of it still emerge and it still affects my world view, but there's not much to do about that, I can't change the past or the damage done. I can live beyond it though - and do. Yay me !
Nope. I'm still afraid of spiders.
I am not a fan. I can definitely deal with one if I have to, but I prefer not to. (we are talking the big ones, not the itty bitty ones).
I will never conquer my fear of snakes. I'm also afraid to fly, but am able to do so yearly to Washington. but snakes, no way!
No snakes for me. I understand.
So I assume the movie "Snakes on a Plane" is not your favorite movie.
I have been speaking and performing music in front of people most of my life, but I still get stage fright the first minute or so.......
I am nearly fearless except for heights, flying and burning to death. Since they are all connected with flying, I don't do it.
Fear combo!
Yes but it came back to me. Getting off the ground in a gyrocopter and maintaining control. I git past that. After i quit for awhile . I had to climb a tower and noticed the height and the ladder and froze for a moment. I guess it started when i started dropping things. I suppose i was thinking about slipping and falling.